langchain[minor], core[minor]: update json, pydantic parser. add openai-json structured output runnable (#16914)

Bagatur 4 months ago committed by GitHub
parent e22c4d4eb0
commit 852973d616
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def _custom_parser(multiline_string: str) -> str:
multiline_string = multiline_string.decode()
multiline_string = re.sub(
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ def parse_json_markdown(
The parsed JSON object as a Python dictionary.
# Try to find JSON string within triple backticks
match ="```(json)?(.*)(```)?", json_string, re.DOTALL)
match ="```(json)?(.*)", json_string, re.DOTALL)
# If no match found, assume the entire string is a JSON string
if match is None:
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ def parse_json_markdown(
json_str =
# Strip whitespace and newlines from the start and end
json_str = json_str.strip()
json_str = json_str.strip().strip("`")
# handle newlines and other special characters inside the returned value
json_str = _custom_parser(json_str)
@ -211,7 +211,8 @@ class JsonOutputParser(BaseCumulativeTransformOutputParser[Any]):
return parse_json_markdown(text)
except JSONDecodeError as e:
raise OutputParserException(f"Invalid json output: {text}") from e
msg = f"Invalid json output: {text}"
raise OutputParserException(msg, llm_output=text) from e
def parse(self, text: str) -> Any:
return self.parse_result([Generation(text=text)])

@ -70,21 +70,7 @@ JSON_WITH_MARKDOWN_CODE_BLOCK = """```json
"action": "Final Answer",
"action_input": "```bar\n<div id="1" class=\"value\">\n\ttext\n</div>```"
"action": "Final Answer",
"action_input": "{"foo": "bar", "bar": "foo"}"
"action": "Final Answer",
"action_input": "{\"foo\": \"bar\", \"bar\": \"foo\"}"
"action_input": "```bar\n<div id=\\"1\\" class=\\"value\\">\n\ttext\n</div>```"
@ -202,6 +188,8 @@ def test_parse_json_with_code_blocks() -> None:
parsed = parse_json_markdown(JSON_WITH_MARKDOWN_CODE_BLOCK)
assert parsed == {"foo": "```bar```"}
def test_parse_json_with_code_blocks_and_newlines() -> None:
parsed = parse_json_markdown(JSON_WITH_MARKDOWN_CODE_BLOCK_AND_NEWLINES)
assert parsed == {
@ -211,8 +199,6 @@ def test_parse_json_with_code_blocks() -> None:

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
from langchain.chains.openai_functions.base import (
from langchain.chains.openai_functions.citation_fuzzy_match import (
@ -21,6 +18,11 @@ from langchain.chains.openai_functions.tagging import (
from langchain.chains.structured_output.base import (
__all__ = [
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ __all__ = [
"create_structured_output_runnable", # backwards compatibility
"create_openai_fn_runnable", # backwards compatibility
"get_openai_output_parser", # backwards compatibility

@ -12,229 +12,34 @@ from typing import (
from langchain_core._api import deprecated
from langchain_core.language_models import BaseLanguageModel
from langchain_core.output_parsers import (
from langchain_core.prompts import BasePromptTemplate
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
from langchain_core.runnables import Runnable
from langchain_core.utils.function_calling import (
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
from langchain.chains.structured_output.base import (
from langchain.output_parsers.openai_functions import (
def get_openai_output_parser(
functions: Sequence[Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel], Callable]],
) -> Union[BaseOutputParser, BaseGenerationOutputParser]:
"""Get the appropriate function output parser given the user functions.
functions: Sequence where element is a dictionary, a pydantic.BaseModel class,
or a Python function. If a dictionary is passed in, it is assumed to
already be a valid OpenAI function.
A PydanticOutputFunctionsParser if functions are Pydantic classes, otherwise
a JsonOutputFunctionsParser. If there's only one function and it is
not a Pydantic class, then the output parser will automatically extract
only the function arguments and not the function name.
function_names = [convert_to_openai_function(f)["name"] for f in functions]
if isinstance(functions[0], type) and issubclass(functions[0], BaseModel):
if len(functions) > 1:
pydantic_schema: Union[Dict, Type[BaseModel]] = {
name: fn for name, fn in zip(function_names, functions)
pydantic_schema = functions[0]
output_parser: Union[
BaseOutputParser, BaseGenerationOutputParser
] = PydanticOutputFunctionsParser(pydantic_schema=pydantic_schema)
output_parser = JsonOutputFunctionsParser(args_only=len(functions) <= 1)
return output_parser
def create_openai_fn_runnable(
functions: Sequence[Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel], Callable]],
llm: Runnable,
prompt: BasePromptTemplate,
enforce_single_function_usage: bool = True,
output_parser: Optional[Union[BaseOutputParser, BaseGenerationOutputParser]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Runnable:
"""Create a runnable sequence that uses OpenAI functions.
functions: A sequence of either dictionaries, pydantic.BaseModels classes, or
Python functions. If dictionaries are passed in, they are assumed to
already be a valid OpenAI functions. If only a single
function is passed in, then it will be enforced that the model use that
function. pydantic.BaseModels and Python functions should have docstrings
describing what the function does. For best results, pydantic.BaseModels
should have descriptions of the parameters and Python functions should have
Google Python style args descriptions in the docstring. Additionally,
Python functions should only use primitive types (str, int, float, bool) or
pydantic.BaseModels for arguments.
llm: Language model to use, assumed to support the OpenAI function-calling API.
prompt: BasePromptTemplate to pass to the model.
enforce_single_function_usage: only used if a single function is passed in. If
True, then the model will be forced to use the given function. If False,
then the model will be given the option to use the given function or not.
output_parser: BaseLLMOutputParser to use for parsing model outputs. By default
will be inferred from the function types. If pydantic.BaseModels are passed
in, then the OutputParser will try to parse outputs using those. Otherwise
model outputs will simply be parsed as JSON. If multiple functions are
passed in and they are not pydantic.BaseModels, the chain output will
include both the name of the function that was returned and the arguments
to pass to the function.
A runnable sequence that will pass in the given functions to the model when run.
.. code-block:: python
from typing import Optional
from langchain.chains.openai_functions import create_openai_fn_runnable
from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
class RecordPerson(BaseModel):
\"\"\"Record some identifying information about a person.\"\"\"
name: str = Field(..., description="The person's name")
age: int = Field(..., description="The person's age")
fav_food: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The person's favorite food")
class RecordDog(BaseModel):
\"\"\"Record some identifying information about a dog.\"\"\"
name: str = Field(..., description="The dog's name")
color: str = Field(..., description="The dog's color")
fav_food: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The dog's favorite food")
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4", temperature=0)
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a world class algorithm for recording entities."),
("human", "Make calls to the relevant function to record the entities in the following input: {input}"),
("human", "Tip: Make sure to answer in the correct format"),
chain = create_openai_fn_runnable([RecordPerson, RecordDog], llm, prompt)
chain.invoke({"input": "Harry was a chubby brown beagle who loved chicken"})
# -> RecordDog(name="Harry", color="brown", fav_food="chicken")
""" # noqa: E501
if not functions:
raise ValueError("Need to pass in at least one function. Received zero.")
openai_functions = [convert_to_openai_function(f) for f in functions]
llm_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {"functions": openai_functions, **kwargs}
if len(openai_functions) == 1 and enforce_single_function_usage:
llm_kwargs["function_call"] = {"name": openai_functions[0]["name"]}
output_parser = output_parser or get_openai_output_parser(functions)
return prompt | llm.bind(**llm_kwargs) | output_parser
def create_structured_output_runnable(
output_schema: Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel]],
llm: Runnable,
prompt: BasePromptTemplate,
output_parser: Optional[Union[BaseOutputParser, BaseGenerationOutputParser]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Runnable:
"""Create a runnable that uses an OpenAI function to get a structured output.
output_schema: Either a dictionary or pydantic.BaseModel class. If a dictionary
is passed in, it's assumed to already be a valid JsonSchema.
For best results, pydantic.BaseModels should have docstrings describing what
the schema represents and descriptions for the parameters.
llm: Language model to use, assumed to support the OpenAI function-calling API.
prompt: BasePromptTemplate to pass to the model.
output_parser: BaseLLMOutputParser to use for parsing model outputs. By default
will be inferred from the function types. If pydantic.BaseModels are passed
in, then the OutputParser will try to parse outputs using those. Otherwise
model outputs will simply be parsed as JSON.
A runnable sequence that will pass the given function to the model when run.
.. code-block:: python
from typing import Optional
from langchain.chains.openai_functions import create_structured_output_runnable
from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
class Dog(BaseModel):
\"\"\"Identifying information about a dog.\"\"\"
name: str = Field(..., description="The dog's name")
color: str = Field(..., description="The dog's color")
fav_food: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The dog's favorite food")
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613", temperature=0)
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a world class algorithm for extracting information in structured formats."),
("human", "Use the given format to extract information from the following input: {input}"),
("human", "Tip: Make sure to answer in the correct format"),
chain = create_structured_output_runnable(Dog, llm, prompt)
chain.invoke({"input": "Harry was a chubby brown beagle who loved chicken"})
# -> Dog(name="Harry", color="brown", fav_food="chicken")
""" # noqa: E501
if isinstance(output_schema, dict):
function: Any = {
"name": "output_formatter",
"description": (
"Output formatter. Should always be used to format your response to the"
" user."
"parameters": output_schema,
class _OutputFormatter(BaseModel):
"""Output formatter. Should always be used to format your response to the user.""" # noqa: E501
output: output_schema # type: ignore
function = _OutputFormatter
output_parser = output_parser or PydanticAttrOutputFunctionsParser(
pydantic_schema=_OutputFormatter, attr_name="output"
return create_openai_fn_runnable(
""" --- Legacy --- """
__all__ = [
"create_openai_fn_chain", # deprecated
"create_structured_output_chain", # deprecated
"PYTHON_TO_JSON_TYPES", # backwards compatibility
"convert_to_openai_function", # backwards compatibility
@deprecated(since="0.1.1", removal="0.2.0", alternative="create_openai_fn_runnable")
@ -426,14 +231,3 @@ def create_structured_output_chain(
__all__ = [

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
from langchain.chains.structured_output.base import (
__all__ = ["create_structured_output_runnable", "create_openai_fn_runnable"]

@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
import json
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union
from langchain_core.output_parsers import (
from langchain_core.prompts import BasePromptTemplate
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel
from langchain_core.runnables import Runnable
from langchain_core.utils.function_calling import convert_to_openai_function
from langchain.output_parsers import PydanticOutputParser
from langchain.output_parsers.openai_functions import (
def create_openai_fn_runnable(
functions: Sequence[Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel], Callable]],
llm: Runnable,
prompt: BasePromptTemplate,
enforce_single_function_usage: bool = True,
output_parser: Optional[Union[BaseOutputParser, BaseGenerationOutputParser]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Runnable:
"""Create a runnable sequence that uses OpenAI functions.
functions: A sequence of either dictionaries, pydantic.BaseModels classes, or
Python functions. If dictionaries are passed in, they are assumed to
already be a valid OpenAI functions. If only a single
function is passed in, then it will be enforced that the model use that
function. pydantic.BaseModels and Python functions should have docstrings
describing what the function does. For best results, pydantic.BaseModels
should have descriptions of the parameters and Python functions should have
Google Python style args descriptions in the docstring. Additionally,
Python functions should only use primitive types (str, int, float, bool) or
pydantic.BaseModels for arguments.
llm: Language model to use, assumed to support the OpenAI function-calling API.
prompt: BasePromptTemplate to pass to the model.
enforce_single_function_usage: only used if a single function is passed in. If
True, then the model will be forced to use the given function. If False,
then the model will be given the option to use the given function or not.
output_parser: BaseLLMOutputParser to use for parsing model outputs. By default
will be inferred from the function types. If pydantic.BaseModels are passed
in, then the OutputParser will try to parse outputs using those. Otherwise
model outputs will simply be parsed as JSON. If multiple functions are
passed in and they are not pydantic.BaseModels, the chain output will
include both the name of the function that was returned and the arguments
to pass to the function.
A runnable sequence that will pass in the given functions to the model when run.
.. code-block:: python
from typing import Optional
from langchain.chains.structured_output import create_openai_fn_runnable
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
class RecordPerson(BaseModel):
'''Record some identifying information about a person.'''
name: str = Field(..., description="The person's name")
age: int = Field(..., description="The person's age")
fav_food: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The person's favorite food")
class RecordDog(BaseModel):
'''Record some identifying information about a dog.'''
name: str = Field(..., description="The dog's name")
color: str = Field(..., description="The dog's color")
fav_food: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The dog's favorite food")
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4", temperature=0)
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a world class algorithm for recording entities."),
("human", "Make calls to the relevant function to record the entities in the following input: {input}"),
("human", "Tip: Make sure to answer in the correct format"),
chain = create_openai_fn_runnable([RecordPerson, RecordDog], llm, prompt)
chain.invoke({"input": "Harry was a chubby brown beagle who loved chicken"})
# -> RecordDog(name="Harry", color="brown", fav_food="chicken")
""" # noqa: E501
if not functions:
raise ValueError("Need to pass in at least one function. Received zero.")
openai_functions = [convert_to_openai_function(f) for f in functions]
llm_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {"functions": openai_functions, **kwargs}
if len(openai_functions) == 1 and enforce_single_function_usage:
llm_kwargs["function_call"] = {"name": openai_functions[0]["name"]}
output_parser = output_parser or get_openai_output_parser(functions)
return prompt | llm.bind(**llm_kwargs) | output_parser
# TODO: implement mode='openai-tools'.
def create_structured_output_runnable(
output_schema: Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel]],
llm: Runnable,
prompt: BasePromptTemplate,
output_parser: Optional[Union[BaseOutputParser, BaseGenerationOutputParser]] = None,
mode: Literal["openai-functions", "openai-json"] = "openai-functions",
enforce_single_function_usage: bool = True,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Runnable:
"""Create a runnable for extracting structured outputs.
output_schema: Either a dictionary or pydantic.BaseModel class. If a dictionary
is passed in, it's assumed to already be a valid JsonSchema.
For best results, pydantic.BaseModels should have docstrings describing what
the schema represents and descriptions for the parameters.
llm: Language model to use. Assumed to support the OpenAI function-calling API
if mode is 'openai-function'. Assumed to support OpenAI response_format
parameter if mode is 'openai-json'.
prompt: BasePromptTemplate to pass to the model. If mode is 'openai-json' and
prompt has input variable 'output_schema' then the given output_schema
will be converted to a JsonSchema and inserted in the prompt.
output_parser: Output parser to use for parsing model outputs. By default
will be inferred from the function types. If pydantic.BaseModel is passed
in, then the OutputParser will try to parse outputs using the pydantic
class. Otherwise model outputs will be parsed as JSON.
mode: How structured outputs are extracted from the model. If 'openai-functions'
then OpenAI function calling is used. If 'openai-json' then OpenAI model
with response_format set to JSON is used.
enforce_single_function_usage: Only used if mode is 'openai-functions'. Only
used if a single function is passed in. If
True, then the model will be forced to use the given function. If False,
then the model will be given the option to use the given function or not.
**kwargs: Additional named arguments.
A runnable sequence that will return a structured output matching the given
OpenAI functions example:
.. code-block:: python
from typing import Optional
from langchain.chains.structured_output import create_structured_output_runnable
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
class Dog(BaseModel):
'''Identifying information about a dog.'''
name: str = Field(..., description="The dog's name")
color: str = Field(..., description="The dog's color")
fav_food: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The dog's favorite food")
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0125", temperature=0)
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a world class algorithm for extracting information in structured formats."),
("human", "Use the given format to extract information from the following input: {input}"),
("human", "Tip: Make sure to answer in the correct format"),
chain = create_structured_output_runnable(Dog, llm, prompt, mode="openai-functions")
chain.invoke({"input": "Harry was a chubby brown beagle who loved chicken"})
# -> Dog(name="Harry", color="brown", fav_food="chicken")
OpenAI json response format example:
.. code-block:: python
from typing import Optional
from langchain.chains.structured_output import create_structured_output_runnable
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
class Dog(BaseModel):
'''Identifying information about a dog.'''
name: str = Field(..., description="The dog's name")
color: str = Field(..., description="The dog's color")
fav_food: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The dog's favorite food")
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0125", temperature=0)
system = '''You are a world class assistant for extracting information in structured JSON formats. \
Extract a valid JSON blob from the user input that matches the following JSON Schema:
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", system),
("human", "{input}"),
chain = create_structured_output_runnable(Dog, llm, prompt, mode="openai-json")
chain.invoke({"input": "Harry was a chubby brown beagle who loved chicken"})
""" # noqa: E501
if mode == "openai-functions":
return _create_openai_functions_structured_output_runnable(
elif mode == "openai-json":
return _create_openai_json_runnable(
output_schema, llm, prompt, output_parser=output_parser, **kwargs
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid mode {mode}. Expected one of 'openai-functions', "
def get_openai_output_parser(
functions: Sequence[Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel], Callable]],
) -> Union[BaseOutputParser, BaseGenerationOutputParser]:
"""Get the appropriate function output parser given the user functions.
functions: Sequence where element is a dictionary, a pydantic.BaseModel class,
or a Python function. If a dictionary is passed in, it is assumed to
already be a valid OpenAI function.
A PydanticOutputFunctionsParser if functions are Pydantic classes, otherwise
a JsonOutputFunctionsParser. If there's only one function and it is
not a Pydantic class, then the output parser will automatically extract
only the function arguments and not the function name.
function_names = [convert_to_openai_function(f)["name"] for f in functions]
if isinstance(functions[0], type) and issubclass(functions[0], BaseModel):
if len(functions) > 1:
pydantic_schema: Union[Dict, Type[BaseModel]] = {
name: fn for name, fn in zip(function_names, functions)
pydantic_schema = functions[0]
output_parser: Union[
BaseOutputParser, BaseGenerationOutputParser
] = PydanticOutputFunctionsParser(pydantic_schema=pydantic_schema)
output_parser = JsonOutputFunctionsParser(args_only=len(functions) <= 1)
return output_parser
def _create_openai_json_runnable(
output_schema: Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel]],
llm: Runnable,
prompt: BasePromptTemplate,
output_parser: Optional[Union[BaseOutputParser, BaseGenerationOutputParser]] = None,
) -> Runnable:
if isinstance(output_schema, type) and issubclass(output_schema, BaseModel):
output_parser = output_parser or PydanticOutputParser(
schema_as_dict = convert_to_openai_function(output_schema)["parameters"]
output_parser = output_parser or JsonOutputParser()
schema_as_dict = output_schema
if "output_schema" in prompt.input_variables:
prompt = prompt.partial(output_schema=json.dumps(schema_as_dict, indent=2))
llm = llm.bind(response_format={"type": "json_object"})
return prompt | llm | output_parser
def _create_openai_functions_structured_output_runnable(
output_schema: Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[BaseModel]],
llm: Runnable,
prompt: BasePromptTemplate,
output_parser: Optional[Union[BaseOutputParser, BaseGenerationOutputParser]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Runnable:
if isinstance(output_schema, dict):
function: Any = {
"name": "output_formatter",
"description": (
"Output formatter. Should always be used to format your response to the"
" user."
"parameters": output_schema,
class _OutputFormatter(BaseModel):
"""Output formatter. Should always be used to format your response to the user.""" # noqa: E501
output: output_schema # type: ignore
function = _OutputFormatter
output_parser = output_parser or PydanticAttrOutputFunctionsParser(
pydantic_schema=_OutputFormatter, attr_name="output"
return create_openai_fn_runnable(

@ -1,42 +1,32 @@
import json
import re
from typing import Type, TypeVar
from typing import Any, List, Type
from langchain_core.exceptions import OutputParserException
from langchain_core.output_parsers import BaseOutputParser
from langchain_core.output_parsers import JsonOutputParser
from langchain_core.outputs import Generation
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, ValidationError
from langchain.output_parsers.format_instructions import PYDANTIC_FORMAT_INSTRUCTIONS
T = TypeVar("T", bound=BaseModel)
class PydanticOutputParser(BaseOutputParser[T]):
class PydanticOutputParser(JsonOutputParser):
"""Parse an output using a pydantic model."""
pydantic_object: Type[T]
pydantic_object: Type[BaseModel]
"""The pydantic model to parse.
Attention: To avoid potential compatibility issues, it's recommended to use
pydantic <2 or leverage the v1 namespace in pydantic >= 2.
def parse(self, text: str) -> T:
def parse_result(self, result: List[Generation], *, partial: bool = False) -> Any:
json_object = super().parse_result(result)
# Greedy search for 1st json candidate.
match =
r"\{.*\}", text.strip(), re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL
json_str = ""
if match:
json_str =
json_object = json.loads(json_str, strict=False)
return self.pydantic_object.parse_obj(json_object)
except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValidationError) as e:
except ValidationError as e:
name = self.pydantic_object.__name__
msg = f"Failed to parse {name} from completion {text}. Got: {e}"
raise OutputParserException(msg, llm_output=text)
msg = f"Failed to parse {name} from completion {json_object}. Got: {e}"
raise OutputParserException(msg, llm_output=json_object)
def get_format_instructions(self) -> str:
schema = self.pydantic_object.schema()
@ -57,6 +47,6 @@ class PydanticOutputParser(BaseOutputParser[T]):
return "pydantic"
def OutputType(self) -> Type[T]:
def OutputType(self) -> Type[BaseModel]:
"""Return the pydantic model."""
return self.pydantic_object

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ DEF_EXPECTED_RESULT = TestModel(
def test_pydantic_output_parser() -> None:
"""Test PydanticOutputParser."""
pydantic_parser: PydanticOutputParser[TestModel] = PydanticOutputParser(
pydantic_parser: PydanticOutputParser = PydanticOutputParser(
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def test_pydantic_output_parser() -> None:
def test_pydantic_output_parser_fail() -> None:
"""Test PydanticOutputParser where completion result fails schema validation."""
pydantic_parser: PydanticOutputParser[TestModel] = PydanticOutputParser(
pydantic_parser: PydanticOutputParser = PydanticOutputParser(
