experimental[patch]: Add support for non-function calling LLMs in llm graph transformers (#21014)

Tomaz Bratanic 1 month ago committed by GitHub
parent 67e6744e0f
commit 7860e4c649
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

@ -5,9 +5,67 @@ from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, cast
from langchain_community.graphs.graph_document import GraphDocument, Node, Relationship
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.language_models import BaseLanguageModel
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.messages import SystemMessage
from langchain_core.output_parsers import JsonOutputParser
from langchain_core.prompts import (
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
examples = [
"text": (
"Adam is a software engineer in Microsoft since 2009, "
"and last year he got an award as the Best Talent"
"head": "Adam",
"head_type": "Person",
"relation": "WORKS_FOR",
"tail": "Microsoft",
"tail_type": "Company",
"text": (
"Adam is a software engineer in Microsoft since 2009, "
"and last year he got an award as the Best Talent"
"head": "Adam",
"head_type": "Person",
"relation": "HAS_AWARD",
"tail": "Best Talent",
"tail_type": "Award",
"text": (
"Microsoft is a tech company that provide "
"several products such as Microsoft Word"
"head": "Microsoft Word",
"head_type": "Product",
"relation": "PRODUCED_BY",
"tail": "Microsoft",
"tail_type": "Company",
"text": "Microsoft Word is a lightweight app that accessible offline",
"head": "Microsoft Word",
"head_type": "Product",
"tail": "lightweight app",
"tail_type": "Characteristic",
"text": "Microsoft Word is a lightweight app that accessible offline",
"head": "Microsoft Word",
"head_type": "Product",
"tail": "accessible offline",
"tail_type": "Characteristic",
system_prompt = (
"# Knowledge Graph Instructions for GPT-4\n"
"## 1. Overview\n"
@ -99,6 +157,103 @@ class _Graph(BaseModel):
relationships: Optional[List]
class UnstructuredRelation(BaseModel):
head: str = Field(
"extracted head entity like Microsoft, Apple, John. "
"Must use human-readable unique identifier."
head_type: str = Field(
description="type of the extracted head entity like Person, Company, etc"
relation: str = Field(description="relation between the head and the tail entities")
tail: str = Field(
"extracted tail entity like Microsoft, Apple, John. "
"Must use human-readable unique identifier."
tail_type: str = Field(
description="type of the extracted tail entity like Person, Company, etc"
def create_unstructured_prompt(
node_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, rel_types: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> ChatPromptTemplate:
node_labels_str = str(node_labels) if node_labels else ""
rel_types_str = str(rel_types) if rel_types else ""
base_string_parts = [
"You are a top-tier algorithm designed for extracting information in "
"structured formats to build a knowledge graph. Your task is to identify "
"the entities and relations requested with the user prompt from a given "
"text. You must generate the output in a JSON format containing a list "
'with JSON objects. Each object should have the keys: "head", '
'"head_type", "relation", "tail", and "tail_type". The "head" '
"key must contain the text of the extracted entity with one of the types "
"from the provided list in the user prompt.",
f'The "head_type" key must contain the type of the extracted head entity, '
f"which must be one of the types from {node_labels_str}."
if node_labels
else "",
f'The "relation" key must contain the type of relation between the "head" '
f'and the "tail", which must be one of the relations from {rel_types_str}.'
if rel_types
else "",
f'The "tail" key must represent the text of an extracted entity which is '
f'the tail of the relation, and the "tail_type" key must contain the type '
f"of the tail entity from {node_labels_str}."
if node_labels
else "",
"Attempt to extract as many entities and relations as you can. Maintain "
"Entity Consistency: When extracting entities, it's vital to ensure "
'consistency. If an entity, such as "John Doe", is mentioned multiple '
"times in the text but is referred to by different names or pronouns "
'(e.g., "Joe", "he"), always use the most complete identifier for '
"that entity. The knowledge graph should be coherent and easily "
"understandable, so maintaining consistency in entity references is "
"IMPORTANT NOTES:\n- Don't add any explanation and text.",
system_prompt = "\n".join(filter(None, base_string_parts))
system_message = SystemMessage(content=system_prompt)
parser = JsonOutputParser(pydantic_object=UnstructuredRelation)
human_prompt = PromptTemplate(
template="""Based on the following example, extract entities and
relations from the provided text.\n\n
Use the following entity types, don't use other entity that is not defined below:
Use the following relation types, don't use other relation that is not defined below:
Below are a number of examples of text and their extracted entities and relationships.
For the following text, extract entities and relations as in the provided example.
{format_instructions}\nText: {input}""",
"format_instructions": parser.get_format_instructions(),
"node_labels": node_labels,
"rel_types": rel_types,
"examples": examples,
human_message_prompt = HumanMessagePromptTemplate(prompt=human_prompt)
chat_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
[system_message, human_message_prompt]
return chat_prompt
def create_simple_model(
node_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, rel_types: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> Type[_Graph]:
@ -317,22 +472,38 @@ class LLMGraphTransformer:
llm: BaseLanguageModel,
allowed_nodes: List[str] = [],
allowed_relationships: List[str] = [],
prompt: ChatPromptTemplate = default_prompt,
prompt: Optional[ChatPromptTemplate] = None,
strict_mode: bool = True,
) -> None:
if not hasattr(llm, "with_structured_output"):
raise ValueError(
"The specified LLM does not support the 'with_structured_output'. "
"Please ensure you are using an LLM that supports this feature."
self.allowed_nodes = allowed_nodes
self.allowed_relationships = allowed_relationships
self.strict_mode = strict_mode
self._function_call = True
# Check if the LLM really supports structured output
except NotImplementedError:
self._function_call = False
if not self._function_call:
import json_repair
# Define chain
schema = create_simple_model(allowed_nodes, allowed_relationships)
structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(schema, include_raw=True)
self.chain = prompt | structured_llm
self.json_repair = json_repair
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Could not import json_repair python package. "
"Please install it with `pip install json-repair`."
prompt = prompt or create_unstructured_prompt(
allowed_nodes, allowed_relationships
self.chain = prompt | llm
# Define chain
schema = create_simple_model(allowed_nodes, allowed_relationships)
structured_llm = llm.with_structured_output(schema, include_raw=True)
prompt = prompt or default_prompt
self.chain = prompt | structured_llm
def process_response(self, document: Document) -> GraphDocument:
@ -341,8 +512,27 @@ class LLMGraphTransformer:
text = document.page_content
raw_schema = self.chain.invoke({"input": text})
raw_schema = cast(Dict[Any, Any], raw_schema)
nodes, relationships = _convert_to_graph_document(raw_schema)
if self._function_call:
raw_schema = cast(Dict[Any, Any], raw_schema)
nodes, relationships = _convert_to_graph_document(raw_schema)
nodes_set = set()
relationships = []
parsed_json = self.json_repair.loads(raw_schema.content)
for rel in parsed_json:
# Nodes need to be deduplicated using a set
nodes_set.add((rel["head"], rel["head_type"]))
nodes_set.add((rel["tail"], rel["tail_type"]))
source_node = Node(id=rel["head"], type=rel["head_type"])
target_node = Node(id=rel["tail"], type=rel["tail_type"])
source=source_node, target=target_node, type=rel["relation"]
# Create nodes list
nodes = [Node(id=el[0], type=el[1]) for el in list(nodes_set)]
# Strict mode filtering
if self.strict_mode and (self.allowed_nodes or self.allowed_relationships):
