Eugene Yurtsev 1 month ago
parent 365e591caa
commit 6468d6b3db

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
import os
import tempfile
from typing import Generator
import pytest
from langchain_core.stores import InvalidKeyException
from langchain.storage.file_system import LocalFileStore
def file_store() -> Generator[LocalFileStore, None, None]:
# Create a temporary directory for testing
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
# Instantiate the LocalFileStore with the temporary directory as the root path
store = LocalFileStore(temp_dir)
yield store
def test_mset_and_mget(file_store: LocalFileStore) -> None:
# Set values for keys
key_value_pairs = [("key1", b"value1"), ("key2", b"value2")]
# Get values for keys
values = file_store.mget(["key1", "key2"])
# Assert that the retrieved values match the original values
assert values == [b"value1", b"value2"]
"chmod_dir_s, chmod_file_s", [("777", "666"), ("770", "660"), ("700", "600")]
def test_mset_chmod(chmod_dir_s: str, chmod_file_s: str) -> None:
chmod_dir = int(chmod_dir_s, base=8)
chmod_file = int(chmod_file_s, base=8)
# Create a temporary directory for testing
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
# Instantiate the LocalFileStore with a directory inside the temporary directory
# as the root path
temp_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "store_dir")
file_store = LocalFileStore(
temp_dir, chmod_dir=chmod_dir, chmod_file=chmod_file
# Set values for keys
key_value_pairs = [("key1", b"value1"), ("key2", b"value2")]
# verify the permissions are set correctly
# (test only the standard user/group/other bits)
dir_path = str(file_store.root_path)
file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "key1")
assert (os.stat(dir_path).st_mode & 0o777) == chmod_dir
assert (os.stat(file_path).st_mode & 0o777) == chmod_file
def test_mdelete(file_store: LocalFileStore) -> None:
# Set values for keys
key_value_pairs = [("key1", b"value1"), ("key2", b"value2")]
# Delete keys
# Check if the deleted key is present
values = file_store.mget(["key1"])
# Assert that the value is None after deletion
assert values == [None]
def test_set_invalid_key(file_store: LocalFileStore) -> None:
"""Test that an exception is raised when an invalid key is set."""
# Set a key-value pair
key = "crying-cat/😿"
value = b"This is a test value"
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyException):
file_store.mset([(key, value)])
def test_set_key_and_verify_content(file_store: LocalFileStore) -> None:
"""Test that the content of the file is the same as the value set."""
# Set a key-value pair
key = "test_key"
value = b"This is a test value"
file_store.mset([(key, value)])
# Verify the content of the actual file
full_path = file_store._get_full_path(key)
assert full_path.exists()
assert full_path.read_bytes() == b"This is a test value"
def test_yield_keys(file_store: LocalFileStore) -> None:
# Set values for keys
key_value_pairs = [("key1", b"value1"), ("subdir/key2", b"value2")]
# Iterate over keys
keys = list(file_store.yield_keys())
# Assert that the yielded keys match the expected keys
expected_keys = ["key1", os.path.join("subdir", "key2")]
assert keys == expected_keys
def test_catches_forbidden_keys(file_store: LocalFileStore) -> None:
"""Make sure we raise exception on keys that are not allowed; e.g., absolute path"""
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyException):
file_store.mset([("/etc", b"value1")])
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyException):
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyException):
# check relative paths
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyException):
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyException):
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyException):
file_store.mset([("../etc", b"value1")])
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyException):