From 3e6cea46e25e9d13b3da14cd90e21b99be2e7ba0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Navanit Dubey <> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 13:19:01 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] Guide import readable json (#9291) --- docs/api_reference/guide_imports.json | 3414 ++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 3413 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/api_reference/guide_imports.json b/docs/api_reference/guide_imports.json index 9aac6fb3f6..9c608a7328 100644 --- a/docs/api_reference/guide_imports.json +++ b/docs/api_reference/guide_imports.json @@ -1 +1,3413 @@ -{"HuggingFaceBgeEmbeddings": {"BGE Hugging Face Embeddings": ""}, "XinferenceEmbeddings": {"Xorbits inference (Xinference)": ""}, "DeepInfraEmbeddings": {"DeepInfra": ""}, "HuggingFaceEmbeddings": {"Hugging Face Hub": "", "Sentence Transformers Embeddings": "", "LOTR (Merger Retriever)": "", "Hugging Face": "", "ScaNN": "", "Annoy": "", "Pairwise Embedding Distance ": "", "Embedding Distance": "", "Lost in the middle: The problem with long contexts": 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"ManifestWrapper": {"Hazy Research": "", "Manifest": ""}, "Marqo": {"Marqo": ""}, "IMSDbLoader": {"IMSDb": ""}, "PGVector": {"PGVector": ""}, "DeepInfra": {"DeepInfra": ""}, "ZeroShotAgent": {"Jina": "", "NIBittensorLLM": "", "BabyAGI with Tools": "", "Adding Message Memory backed by a database to an Agent": "", "How to add Memory to an Agent": "", "Custom MRKL agent": "", "Shared memory across agents and tools": ""}, "RedditPostsLoader": {"Reddit": ""}, "TrelloLoader": {"Trello": ""}, "AtlasDB": {"AtlasDB": "", "Atlas": ""}, "SKLearnVectorStore": {"scikit-learn": ""}, "EverNoteLoader": {"EverNote": ""}, "TwitterTweetLoader": {"Twitter": ""}, "DiscordChatLoader": {"Discord": ""}, "RedisCache": {"Redis": "", "Caching integrations": ""}, "RedisSemanticCache": {"Redis": "", "Caching integrations": ""}, "Redis": {"Redis": ""}, "SelfQueryRetriever": {"Chroma": "", "Docugami": "", "Perform context-aware text splitting": "", "Weaviate self-querying ": "", "Elasticsearch self-querying ": "", 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"RouterOutputParser": { + "Router": "" + }, + "EmbeddingRouterChain": { + "Router": "" + }, + "BaseLanguageModel": { + "Custom chain": "" + }, + "AsyncCallbackManagerForChainRun": { + "Custom chain": "" + }, + "CallbackManagerForChainRun": { + "Custom chain": "" + }, + "BasePromptTemplate": { + "Custom chain": "" + }, + "load_chain": { + "Serialization": "", + "Loading from LangChainHub": "" + }, + "create_openai_fn_chain": { + "Using OpenAI functions": "" + }, + "create_structured_output_chain": { + "Using OpenAI functions": "" + } +} \ No newline at end of file