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101 lines
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community[major], core[patch], langchain[patch], experimental[patch]: Create langchain-community (#14463) Moved the following modules to new package langchain-community in a backwards compatible fashion: ``` mv langchain/langchain/adapters community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/callbacks community/langchain_community/callbacks mv langchain/langchain/chat_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/chat_models community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/docstore community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_transformers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/embeddings community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/graphs community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/llms community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/memory/chat_message_histories community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/retrievers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/storage community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/tools community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/utilities community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/vectorstores community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/agents/agent_toolkits community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/ community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/adapters community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/callbacks community/langchain_community/callbacks mv langchain/langchain/chat_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/chat_models community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/docstore community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_transformers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/embeddings community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/graphs community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/llms community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/memory/chat_message_histories community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/retrievers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/storage community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/tools community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/utilities community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/vectorstores community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/agents/agent_toolkits community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/ community/langchain_community ``` Moved the following to core ``` mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils cat langchain/langchain/utils/ >> core/langchain_core/utils/ rm langchain/langchain/utils/ ``` See .scripts/community_split/ for all changes
10 months ago
# flake8: noqa
This tool will fetch a list of the repository's issues. It will return the title, and issue number of 5 issues. It takes no input."""
This tool will fetch the title, body, and comment thread of a specific issue. **VERY IMPORTANT**: You must specify the issue number as an integer."""
This tool is useful when you need to comment on a GitHub issue. Simply pass in the issue number and the comment you would like to make. Please use this sparingly as we don't want to clutter the comment threads. **VERY IMPORTANT**: Your input to this tool MUST strictly follow these rules:
- First you must specify the issue number as an integer
- Then you must place two newlines
- Then you must specify your comment"""
This tool is useful when you need to create a new pull request in a GitHub repository. **VERY IMPORTANT**: Your input to this tool MUST strictly follow these rules:
- First you must specify the title of the pull request
- Then you must place two newlines
- Then you must write the body or description of the pull request
When appropriate, always reference relevant issues in the body by using the syntax `closes #<issue_number` like `closes #3, closes #6`.
For example, if you would like to create a pull request called "README updates" with contents "added contributors' names, closes #3", you would pass in the following string:
README updates
added contributors' names, closes #3"""
This tool is a wrapper for the GitHub API, useful when you need to create a file in a GitHub repository. **VERY IMPORTANT**: Your input to this tool MUST strictly follow these rules:
- First you must specify which file to create by passing a full file path (**IMPORTANT**: the path must not start with a slash)
- Then you must specify the contents of the file
For example, if you would like to create a file called /test/test.txt with contents "test contents", you would pass in the following string:
test contents"""
This tool is a wrapper for the GitHub API, useful when you need to read the contents of a file. Simply pass in the full file path of the file you would like to read. **IMPORTANT**: the path must not start with a slash"""
This tool is a wrapper for the GitHub API, useful when you need to update the contents of a file in a GitHub repository. **VERY IMPORTANT**: Your input to this tool MUST strictly follow these rules:
- First you must specify which file to modify by passing a full file path (**IMPORTANT**: the path must not start with a slash)
- Then you must specify the old contents which you would like to replace wrapped in OLD <<<< and >>>> OLD
- Then you must specify the new contents which you would like to replace the old contents with wrapped in NEW <<<< and >>>> NEW
For example, if you would like to replace the contents of the file /test/test.txt from "old contents" to "new contents", you would pass in the following string:
This is text that will not be changed
OLD <<<<
old contents
>>>> OLD
NEW <<<<
new contents
>>>> NEW"""
This tool is a wrapper for the GitHub API, useful when you need to delete a file in a GitHub repository. Simply pass in the full file path of the file you would like to delete. **IMPORTANT**: the path must not start with a slash"""
This tool will fetch the title, body, comment thread and commit history of a specific Pull Request (by PR number). **VERY IMPORTANT**: You must specify the PR number as an integer."""
This tool will fetch a list of the repository's Pull Requests (PRs). It will return the title, and PR number of 5 PRs. It takes no input."""
This tool will fetch the full text of all files in a pull request (PR) given the PR number as an input. This is useful for understanding the code changes in a PR or contributing to it. **VERY IMPORTANT**: You must specify the PR number as an integer input parameter."""
This tool will provide an overview of all existing files in the main branch of the repository. It will list the file names, their respective paths, and a brief summary of their contents. This can be useful for understanding the structure and content of the repository, especially when navigating through large codebases. No input parameters are required."""
This tool will provide an overview of all files in your current working branch where you should implement changes. This is great for getting a high level overview of the structure of your code. No input parameters are required."""
This tool will search for issues and pull requests in the repository. **VERY IMPORTANT**: You must specify the search query as a string input parameter."""
This tool will search for code in the repository. **VERY IMPORTANT**: You must specify the search query as a string input parameter."""
This tool will create a review request on the open pull request that matches the current active branch. **VERY IMPORTANT**: You must specify the username of the person who is being requested as a string input parameter."""
This tool will fetch a list of all branches in the repository. It will return the name of each branch. No input parameters are required."""
This tool will set the active branch in the repository, similar to `git checkout <branch_name>` and `git switch -c <branch_name>`. **VERY IMPORTANT**: You must specify the name of the branch as a string input parameter."""
This tool will create a new branch in the repository. **VERY IMPORTANT**: You must specify the name of the new branch as a string input parameter."""
This tool will fetch a list of all files in a specified directory. **VERY IMPORTANT**: You must specify the path of the directory as a string input parameter."""