"'Unlike Chinchilla, PaLM, or GPT-3, we only use publicly available data, making our work compatible with open-sourcing, while most existing models rely on data which is either not publicly available or undocumented (e.g.\"Books -2TB\" or \"Social media conversations\").There exist some exceptions, notably OPT (Zhang et al., 2022), GPT-NeoX (Black et al., 2022), BLOOM (Scao et al., 2022) and GLM (Zeng et al., 2022), but none that are competitive with PaLM-62B or Chinchilla.'"
"{'text': 'Unlike Chinchilla, PaLM, or GPT-3, we only use publicly available data, making our work compatible with open-sourcing, while most existing models rely on data which is either not publicly available or undocumented (e.g.\"Books -2TB\" or \"Social media conversations\").There exist some exceptions, notably OPT (Zhang et al., 2022), GPT-NeoX (Black et al., 2022), BLOOM (Scao et al., 2022) and GLM (Zeng et al., 2022), but none that are competitive with PaLM-62B or Chinchilla.',\n",
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