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"""Ratelimiting Handler to limit requests or tokens"""
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional
from langchain_core.callbacks import BaseCallbackHandler
from langchain_core.outputs import LLMResult
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from upstash_ratelimit import Ratelimit
except ImportError:
Ratelimit = None
class UpstashRatelimitError(Exception):
Upstash Ratelimit Error
Raised when the rate limit is reached in `UpstashRatelimitHandler`
def __init__(
message: str,
type: Literal["token", "request"],
limit: Optional[int] = None,
reset: Optional[float] = None,
message (str): error message
type (str): The kind of the limit which was reached. One of
"token" or "request"
limit (Optional[int]): The limit which was reached. Passed when type
is request
reset (Optional[int]): unix timestamp in milliseconds when the limits
are reset. Passed when type is request
# Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
self.type = type
self.limit = limit
self.reset = reset
class UpstashRatelimitHandler(BaseCallbackHandler):
Callback to handle rate limiting based on the number of requests
or the number of tokens in the input.
It uses Upstash Ratelimit to track the ratelimit which utilizes
Upstash Redis to track the state.
Should not be passed to the chain when initialising the chain.
This is because the handler has a state which should be fresh
every time invoke is called. Instead, initialise and pass a handler
every time you invoke.
raise_error = True
_checked: bool = False
def __init__(
identifier: str,
token_ratelimit: Optional[Ratelimit] = None,
request_ratelimit: Optional[Ratelimit] = None,
include_output_tokens: bool = False,
Creates UpstashRatelimitHandler. Must be passed an identifier to
ratelimit like a user id or an ip address.
Additionally, it must be passed at least one of token_ratelimit
or request_ratelimit parameters.
identifier Union[int, str]: the identifier
token_ratelimit Optional[Ratelimit]: Ratelimit to limit the
number of tokens. Only works with OpenAI models since only
these models provide the number of tokens as information
in their output.
request_ratelimit Optional[Ratelimit]: Ratelimit to limit the
number of requests
include_output_tokens bool: Whether to count output tokens when
rate limiting based on number of tokens. Only used when
`token_ratelimit` is passed. False by default.
.. code-block:: python
from upstash_redis import Redis
from upstash_ratelimit import Ratelimit, FixedWindow
redis = Redis.from_env()
ratelimit = Ratelimit(
# fixed window to allow 10 requests every 10 seconds:
limiter=FixedWindow(max_requests=10, window=10),
user_id = "foo"
handler = UpstashRatelimitHandler(
# Initialize a simple runnable to test
chain = RunnableLambda(str)
# pass handler as callback:
output = chain.invoke(
"callbacks": [handler]
if not any([token_ratelimit, request_ratelimit]):
raise ValueError(
"You must pass at least one of input_token_ratelimit or"
" request_ratelimit parameters for handler to work."
self.identifier = identifier
self.token_ratelimit = token_ratelimit
self.request_ratelimit = request_ratelimit
self.include_output_tokens = include_output_tokens
def on_chain_start(
self, serialized: Dict[str, Any], inputs: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any
) -> Any:
Run when chain starts running.
on_chain_start runs multiple times during a chain execution. To make
sure that it's only called once, we keep a bool state `_checked`. If
not `self._checked`, we call limit with `request_ratelimit` and raise
`UpstashRatelimitError` if the identifier is rate limited.
if self.request_ratelimit and not self._checked:
response = self.request_ratelimit.limit(self.identifier)
if not response.allowed:
raise UpstashRatelimitError(
"Request limit reached!", "request", response.limit, response.reset
self._checked = True
def on_llm_start(
self, serialized: Dict[str, Any], prompts: List[str], **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
Run when LLM starts running
if self.token_ratelimit:
remaining = self.token_ratelimit.get_remaining(self.identifier)
if remaining <= 0:
raise UpstashRatelimitError("Token limit reached!", "token")
def on_llm_end(self, response: LLMResult, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Run when LLM ends running
If the `include_output_tokens` is set to True, number of tokens
in LLM completion are counted for rate limiting
if self.token_ratelimit:
llm_output = response.llm_output or {}
token_usage = llm_output["token_usage"]
token_count = (
if self.include_output_tokens
else token_usage["prompt_tokens"]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
"LLM response doesn't include"
" `token_usage: {total_tokens: int, prompt_tokens: int}`"
" field. To use UpstashRatelimitHandler with token_ratelimit,"
" either use a model which returns token_usage (like "
" OpenAI models) or rate limit only with request_ratelimit."
# call limit to add the completion tokens to rate limit
# but don't raise exception since we already generated
# the tokens and would rather continue execution.
self.token_ratelimit.limit(self.identifier, rate=token_count)
def reset(self, identifier: Optional[str] = None) -> "UpstashRatelimitHandler":
Creates a new UpstashRatelimitHandler object with the same
ratelimit configurations but with a new identifier if it's
Also resets the state of the handler.
return UpstashRatelimitHandler(
identifier=identifier or self.identifier,