"This notebook provides a quick overview for getting started with __ModuleName__ [chat models](/docs/concepts/#chat-models). For detailed documentation of all Chat__ModuleName__ features and configurations head to the [API reference](https://api.python.langchain.com/en/latest/chat_models/__module_name__.chat_models.Chat__ModuleName__.html).\n",
"- TODO: Add any other relevant links, like information about models, prices, context windows, etc. See https://python.langchain.com/v0.2/docs/integrations/chat/openai/ for an example.\n",
"## Overview\n",
"### Integration details\n",
"- TODO: Fill in table features.\n",
"- TODO: Remove JS support link if not relevant, otherwise ensure link is correct.\n",
"- TODO: Make sure API reference links are correct.\n",
"| Class | Package | Local | Serializable | [JS support](https://js.langchain.com/v0.2/docs/integrations/chat/__package_name_short_snake__) | Package downloads | Package latest |\n",
"To access __ModuleName__ models you'll need to create a/an __ModuleName__ account, get an API key, and install the `__package_name__` integration package.\n",
"### Credentials\n",
"- TODO: Update with relevant info.\n",
"Head to (TODO: link) to sign up to __ModuleName__ and generate an API key. Once you've done this set the __MODULE_NAME___API_KEY environment variable:"
"If you want to get automated tracing of your model calls you can also set your [LangSmith](https://docs.smith.langchain.com/) API key by uncommenting below:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "a15d341e-3e26-4ca3-830b-5aab30ed66de",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# os.environ[\"LANGSMITH_API_KEY\"] = getpass.getpass(\"Enter your LangSmith API key: \")\n",
"## TODO: Any functionality specific to this model provider\n",
"E.g. creating/using finetuned models via this provider. Delete if not relevant."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "3a5bb5ca-c3ae-4a58-be67-2cd18574b9a3",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## API reference\n",
"For detailed documentation of all Chat__ModuleName__ features and configurations head to the API reference: https://api.python.langchain.com/en/latest/chat_models/__module_name__.chat_models.Chat__ModuleName__.html"