You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

336 lines
12 KiB

multiple: langchain 0.2 in master (#21191) 0.2rc migrations - [x] Move memory - [x] Move remaining retrievers - [x] graph_qa chains - [x] some dependency from evaluation code potentially on math utils - [x] Move openapi chain from `langchain.chains.api.openapi` to `langchain_community.chains.openapi` - [x] Migrate `langchain.chains.ernie_functions` to `langchain_community.chains.ernie_functions` - [x] migrate `langchain/chains/` to `langchain_community.chains.llm_requests` - [x] Moving `langchain_community.cross_enoders.base:BaseCrossEncoder` -> `langchain_community.retrievers.document_compressors.cross_encoder:BaseCrossEncoder` (namespace not ideal, but it needs to be moved to `langchain` to avoid circular deps) - [x] unit tests langchain -- add to some unit tests that will stay in langchain - [x] unit tests community -- move unit tests that depend on community to community - [x] mv integration tests that depend on community to community - [x] mypy checks Other todo - [x] Make deprecation warnings not noisy (need to use warn deprecated and check that things are implemented properly) - [x] Update deprecation messages with timeline for code removal (likely we actually won't be removing things until 0.4 release) -- will give people more time to transition their code. - [ ] Add information to deprecation warning to show users how to migrate their code base using langchain-cli - [ ] Remove any unnecessary requirements in langchain (e.g., is SQLALchemy required?) --------- Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
5 months ago
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Dict, List
import pandas as pd
multiple: langchain 0.2 in master (#21191) 0.2rc migrations - [x] Move memory - [x] Move remaining retrievers - [x] graph_qa chains - [x] some dependency from evaluation code potentially on math utils - [x] Move openapi chain from `langchain.chains.api.openapi` to `langchain_community.chains.openapi` - [x] Migrate `langchain.chains.ernie_functions` to `langchain_community.chains.ernie_functions` - [x] migrate `langchain/chains/` to `langchain_community.chains.llm_requests` - [x] Moving `langchain_community.cross_enoders.base:BaseCrossEncoder` -> `langchain_community.retrievers.document_compressors.cross_encoder:BaseCrossEncoder` (namespace not ideal, but it needs to be moved to `langchain` to avoid circular deps) - [x] unit tests langchain -- add to some unit tests that will stay in langchain - [x] unit tests community -- move unit tests that depend on community to community - [x] mv integration tests that depend on community to community - [x] mypy checks Other todo - [x] Make deprecation warnings not noisy (need to use warn deprecated and check that things are implemented properly) - [x] Update deprecation messages with timeline for code removal (likely we actually won't be removing things until 0.4 release) -- will give people more time to transition their code. - [ ] Add information to deprecation warning to show users how to migrate their code base using langchain-cli - [ ] Remove any unnecessary requirements in langchain (e.g., is SQLALchemy required?) --------- Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
5 months ago
from langchain.chains.graph_qa.prompts import CYPHER_GENERATION_PROMPT, CYPHER_QA_PROMPT
from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory, ReadOnlySharedMemory
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
multiple: langchain 0.2 in master (#21191) 0.2rc migrations - [x] Move memory - [x] Move remaining retrievers - [x] graph_qa chains - [x] some dependency from evaluation code potentially on math utils - [x] Move openapi chain from `langchain.chains.api.openapi` to `langchain_community.chains.openapi` - [x] Migrate `langchain.chains.ernie_functions` to `langchain_community.chains.ernie_functions` - [x] migrate `langchain/chains/` to `langchain_community.chains.llm_requests` - [x] Moving `langchain_community.cross_enoders.base:BaseCrossEncoder` -> `langchain_community.retrievers.document_compressors.cross_encoder:BaseCrossEncoder` (namespace not ideal, but it needs to be moved to `langchain` to avoid circular deps) - [x] unit tests langchain -- add to some unit tests that will stay in langchain - [x] unit tests community -- move unit tests that depend on community to community - [x] mv integration tests that depend on community to community - [x] mypy checks Other todo - [x] Make deprecation warnings not noisy (need to use warn deprecated and check that things are implemented properly) - [x] Update deprecation messages with timeline for code removal (likely we actually won't be removing things until 0.4 release) -- will give people more time to transition their code. - [ ] Add information to deprecation warning to show users how to migrate their code base using langchain-cli - [ ] Remove any unnecessary requirements in langchain (e.g., is SQLALchemy required?) --------- Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
5 months ago
from langchain_community.chains.graph_qa.cypher import (
multiple: langchain 0.2 in master (#21191) 0.2rc migrations - [x] Move memory - [x] Move remaining retrievers - [x] graph_qa chains - [x] some dependency from evaluation code potentially on math utils - [x] Move openapi chain from `langchain.chains.api.openapi` to `langchain_community.chains.openapi` - [x] Migrate `langchain.chains.ernie_functions` to `langchain_community.chains.ernie_functions` - [x] migrate `langchain/chains/` to `langchain_community.chains.llm_requests` - [x] Moving `langchain_community.cross_enoders.base:BaseCrossEncoder` -> `langchain_community.retrievers.document_compressors.cross_encoder:BaseCrossEncoder` (namespace not ideal, but it needs to be moved to `langchain` to avoid circular deps) - [x] unit tests langchain -- add to some unit tests that will stay in langchain - [x] unit tests community -- move unit tests that depend on community to community - [x] mv integration tests that depend on community to community - [x] mypy checks Other todo - [x] Make deprecation warnings not noisy (need to use warn deprecated and check that things are implemented properly) - [x] Update deprecation messages with timeline for code removal (likely we actually won't be removing things until 0.4 release) -- will give people more time to transition their code. - [ ] Add information to deprecation warning to show users how to migrate their code base using langchain-cli - [ ] Remove any unnecessary requirements in langchain (e.g., is SQLALchemy required?) --------- Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
5 months ago
from langchain_community.chains.graph_qa.cypher_utils import (
from langchain_community.graphs.graph_document import GraphDocument
from langchain_community.graphs.graph_store import GraphStore
from tests.unit_tests.llms.fake_llm import FakeLLM
class FakeGraphStore(GraphStore):
def get_schema(self) -> str:
"""Returns the schema of the Graph database"""
return ""
def get_structured_schema(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns the schema of the Graph database"""
return {}
def query(self, query: str, params: dict = {}) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Query the graph."""
return []
def refresh_schema(self) -> None:
"""Refreshes the graph schema information."""
def add_graph_documents(
self, graph_documents: List[GraphDocument], include_source: bool = False
) -> None:
"""Take GraphDocument as input as uses it to construct a graph."""
def test_graph_cypher_qa_chain_prompt_selection_1() -> None:
# Pass prompts directly. No kwargs is specified.
qa_prompt_template = "QA Prompt"
cypher_prompt_template = "Cypher Prompt"
qa_prompt = PromptTemplate(template=qa_prompt_template, input_variables=[])
cypher_prompt = PromptTemplate(template=cypher_prompt_template, input_variables=[])
chain = GraphCypherQAChain.from_llm(
assert chain.qa_chain.prompt == qa_prompt # type: ignore[union-attr]
assert chain.cypher_generation_chain.prompt == cypher_prompt
def test_graph_cypher_qa_chain_prompt_selection_2() -> None:
# Default case. Pass nothing
chain = GraphCypherQAChain.from_llm(
assert chain.qa_chain.prompt == CYPHER_QA_PROMPT # type: ignore[union-attr]
assert chain.cypher_generation_chain.prompt == CYPHER_GENERATION_PROMPT
def test_graph_cypher_qa_chain_prompt_selection_3() -> None:
# Pass non-prompt args only to sub-chains via kwargs
memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="chat_history")
readonlymemory = ReadOnlySharedMemory(memory=memory)
chain = GraphCypherQAChain.from_llm(
cypher_llm_kwargs={"memory": readonlymemory},
qa_llm_kwargs={"memory": readonlymemory},
assert chain.qa_chain.prompt == CYPHER_QA_PROMPT # type: ignore[union-attr]
assert chain.cypher_generation_chain.prompt == CYPHER_GENERATION_PROMPT
def test_graph_cypher_qa_chain_prompt_selection_4() -> None:
# Pass prompt, non-prompt args to subchains via kwargs
qa_prompt_template = "QA Prompt"
cypher_prompt_template = "Cypher Prompt"
memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="chat_history")
readonlymemory = ReadOnlySharedMemory(memory=memory)
qa_prompt = PromptTemplate(template=qa_prompt_template, input_variables=[])
cypher_prompt = PromptTemplate(template=cypher_prompt_template, input_variables=[])
chain = GraphCypherQAChain.from_llm(
cypher_llm_kwargs={"prompt": cypher_prompt, "memory": readonlymemory},
qa_llm_kwargs={"prompt": qa_prompt, "memory": readonlymemory},
assert chain.qa_chain.prompt == qa_prompt # type: ignore[union-attr]
assert chain.cypher_generation_chain.prompt == cypher_prompt
def test_graph_cypher_qa_chain_prompt_selection_5() -> None:
# Can't pass both prompt and kwargs at the same time
qa_prompt_template = "QA Prompt"
cypher_prompt_template = "Cypher Prompt"
memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="chat_history")
readonlymemory = ReadOnlySharedMemory(memory=memory)
qa_prompt = PromptTemplate(template=qa_prompt_template, input_variables=[])
cypher_prompt = PromptTemplate(template=cypher_prompt_template, input_variables=[])
cypher_llm_kwargs={"memory": readonlymemory},
qa_llm_kwargs={"memory": readonlymemory},
assert False
except ValueError:
assert True
def test_graph_cypher_qa_chain() -> None:
template = """You are a nice chatbot having a conversation with a human.
Previous conversation:
New human question: {question}
prompt = PromptTemplate(
input_variables=["schema", "question", "chat_history"], template=template
memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="chat_history")
readonlymemory = ReadOnlySharedMemory(memory=memory)
prompt1 = (
"You are a nice chatbot having a conversation with a human.\n\n "
"Schema:\n Node properties are the following:\n\nRelationship "
"properties are the following:\n\nThe relationships are the "
"following:\n\n\n "
"Previous conversation:\n \n\n New human question: "
"Test question\n Response:"
prompt2 = (
"You are a nice chatbot having a conversation with a human.\n\n "
"Schema:\n Node properties are the following:\n\nRelationship "
"properties are the following:\n\nThe relationships are the "
"following:\n\n\n "
"Previous conversation:\n Human: Test question\nAI: foo\n\n "
"New human question: Test new question\n Response:"
llm = FakeLLM(queries={prompt1: "answer1", prompt2: "answer2"})
chain = GraphCypherQAChain.from_llm(
cypher_llm_kwargs={"prompt": prompt, "memory": readonlymemory},
)"Test question")"Test new question")
# If we get here without a key error, that means memory
# was used properly to create prompts.
assert True
def test_no_backticks() -> None:
"""Test if there are no backticks, so the original text should be returned."""
query = "MATCH (n) RETURN n"
output = extract_cypher(query)
assert output == query
def test_backticks() -> None:
"""Test if there are backticks. Query from within backticks should be returned."""
query = "You can use the following query: ```MATCH (n) RETURN n```"
output = extract_cypher(query)
assert output == "MATCH (n) RETURN n"
def test_exclude_types() -> None:
structured_schema = {
"node_props": {
"Movie": [{"property": "title", "type": "STRING"}],
"Actor": [{"property": "name", "type": "STRING"}],
"Person": [{"property": "name", "type": "STRING"}],
"rel_props": {},
"relationships": [
{"start": "Actor", "end": "Movie", "type": "ACTED_IN"},
{"start": "Person", "end": "Movie", "type": "DIRECTED"},
exclude_types = ["Person", "DIRECTED"]
output = construct_schema(structured_schema, [], exclude_types)
expected_schema = (
"Node properties are the following:\n"
"Movie {title: STRING},Actor {name: STRING}\n"
"Relationship properties are the following:\n\n"
"The relationships are the following:\n"
assert output == expected_schema
def test_include_types() -> None:
structured_schema = {
"node_props": {
"Movie": [{"property": "title", "type": "STRING"}],
"Actor": [{"property": "name", "type": "STRING"}],
"Person": [{"property": "name", "type": "STRING"}],
"rel_props": {},
"relationships": [
{"start": "Actor", "end": "Movie", "type": "ACTED_IN"},
{"start": "Person", "end": "Movie", "type": "DIRECTED"},
include_types = ["Movie", "Actor", "ACTED_IN"]
output = construct_schema(structured_schema, include_types, [])
expected_schema = (
"Node properties are the following:\n"
"Movie {title: STRING},Actor {name: STRING}\n"
"Relationship properties are the following:\n\n"
"The relationships are the following:\n"
assert output == expected_schema
def test_include_types2() -> None:
structured_schema = {
"node_props": {
"Movie": [{"property": "title", "type": "STRING"}],
"Actor": [{"property": "name", "type": "STRING"}],
"Person": [{"property": "name", "type": "STRING"}],
"rel_props": {},
"relationships": [
{"start": "Actor", "end": "Movie", "type": "ACTED_IN"},
{"start": "Person", "end": "Movie", "type": "DIRECTED"},
include_types = ["Movie", "Actor"]
output = construct_schema(structured_schema, include_types, [])
expected_schema = (
"Node properties are the following:\n"
"Movie {title: STRING},Actor {name: STRING}\n"
"Relationship properties are the following:\n\n"
"The relationships are the following:\n"
assert output == expected_schema
def test_include_types3() -> None:
structured_schema = {
"node_props": {
"Movie": [{"property": "title", "type": "STRING"}],
"Actor": [{"property": "name", "type": "STRING"}],
"Person": [{"property": "name", "type": "STRING"}],
"rel_props": {},
"relationships": [
{"start": "Actor", "end": "Movie", "type": "ACTED_IN"},
{"start": "Person", "end": "Movie", "type": "DIRECTED"},
include_types = ["Movie", "Actor", "ACTED_IN"]
output = construct_schema(structured_schema, include_types, [])
expected_schema = (
"Node properties are the following:\n"
"Movie {title: STRING},Actor {name: STRING}\n"
"Relationship properties are the following:\n\n"
"The relationships are the following:\n"
assert output == expected_schema
multiple: langchain 0.2 in master (#21191) 0.2rc migrations - [x] Move memory - [x] Move remaining retrievers - [x] graph_qa chains - [x] some dependency from evaluation code potentially on math utils - [x] Move openapi chain from `langchain.chains.api.openapi` to `langchain_community.chains.openapi` - [x] Migrate `langchain.chains.ernie_functions` to `langchain_community.chains.ernie_functions` - [x] migrate `langchain/chains/` to `langchain_community.chains.llm_requests` - [x] Moving `langchain_community.cross_enoders.base:BaseCrossEncoder` -> `langchain_community.retrievers.document_compressors.cross_encoder:BaseCrossEncoder` (namespace not ideal, but it needs to be moved to `langchain` to avoid circular deps) - [x] unit tests langchain -- add to some unit tests that will stay in langchain - [x] unit tests community -- move unit tests that depend on community to community - [x] mv integration tests that depend on community to community - [x] mypy checks Other todo - [x] Make deprecation warnings not noisy (need to use warn deprecated and check that things are implemented properly) - [x] Update deprecation messages with timeline for code removal (likely we actually won't be removing things until 0.4 release) -- will give people more time to transition their code. - [ ] Add information to deprecation warning to show users how to migrate their code base using langchain-cli - [ ] Remove any unnecessary requirements in langchain (e.g., is SQLALchemy required?) --------- Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
5 months ago
HERE = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
def test_validating_cypher_statements() -> None:
multiple: langchain 0.2 in master (#21191) 0.2rc migrations - [x] Move memory - [x] Move remaining retrievers - [x] graph_qa chains - [x] some dependency from evaluation code potentially on math utils - [x] Move openapi chain from `langchain.chains.api.openapi` to `langchain_community.chains.openapi` - [x] Migrate `langchain.chains.ernie_functions` to `langchain_community.chains.ernie_functions` - [x] migrate `langchain/chains/` to `langchain_community.chains.llm_requests` - [x] Moving `langchain_community.cross_enoders.base:BaseCrossEncoder` -> `langchain_community.retrievers.document_compressors.cross_encoder:BaseCrossEncoder` (namespace not ideal, but it needs to be moved to `langchain` to avoid circular deps) - [x] unit tests langchain -- add to some unit tests that will stay in langchain - [x] unit tests community -- move unit tests that depend on community to community - [x] mv integration tests that depend on community to community - [x] mypy checks Other todo - [x] Make deprecation warnings not noisy (need to use warn deprecated and check that things are implemented properly) - [x] Update deprecation messages with timeline for code removal (likely we actually won't be removing things until 0.4 release) -- will give people more time to transition their code. - [ ] Add information to deprecation warning to show users how to migrate their code base using langchain-cli - [ ] Remove any unnecessary requirements in langchain (e.g., is SQLALchemy required?) --------- Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
5 months ago
cypher_file = str(UNIT_TESTS_ROOT / "data/cypher_corrector.csv")
examples = pd.read_csv(cypher_file)
examples.fillna("", inplace=True)
for _, row in examples.iterrows():
schema = load_schemas(row["schema"])
corrector = CypherQueryCorrector(schema)
assert corrector(row["statement"]) == row["correct_query"]
def load_schemas(str_schemas: str) -> List[Schema]:
str_schemas: string of schemas
values = str_schemas.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").split(",")
schemas = []
for i in range(len(values) // 3):
values[i * 3].strip(),
values[i * 3 + 1].strip(),
values[i * 3 + 2].strip(),
return schemas