You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

102 lines
3.9 KiB

.PHONY: all clean docs_build docs_clean docs_linkcheck api_docs_build api_docs_clean api_docs_linkcheck format lint test tests test_watch integration_tests docker_tests help extended_tests
# Default target executed when no arguments are given to make.
all: help
# Define a variable for the test file path.
TEST_FILE ?= tests/unit_tests/
# Run unit tests and generate a coverage report.
poetry run pytest --cov \
--cov-config=.coveragerc \
--cov-report xml \
--cov-report term-missing:skip-covered \
test tests:
poetry run pytest --disable-socket --allow-unix-socket $(TEST_FILE)
poetry run pytest --disable-socket --allow-unix-socket --only-extended tests/unit_tests
core: Assign missing message ids in BaseChatModel (#19863) - This ensures ids are stable across streamed chunks - Multiple messages in batch call get separate ids - Also fix ids being dropped when combining message chunks Thank you for contributing to LangChain! - [ ] **PR title**: "package: description" - Where "package" is whichever of langchain, community, core, experimental, etc. is being modified. Use "docs: ..." for purely docs changes, "templates: ..." for template changes, "infra: ..." for CI changes. - Example: "community: add foobar LLM" - [ ] **PR message**: ***Delete this entire checklist*** and replace with - **Description:** a description of the change - **Issue:** the issue # it fixes, if applicable - **Dependencies:** any dependencies required for this change - **Twitter handle:** if your PR gets announced, and you'd like a mention, we'll gladly shout you out! - [ ] **Add tests and docs**: If you're adding a new integration, please include 1. a test for the integration, preferably unit tests that do not rely on network access, 2. an example notebook showing its use. It lives in `docs/docs/integrations` directory. - [ ] **Lint and test**: Run `make format`, `make lint` and `make test` from the root of the package(s) you've modified. See contribution guidelines for more: Additional guidelines: - Make sure optional dependencies are imported within a function. - Please do not add dependencies to pyproject.toml files (even optional ones) unless they are required for unit tests. - Most PRs should not touch more than one package. - Changes should be backwards compatible. - If you are adding something to community, do not re-import it in langchain. If no one reviews your PR within a few days, please @-mention one of baskaryan, efriis, eyurtsev, hwchase17.
2 months ago
poetry run ptw --snapshot-update --now . -- -x --disable-socket --allow-unix-socket --disable-warnings tests/unit_tests
poetry run ptw --snapshot-update --now . -- -x --disable-socket --allow-unix-socket --only-extended tests/unit_tests
poetry run pytest tests/integration_tests
docker build -t my-langchain-image:test .
docker run --rm my-langchain-image:test
check_imports: $(shell find langchain -name '*.py')
poetry run python ./scripts/ $^
# Define a variable for Python and notebook files.
community[major], core[patch], langchain[patch], experimental[patch]: Create langchain-community (#14463) Moved the following modules to new package langchain-community in a backwards compatible fashion: ``` mv langchain/langchain/adapters community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/callbacks community/langchain_community/callbacks mv langchain/langchain/chat_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/chat_models community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/docstore community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_transformers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/embeddings community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/graphs community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/llms community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/memory/chat_message_histories community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/retrievers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/storage community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/tools community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/utilities community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/vectorstores community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/agents/agent_toolkits community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/ community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/adapters community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/callbacks community/langchain_community/callbacks mv langchain/langchain/chat_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/chat_models community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/docstore community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_transformers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/embeddings community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/graphs community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/llms community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/memory/chat_message_histories community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/retrievers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/storage community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/tools community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/utilities community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/vectorstores community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/agents/agent_toolkits community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/ community/langchain_community ``` Moved the following to core ``` mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils cat langchain/langchain/utils/ >> core/langchain_core/utils/ rm langchain/langchain/utils/ ``` See .scripts/community_split/ for all changes
6 months ago
lint format: PYTHON_FILES=.
lint_diff format_diff: PYTHON_FILES=$(shell git diff --relative=libs/langchain --name-only --diff-filter=d master | grep -E '\.py$$|\.ipynb$$')
lint_package: PYTHON_FILES=langchain
lint_tests: PYTHON_FILES=tests
community[major], core[patch], langchain[patch], experimental[patch]: Create langchain-community (#14463) Moved the following modules to new package langchain-community in a backwards compatible fashion: ``` mv langchain/langchain/adapters community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/callbacks community/langchain_community/callbacks mv langchain/langchain/chat_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/chat_models community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/docstore community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_transformers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/embeddings community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/graphs community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/llms community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/memory/chat_message_histories community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/retrievers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/storage community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/tools community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/utilities community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/vectorstores community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/agents/agent_toolkits community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/ community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/adapters community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/callbacks community/langchain_community/callbacks mv langchain/langchain/chat_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/chat_models community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_loaders community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/docstore community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/document_transformers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/embeddings community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/graphs community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/llms community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/memory/chat_message_histories community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/retrievers community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/storage community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/tools community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/utilities community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/vectorstores community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/agents/agent_toolkits community/langchain_community mv langchain/langchain/ community/langchain_community ``` Moved the following to core ``` mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils cat langchain/langchain/utils/ >> core/langchain_core/utils/ rm langchain/langchain/utils/ ``` See .scripts/community_split/ for all changes
6 months ago
lint_tests: MYPY_CACHE=.mypy_cache_test
lint lint_diff lint_package lint_tests:
./scripts/ .
poetry run ruff .
[ "$(PYTHON_FILES)" = "" ] || poetry run ruff format $(PYTHON_FILES) --diff
[ "$(PYTHON_FILES)" = "" ] || poetry run ruff --select I $(PYTHON_FILES)
[ "$(PYTHON_FILES)" = "" ] || mkdir -p $(MYPY_CACHE) && poetry run mypy $(PYTHON_FILES) --cache-dir $(MYPY_CACHE)
format format_diff:
[ "$(PYTHON_FILES)" = "" ] || poetry run ruff format $(PYTHON_FILES)
[ "$(PYTHON_FILES)" = "" ] || poetry run ruff --select I --fix $(PYTHON_FILES)
poetry run codespell --toml pyproject.toml
poetry run codespell --toml pyproject.toml -w
@echo '===================='
@echo 'clean - run docs_clean and api_docs_clean'
@echo 'docs_build - build the documentation'
@echo 'docs_clean - clean the documentation build artifacts'
@echo 'docs_linkcheck - run linkchecker on the documentation'
@echo 'api_docs_build - build the API Reference documentation'
@echo 'api_docs_clean - clean the API Reference documentation build artifacts'
@echo 'api_docs_linkcheck - run linkchecker on the API Reference documentation'
@echo '-- LINTING --'
@echo 'format - run code formatters'
@echo 'lint - run linters'
@echo 'spell_check - run codespell on the project'
@echo 'spell_fix - run codespell on the project and fix the errors'
@echo '-- TESTS --'
@echo 'coverage - run unit tests and generate coverage report'
@echo 'test - run unit tests'
@echo 'tests - run unit tests (alias for "make test")'
@echo 'test TEST_FILE=<test_file> - run all tests in file'
@echo 'extended_tests - run only extended unit tests'
@echo 'test_watch - run unit tests in watch mode'
@echo 'integration_tests - run integration tests'
@echo 'docker_tests - run unit tests in docker'
@echo '-- DOCUMENTATION tasks are from the top-level Makefile --'