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# Contributing to LangChain
Hi there! Thank you for even being interested in contributing to LangChain.
As an open-source project in a rapidly developing field, we are extremely open to contributions, whether they involve new features, improved infrastructure, better documentation, or bug fixes.
## 🗺️ Guidelines
### 👩‍💻 Contributing Code
To contribute to this project, please follow the ["fork and pull request"]( workflow.
Please do not try to push directly to this repo unless you are a maintainer.
Please follow the checked-in pull request template when opening pull requests. Note related issues and tag relevant
Pull requests cannot land without passing the formatting, linting, and testing checks first. See [Testing](#testing) and
[Formatting and Linting](#formatting-and-linting) for how to run these checks locally.
It's essential that we maintain great documentation and testing. If you:
- Fix a bug
- Add a relevant unit or integration test when possible. These live in `tests/unit_tests` and `tests/integration_tests`.
- Make an improvement
- Update any affected example notebooks and documentation. These live in `docs`.
- Update unit and integration tests when relevant.
- Add a feature
- Add a demo notebook in `docs/docs/`.
- Add unit and integration tests.
We are a small, progress-oriented team. If there's something you'd like to add or change, opening a pull request is the
best way to get our attention.
### 🚩GitHub Issues
Our [issues]( page is kept up to date with bugs, improvements, and feature requests.
There is a taxonomy of labels to help with sorting and discovery of issues of interest. Please use these to help organize issues.
If you start working on an issue, please assign it to yourself.
If you are adding an issue, please try to keep it focused on a single, modular bug/improvement/feature.
If two issues are related, or blocking, please link them rather than combining them.
We will try to keep these issues as up-to-date as possible, though
with the rapid rate of development in this field some may get out of date.
If you notice this happening, please let us know.
### 🙋Getting Help
Our goal is to have the simplest developer setup possible. Should you experience any difficulty getting setup, please
contact a maintainer! Not only do we want to help get you unblocked, but we also want to make sure that the process is
smooth for future contributors.
In a similar vein, we do enforce certain linting, formatting, and documentation standards in the codebase.
If you are finding these difficult (or even just annoying) to work with, feel free to contact a maintainer for help -
we do not want these to get in the way of getting good code into the codebase.
## 🚀 Quick Start
This quick start guide explains how to run the repository locally.
For a [development container](, see the [.devcontainer folder](
Update dev container (#6189) Fixes As described in, I'd love to help update the dev container in this project. **Summary of changes:** - Dev container now builds (the current container in this repo won't build for me) - Dockerfile updates - Update image to our [currently-maintained Python image]( (``) rather than the deprecated image from vscode-dev-containers - Move Dockerfile to root of repo - in order for `COPY` to work properly, it needs the files (in this case, `pyproject.toml` and `poetry.toml`) in the same directory - devcontainer.json updates - Removed `customizations` and `remoteUser` since they should be covered by the updated image in the Dockerfile - Update comments - Update docker-compose.yaml to properly point to updated Dockerfile - Add a .gitattributes to avoid line ending conversions, which can result in hundreds of pending changes ([info]( - Add a README in the .devcontainer folder and info on the dev container in the **Outstanding questions:** - Is it expected for `poetry install` to take some time? It takes about 30 minutes for this dev container to finish building in a Codespace, but a user should only have to experience this once. Through some online investigation, this doesn't seem unusual - Versions of poetry newer than 1.3.2 failed every time - based on some of the guidance in and other online resources, it seemed changing poetry versions might be a good solution. 1.3.2 is from Jan 2023 --------- Co-authored-by: bamurtaugh <> Co-authored-by: Samruddhi Khandale <>
1 year ago
### Dependency Management: Poetry and other env/dependency managers
This project utilizes [Poetry]( v1.6.1+ as a dependency manager.
❗Note: *Before installing Poetry*, if you use `Conda`, create and activate a new Conda env (e.g. `conda create -n langchain python=3.9`)
Install Poetry: **[documentation on how to install it](**.
❗Note: If you use `Conda` or `Pyenv` as your environment/package manager, after installing Poetry,
tell Poetry to use the virtualenv python environment (`poetry config virtualenvs.prefer-active-python true`)
### Core vs. Experimental
This repository contains three separate projects:
- `langchain`: core langchain code, abstractions, and use cases.
- `langchain_core`: contain interfaces for key abstractions as well as logic for combining them in chains (LCEL).
- `langchain_experimental`: see the [Experimental README]( for more information.
Each of these has its own development environment. Docs are run from the top-level makefile, but development
is split across separate test & release flows.
For this quickstart, start with langchain core:
cd libs/langchain
### Local Development Dependencies
Install langchain development requirements (for running langchain, running examples, linting, formatting, tests, and coverage):
poetry install --with test
Then verify dependency installation:
make test
If the tests don't pass, you may need to pip install additional dependencies, such as `numexpr` and `openapi_schema_pydantic`.
If during installation you receive a `WheelFileValidationError` for `debugpy`, please make sure you are running
Poetry v1.6.1+. This bug was present in older versions of Poetry (e.g. 1.4.1) and has been resolved in newer releases.
If you are still seeing this bug on v1.6.1, you may also try disabling "modern installation"
(`poetry config installer.modern-installation false`) and re-installing requirements.
See [this `debugpy` issue]( for more details.
### Testing
_some test dependencies are optional; see section about optional dependencies_.
Unit tests cover modular logic that does not require calls to outside APIs.
If you add new logic, please add a unit test.
To run unit tests:
make test
To run unit tests in Docker:
make docker_tests
There are also [integration tests and code-coverage]( available.
### Only develop langchain_core or langchain_experimental
If you are only developing `langchain_core` or `langchain_experimental`, you can simply install the dependencies for the respective projects and run tests:
cd libs/core
poetry install --with test
make test
cd libs/experimental
poetry install --with test
make test
### Formatting and Linting
Run these locally before submitting a PR; the CI system will check also.
#### Code Formatting
Formatting for this project is done via [ruff](
To run formatting for docs, cookbook and templates:
make format
To run formatting for a library, run the same command from the relevant library directory:
cd libs/{LIBRARY}
make format
Additionally, you can run the formatter only on the files that have been modified in your current branch as compared to the master branch using the format_diff command:
make format_diff
This is especially useful when you have made changes to a subset of the project and want to ensure your changes are properly formatted without affecting the rest of the codebase.
#### Linting
Linting for this project is done via a combination of [ruff]( and [mypy](
To run linting for docs, cookbook and templates:
make lint
To run linting for a library, run the same command from the relevant library directory:
cd libs/{LIBRARY}
make lint
In addition, you can run the linter only on the files that have been modified in your current branch as compared to the master branch using the lint_diff command:
make lint_diff
This can be very helpful when you've made changes to only certain parts of the project and want to ensure your changes meet the linting standards without having to check the entire codebase.
We recognize linting can be annoying - if you do not want to do it, please contact a project maintainer, and they can help you with it. We do not want this to be a blocker for good code getting contributed.
#### Spellcheck
Spellchecking for this project is done via [codespell](
Note that `codespell` finds common typos, so it could have false-positive (correctly spelled but rarely used) and false-negatives (not finding misspelled) words.
To check spelling for this project:
make spell_check
To fix spelling in place:
make spell_fix
If codespell is incorrectly flagging a word, you can skip spellcheck for that word by adding it to the codespell config in the `pyproject.toml` file.
# Add here:
ignore-words-list = 'momento,collison,ned,foor,reworkd,parth,whats,aapply,mysogyny,unsecure'
## Working with Optional Dependencies
Langchain relies heavily on optional dependencies to keep the Langchain package lightweight.
You only need to add a new dependency if a **unit test** relies on the package.
If your package is only required for **integration tests**, then you can skip these
steps and leave all pyproject.toml and poetry.lock files alone.
If you're adding a new dependency to Langchain, assume that it will be an optional dependency, and
that most users won't have it installed.
Users who do not have the dependency installed should be able to **import** your code without
any side effects (no warnings, no errors, no exceptions).
To introduce the dependency to the pyproject.toml file correctly, please do the following:
1. Add the dependency to the main group as an optional dependency
poetry add --optional [package_name]
2. Open pyproject.toml and add the dependency to the `extended_testing` extra
3. Relock the poetry file to update the extra.
poetry lock --no-update
4. Add a unit test that the very least attempts to import the new code. Ideally, the unit
test makes use of lightweight fixtures to test the logic of the code.
5. Please use the `@pytest.mark.requires(package_name)` decorator for any tests that require the dependency.
## Adding a Jupyter Notebook
If you are adding a Jupyter Notebook example, you'll want to install the optional `dev` dependencies.
To install dev dependencies:
poetry install --with dev
Launch a notebook:
poetry run jupyter notebook
When you run `poetry install`, the `langchain` package is installed as editable in the virtualenv, so your new logic can be imported into the notebook.
## Documentation
While the code is split between `langchain` and `langchain.experimental`, the documentation is one holistic thing.
This covers how to get started contributing to documentation.
From the top-level of this repo, install documentation dependencies:
poetry install
### Contribute Documentation
Fix `make docs_build` and related scripts (#7276) **Description: a description of the change** Fixed `make docs_build` and related scripts which caused errors. There are several changes. First, I made the build of the documentation and the API Reference into two separate commands. This is because it takes less time to build. The commands for documents are `make docs_build`, `make docs_clean`, and `make docs_linkcheck`. The commands for API Reference are `make api_docs_build`, `api_docs_clean`, and `api_docs_linkcheck`. It looked like `docs/` could be used to build the documentation, so I used that. Since `` was also building API Rerefence internally, I removed that process. `` also added some Bash options to stop in error or so. Futher more added `cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}"` at the beginning so that the script will work no matter which directory it is executed in. `docs/api_reference/api_reference.rst` is removed, because which is generated by `docs/api_reference/`, and added it to .gitignore. Finally, the description of was modified. **Issue: the issue # it fixes (if applicable)** **Dependencies: any dependencies required for this change** `nbdoc` was missing in group docs so it was added. I installed it with the `poetry add --group docs nbdoc` command. I am concerned if any modifications are needed to poetry.lock. I would greatly appreciate it if you could pay close attention to this file during the review. **Tag maintainer** - General / Misc / if you don't know who to tag: @baskaryan If this PR needs any additional changes, I'll be happy to make them! --------- Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
The docs directory contains Documentation and API Reference.
Fix `make docs_build` and related scripts (#7276) **Description: a description of the change** Fixed `make docs_build` and related scripts which caused errors. There are several changes. First, I made the build of the documentation and the API Reference into two separate commands. This is because it takes less time to build. The commands for documents are `make docs_build`, `make docs_clean`, and `make docs_linkcheck`. The commands for API Reference are `make api_docs_build`, `api_docs_clean`, and `api_docs_linkcheck`. It looked like `docs/` could be used to build the documentation, so I used that. Since `` was also building API Rerefence internally, I removed that process. `` also added some Bash options to stop in error or so. Futher more added `cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}"` at the beginning so that the script will work no matter which directory it is executed in. `docs/api_reference/api_reference.rst` is removed, because which is generated by `docs/api_reference/`, and added it to .gitignore. Finally, the description of was modified. **Issue: the issue # it fixes (if applicable)** **Dependencies: any dependencies required for this change** `nbdoc` was missing in group docs so it was added. I installed it with the `poetry add --group docs nbdoc` command. I am concerned if any modifications are needed to poetry.lock. I would greatly appreciate it if you could pay close attention to this file during the review. **Tag maintainer** - General / Misc / if you don't know who to tag: @baskaryan If this PR needs any additional changes, I'll be happy to make them! --------- Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
Documentation is built using [Docusaurus 2](
API Reference are largely autogenerated by [sphinx]( from the code.
For that reason, we ask that you add good documentation to all classes and methods.
Similar to linting, we recognize documentation can be annoying. If you do not want to do it, please contact a project maintainer, and they can help you with it. We do not want this to be a blocker for good code getting contributed.
### Build Documentation Locally
Fix `make docs_build` and related scripts (#7276) **Description: a description of the change** Fixed `make docs_build` and related scripts which caused errors. There are several changes. First, I made the build of the documentation and the API Reference into two separate commands. This is because it takes less time to build. The commands for documents are `make docs_build`, `make docs_clean`, and `make docs_linkcheck`. The commands for API Reference are `make api_docs_build`, `api_docs_clean`, and `api_docs_linkcheck`. It looked like `docs/` could be used to build the documentation, so I used that. Since `` was also building API Rerefence internally, I removed that process. `` also added some Bash options to stop in error or so. Futher more added `cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}"` at the beginning so that the script will work no matter which directory it is executed in. `docs/api_reference/api_reference.rst` is removed, because which is generated by `docs/api_reference/`, and added it to .gitignore. Finally, the description of was modified. **Issue: the issue # it fixes (if applicable)** **Dependencies: any dependencies required for this change** `nbdoc` was missing in group docs so it was added. I installed it with the `poetry add --group docs nbdoc` command. I am concerned if any modifications are needed to poetry.lock. I would greatly appreciate it if you could pay close attention to this file during the review. **Tag maintainer** - General / Misc / if you don't know who to tag: @baskaryan If this PR needs any additional changes, I'll be happy to make them! --------- Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
In the following commands, the prefix `api_` indicates that those are operations for the API Reference.
Before building the documentation, it is always a good idea to clean the build directory:
make docs_clean
Fix `make docs_build` and related scripts (#7276) **Description: a description of the change** Fixed `make docs_build` and related scripts which caused errors. There are several changes. First, I made the build of the documentation and the API Reference into two separate commands. This is because it takes less time to build. The commands for documents are `make docs_build`, `make docs_clean`, and `make docs_linkcheck`. The commands for API Reference are `make api_docs_build`, `api_docs_clean`, and `api_docs_linkcheck`. It looked like `docs/` could be used to build the documentation, so I used that. Since `` was also building API Rerefence internally, I removed that process. `` also added some Bash options to stop in error or so. Futher more added `cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}"` at the beginning so that the script will work no matter which directory it is executed in. `docs/api_reference/api_reference.rst` is removed, because which is generated by `docs/api_reference/`, and added it to .gitignore. Finally, the description of was modified. **Issue: the issue # it fixes (if applicable)** **Dependencies: any dependencies required for this change** `nbdoc` was missing in group docs so it was added. I installed it with the `poetry add --group docs nbdoc` command. I am concerned if any modifications are needed to poetry.lock. I would greatly appreciate it if you could pay close attention to this file during the review. **Tag maintainer** - General / Misc / if you don't know who to tag: @baskaryan If this PR needs any additional changes, I'll be happy to make them! --------- Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
make api_docs_clean
Fix `make docs_build` and related scripts (#7276) **Description: a description of the change** Fixed `make docs_build` and related scripts which caused errors. There are several changes. First, I made the build of the documentation and the API Reference into two separate commands. This is because it takes less time to build. The commands for documents are `make docs_build`, `make docs_clean`, and `make docs_linkcheck`. The commands for API Reference are `make api_docs_build`, `api_docs_clean`, and `api_docs_linkcheck`. It looked like `docs/` could be used to build the documentation, so I used that. Since `` was also building API Rerefence internally, I removed that process. `` also added some Bash options to stop in error or so. Futher more added `cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}"` at the beginning so that the script will work no matter which directory it is executed in. `docs/api_reference/api_reference.rst` is removed, because which is generated by `docs/api_reference/`, and added it to .gitignore. Finally, the description of was modified. **Issue: the issue # it fixes (if applicable)** **Dependencies: any dependencies required for this change** `nbdoc` was missing in group docs so it was added. I installed it with the `poetry add --group docs nbdoc` command. I am concerned if any modifications are needed to poetry.lock. I would greatly appreciate it if you could pay close attention to this file during the review. **Tag maintainer** - General / Misc / if you don't know who to tag: @baskaryan If this PR needs any additional changes, I'll be happy to make them! --------- Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
Next, you can build the documentation as outlined below:
Fix `make docs_build` and related scripts (#7276) **Description: a description of the change** Fixed `make docs_build` and related scripts which caused errors. There are several changes. First, I made the build of the documentation and the API Reference into two separate commands. This is because it takes less time to build. The commands for documents are `make docs_build`, `make docs_clean`, and `make docs_linkcheck`. The commands for API Reference are `make api_docs_build`, `api_docs_clean`, and `api_docs_linkcheck`. It looked like `docs/` could be used to build the documentation, so I used that. Since `` was also building API Rerefence internally, I removed that process. `` also added some Bash options to stop in error or so. Futher more added `cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}"` at the beginning so that the script will work no matter which directory it is executed in. `docs/api_reference/api_reference.rst` is removed, because which is generated by `docs/api_reference/`, and added it to .gitignore. Finally, the description of was modified. **Issue: the issue # it fixes (if applicable)** **Dependencies: any dependencies required for this change** `nbdoc` was missing in group docs so it was added. I installed it with the `poetry add --group docs nbdoc` command. I am concerned if any modifications are needed to poetry.lock. I would greatly appreciate it if you could pay close attention to this file during the review. **Tag maintainer** - General / Misc / if you don't know who to tag: @baskaryan If this PR needs any additional changes, I'll be happy to make them! --------- Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
make docs_build
make api_docs_build
Finally, run the link checker to ensure all links are valid:
Fix `make docs_build` and related scripts (#7276) **Description: a description of the change** Fixed `make docs_build` and related scripts which caused errors. There are several changes. First, I made the build of the documentation and the API Reference into two separate commands. This is because it takes less time to build. The commands for documents are `make docs_build`, `make docs_clean`, and `make docs_linkcheck`. The commands for API Reference are `make api_docs_build`, `api_docs_clean`, and `api_docs_linkcheck`. It looked like `docs/` could be used to build the documentation, so I used that. Since `` was also building API Rerefence internally, I removed that process. `` also added some Bash options to stop in error or so. Futher more added `cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}"` at the beginning so that the script will work no matter which directory it is executed in. `docs/api_reference/api_reference.rst` is removed, because which is generated by `docs/api_reference/`, and added it to .gitignore. Finally, the description of was modified. **Issue: the issue # it fixes (if applicable)** **Dependencies: any dependencies required for this change** `nbdoc` was missing in group docs so it was added. I installed it with the `poetry add --group docs nbdoc` command. I am concerned if any modifications are needed to poetry.lock. I would greatly appreciate it if you could pay close attention to this file during the review. **Tag maintainer** - General / Misc / if you don't know who to tag: @baskaryan If this PR needs any additional changes, I'll be happy to make them! --------- Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
make docs_linkcheck
make api_docs_linkcheck
### Verify Documentation changes
After pushing documentation changes to the repository, you can preview and verify that the changes are
what you wanted by clicking the `View deployment` or `Visit Preview` buttons on the pull request `Conversation` page.
This will take you to a preview of the documentation changes.
This preview is created by [Vercel](
## 🏭 Release Process
As of now, LangChain has an ad hoc release process: releases are cut with high frequency by
a developer and published to [PyPI](
LangChain follows the [semver]( versioning standard. However, as pre-1.0 software,
even patch releases may contain [non-backwards-compatible changes](
### 🌟 Recognition
If your contribution has made its way into a release, we will want to give you credit on Twitter (only if you want though)!
If you have a Twitter account you would like us to mention, please let us know in the PR or through another means.