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# Agent Simulations
Agent simulations involve interacting one of more agents with eachother.
Agent simulations generally involve two main components:
- Long Term Memory
- Simulation Environment
Specific implementations of agent simulations (or parts of agent simulations) include
## Simulations with Two Agents
- [CAMEL](agent_simulations/camel_role_playing.ipynb): an implementation of the CAMEL (Communicative Agents for “Mind” Exploration of Large Scale Language Model Society) paper, where two agents communicate with each other.
- [Two Player D&D](agent_simulations/two_player_dnd.ipynb): an example of how to use a generic simulator for two agents to implement a variant of the popular Dungeons & Dragons role playing game.
## Generative Agents
- [Generative Agents](agent_simulations/characters.ipynb): This notebook implements a generative agent based on the paper [Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior]( by Park, et. al.