You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
3.8 KiB

# RAG with Timescale Vector using hybrid search
This template shows how to use timescale-vector with the self-query retriver to perform hybrid search on similarity and time.
This is useful any time your data has a strong time-based component. Some examples of such data are:
- News articles (politics, business, etc)
- Blog posts, documentation or other published material (public or private).
- Social media posts
- Changelogs of any kind
- Messages
Such items are often searched by both similarity and time. For example: Show me all news about Toyota trucks from 2022.
[Timescale Vector]( provides superior performance when searching for embeddings within a particular
timeframe by leveraging automatic table partitioning to isolate data for particular time-ranges.
Langchain's self-query retriever allows deducing time-ranges (as well as other search criteria) from the text of user queries.
## What is Timescale Vector?
**[Timescale Vector]( is PostgreSQL++ for AI applications.**
Timescale Vector enables you to efficiently store and query billions of vector embeddings in `PostgreSQL`.
- Enhances `pgvector` with faster and more accurate similarity search on 1B+ vectors via DiskANN inspired indexing algorithm.
- Enables fast time-based vector search via automatic time-based partitioning and indexing.
- Provides a familiar SQL interface for querying vector embeddings and relational data.
Timescale Vector is cloud PostgreSQL for AI that scales with you from POC to production:
- Simplifies operations by enabling you to store relational metadata, vector embeddings, and time-series data in a single database.
- Benefits from rock-solid PostgreSQL foundation with enterprise-grade feature liked streaming backups and replication, high-availability and row-level security.
- Enables a worry-free experience with enterprise-grade security and compliance.
### How to access Timescale Vector
Timescale Vector is available on [Timescale](, the cloud PostgreSQL platform. (There is no self-hosted version at this time.)
- LangChain users get a 90-day free trial for Timescale Vector.
- To get started, [signup]( to Timescale, create a new database and follow this notebook!
- See the [installation instructions]( for more details on using Timescale Vector in python.
### Using Timescale Vector with this template
This template uses TimescaleVector as a vectorstore and requires that `TIMESCALES_SERVICE_URL` is set.
## LLM
Be sure that `OPENAI_API_KEY` is set in order to the OpenAI models.
## Loading sample data
We have provided a sample dataset you can use for demoing this template. It consists of the git history of the timescale project.
To load this dataset, set the `LOAD_SAMPLE_DATA` environmental variable.
## Loading your own dataset.
To load your own dataset you will have to modify the code in the `DATASET SPECIFIC CODE` section of ``.
This code defines the name of the collection, how to load the data, and the human-language description of both the
contents of the collection and all of the metadata. The human-language descriptions are used by the self-query retriever
to help the LLM convert the question into filters on the metadata when searching the data in Timescale-vector.
## Using in your own applications
This is a standard LangServe template. Instructions on how to use it with your LangServe applications are [here](