Run flusher threads once every 30s

Signed-off-by: Tyler Nijmeh <>
Tyler Nijmeh 4 years ago
parent fba1e4d53f
commit 53c4c49827

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ This tunable is the same as the former, but it is the ceiling for **synchronous*
### vm.dirty_expire_centisecs: 300 (3s) --> 1000 (10s)
This is the longest that dirty pages can remain in the system before they are forcefully written out to the disk. By increasing this value, we can allow the dirty background writeback to take its time asynchronously, and avoid unnecessary writebacks that can clog the flusher thread.
### vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs: 500 (5s) --> 1000 (10s)
### vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs: 500 (5s) --> 3000 (30s)
Do background writeback via flusher threads less often to reduce occasional overhead.
### 3 --> 0

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_schedstats 0
write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio 10
write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio 30
write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs 1000
write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs 1000
write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs 3000
write /proc/sys/vm/page-cluster 0
write /proc/sys/vm/reap_mem_on_sigkill 1
write /proc/sys/vm/stat_interval 10
