5 News downloader
Frans de Jonge edited this page 5 years ago

News downloader

Retrieves RSS and Atom news entries and saves them as HTML files.


News (RSS/Atom) downloader comes with initial, sample feeds configuration, that can be changed under Settings menu. You can also edit this file in you favorite external text editor.

Entry syntax:

{"http://your-url.com", limit=max_number_of_items_to_be_created, download_full_article=true/false},


'limit' to "0" means no limit.
'download_full_article=true' - means download full article (may not always work correctly)
'download_full_article=false' - means use only feed description to create feeds (usually only beginning of the article)
'download_full_article' default value is 'true' (if no 'download_full_article' entry)

Download feeds.

All you need to do is copy an RSS/Atom URL, use it in News downloader configuration and press “Download news” to start downloading. If successful, once finished, it creates a subfolder in the News downloader directory for every feed provider.

Note: Remember to put a comma at the end of each entry!

For more information about RSS/Atom please refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atom_(standard)