2 Keymapping
Jellby edited this page 3 years ago

Koreader supports keymapping (i.e. defining different commands to physical buttons on devices with them).

To do this, you need to create document (if it doesn't already exist) koreader/settings/event_map.lua and there you can edit key bindings.

One example is shown here, with example below.

return { [42] = "Back" }

Number 42 is key value, you need to know values for physical keys. Example for Kobo Forma can be found here. Back is command you want that button to execute.

Default keymapping is in file koreader/frontend/device/kobo/device.lua

    self.input = require("device/input"):new{
        device = self,
        event_map = {
            [59] = "SleepCover",
            [90] = "LightButton",
            [102] = "Home",
            [116] = "Power",
            [193] = "RPgBack",
            [194] = "RPgFwd",

For inverting button function you change button commands like this:

return {
            [194] = "RPgBack",
            [193] = "RPgFwd",

More info on this can be found here.