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synced 2024-11-16 06:12:56 +00:00
InputText: checks whether provided content can be given back unaltered, which may not be the case after it is splitted to UTF8 chars if the text is binary content. Prevent editing text if that is the case. Adds InputText and InputDialog :isEditable() and :isEdited() methods. Also accounts for the scrollbar width when measuring text to prevent it from being displayed when not needed. Also ensure a minimal size of the scrollbar thumb so it is rendered when huge text with many lines is displayed. Virtual keyboard: Hold on Backspace: delete from cursor to start of line instead of clearing all text content.
290 lines
11 KiB
290 lines
11 KiB
Text rendering module.
local Font = require("ui/font")
local Cache = require("cache")
local CacheItem = require("cacheitem")
local BlitBuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer")
local logger = require("logger")
if require("device"):isAndroid() then
require("jit").off(true, true)
@TODO: all these functions should probably be methods on Face objects
local RenderText = {}
local GlyphCache = Cache:new{
max_memsize = 512*1024,
current_memsize = 0,
cache = {},
-- this will hold the LRU order of the cache
cache_order = {}
-- iterator over UTF8 encoded characters in a string
local function utf8Chars(input_text)
local function read_next_glyph(input, pos)
if string.len(input) < pos then return nil end
local value = string.byte(input, pos)
if bit.band(value, 0x80) == 0 then
-- TODO: check valid ranges
return pos+1, value, string.sub(input, pos, pos)
elseif bit.band(value, 0xC0) == 0x80 -- invalid, continuation
or bit.band(value, 0xF8) == 0xF8 -- 5-or-more byte sequence, illegal due to RFC3629
return pos+1, 0xFFFD, "\xFF\xFD"
local glyph, bytes_left
if bit.band(value, 0xE0) == 0xC0 then
glyph = bit.band(value, 0x1F)
bytes_left = 1
elseif bit.band(value, 0xF0) == 0xE0 then
glyph = bit.band(value, 0x0F)
bytes_left = 2
elseif bit.band(value, 0xF8) == 0xF0 then
glyph = bit.band(value, 0x07)
bytes_left = 3
return pos+1, 0xFFFD, "\xFF\xFD"
if string.len(input) < (pos + bytes_left) then
return pos+1, 0xFFFD, "\xFF\xFD"
for i = pos+1, pos + bytes_left do
value = string.byte(input, i)
if bit.band(value, 0xC0) == 0x80 then
glyph = bit.bor(bit.lshift(glyph, 6), bit.band(value, 0x3F))
-- invalid UTF8 continuation - don't be greedy, just skip
-- the initial char of the sequence.
return pos+1, 0xFFFD, "\xFF\xFD"
-- TODO: check for valid ranges here!
return pos+bytes_left+1, glyph, string.sub(input, pos, pos+bytes_left)
return read_next_glyph, input_text, 1
--- Returns a rendered glyph
-- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face for the text
-- @int charcode
-- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold
-- @treturn glyph
function RenderText:getGlyph(face, charcode, bold)
local hash = "glyph|"..face.hash.."|"..charcode.."|"..(bold and 1 or 0)
local glyph = GlyphCache:check(hash)
if glyph then
-- cache hit
return glyph[1]
local rendered_glyph = face.ftface:renderGlyph(charcode, bold)
if face.ftface:checkGlyph(charcode) == 0 then
for index, font in pairs(Font.fallbacks) do
-- use original size before scaling by screen DPI
local fb_face = Font:getFace(font, face.orig_size)
if fb_face ~= nil then
-- for some characters it cannot find in Fallbacks, it will crash here
if fb_face.ftface:checkGlyph(charcode) ~= 0 then
rendered_glyph = fb_face.ftface:renderGlyph(charcode, bold)
if not rendered_glyph then
logger.warn("error rendering glyph (charcode=", charcode, ") for face", face)
glyph = CacheItem:new{rendered_glyph}
glyph.size = glyph[1].bb:getWidth() * glyph[1].bb:getHeight() / 2 + 32
GlyphCache:insert(hash, glyph)
return rendered_glyph
--- Returns a substring of a given text that meets the maximum width (in pixels)
-- restriction.
-- @string text text to truncate
-- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face for the text
-- @int width maximum width in pixels
-- @bool[opt=false] kerning whether the text should be measured with kerning
-- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold
-- @treturn string
-- @see truncateTextByWidth
function RenderText:getSubTextByWidth(text, face, width, kerning, bold)
local pen_x = 0
local prevcharcode
local char_list = {}
for _, charcode, uchar in utf8Chars(text) do
if pen_x < width then
local glyph = self:getGlyph(face, charcode, bold)
if kerning and prevcharcode then
local kern = face.ftface:getKerning(prevcharcode, charcode)
pen_x = pen_x + kern
pen_x = pen_x + glyph.ax
if pen_x <= width then
prevcharcode = charcode
table.insert(char_list, uchar)
return table.concat(char_list)
--- Measure rendered size for a given text.
-- Note this function does not render the text into a bitmap. Use it if you
-- only need the estimated size information.
-- @int x start position for a given text (within maximum width)
-- @int width maximum rendering width in pixels (think of it as size of the bitmap)
-- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face that will be used for rendering
-- @string text text to measure
-- @bool[opt=false] kerning whether the text should be measured with kerning
-- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold
-- @treturn RenderTextSize
function RenderText:sizeUtf8Text(x, width, face, text, kerning, bold)
if not text then
logger.warn("sizeUtf8Text called without text");
-- may still need more adaptive pen placement when kerning,
-- see: http://freetype.org/freetype2/docs/glyphs/glyphs-4.html
local pen_x = 0
local pen_y_top = 0
local pen_y_bottom = 0
local prevcharcode = 0
for _, charcode, uchar in utf8Chars(text) do
if pen_x < (width - x) then
local glyph = self:getGlyph(face, charcode, bold)
if kerning and (prevcharcode ~= 0) then
pen_x = pen_x + (face.ftface):getKerning(prevcharcode, charcode)
pen_x = pen_x + glyph.ax
pen_y_top = math.max(pen_y_top, glyph.t)
pen_y_bottom = math.max(pen_y_bottom, glyph.bb:getHeight() - glyph.t)
prevcharcode = charcode
end -- if pen_x < (width - x)
--- RenderText size information
-- @table RenderTextSize
-- @field x length of the text on x coordinate
-- @field y_top distance between top-most pixel (scanline) and baseline
-- (bearingY)
-- @field y_bottom distance between bottom-most pixel (scanline) and
-- baseline (height - y_top)
return { x = pen_x, y_top = pen_y_top, y_bottom = pen_y_bottom }
--- Render a given text into a given BlitBuffer
-- @tparam BlitBuffer dest_bb Buffer to blit into
-- @int x starting x coordinate position within dest_bb
-- @int baseline y coordinate for baseline, within dest_bb
-- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face that will be used for rendering
-- @string text text to render
-- @bool[opt=false] kerning whether the text should be measured with kerning
-- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold
-- @tparam[opt=BlitBuffer.COLOR_BLACK] BlitBuffer.COLOR fgcolor foreground color
-- @int[opt=nil] width maximum rendering width
-- @tparam[opt] table char_pads array of integers, nb of pixels to add, one for each utf8 char in text
-- @return int width of rendered bitmap
function RenderText:renderUtf8Text(dest_bb, x, baseline, face, text, kerning, bold, fgcolor, width, char_pads)
if not text then
logger.warn("renderUtf8Text called without text");
return 0
if not fgcolor then
fgcolor = BlitBuffer.COLOR_BLACK
-- may still need more adaptive pen placement when kerning,
-- see: http://freetype.org/freetype2/docs/glyphs/glyphs-4.html
local pen_x = 0
local prevcharcode = 0
local text_width = dest_bb:getWidth() - x
if width and width < text_width then
text_width = width
local char_idx = 0
for _, charcode, uchar in utf8Chars(text) do
if pen_x < text_width then
local glyph = self:getGlyph(face, charcode, bold)
if kerning and (prevcharcode ~= 0) then
pen_x = pen_x + face.ftface:getKerning(prevcharcode, charcode)
x + pen_x + glyph.l,
baseline - glyph.t,
0, 0,
glyph.bb:getWidth(), glyph.bb:getHeight(),
pen_x = pen_x + glyph.ax
prevcharcode = charcode
end -- if pen_x < text_width
if char_pads then
char_idx = char_idx + 1
pen_x = pen_x + (char_pads[char_idx] or 0)
-- We used to use:
-- pen_x = pen_x + char_pads[char_idx]
-- above will fail if we didnt count the same number of chars, we'll see
-- We saw, and it's pretty robust: it never failed before we tried to
-- render some binary content, which messes the utf8 sequencing: the
-- split to UTF8 is only reversible if text is valid UTF8 (or nearly UTF8).
-- TextBoxWidget did this sequencing, counted the number of chars
-- and made out 'char_pads', and gave us back the concatenated utf8
-- chars as 'text', that we sequenced again above: we may not get the
-- same number of chars as we did previously to make char_pads.
-- We'd rather not crash (and have binary stuff displayed, even if
-- badly). The mess in char_pads is negligeable when that happens.
return pen_x
local ellipsis, space = "…", " "
local ellipsis_width, space_width
--- Returns a substring of a given text that meets the maximum width (in pixels)
-- restriction with ellipses (…) at the end if required.
-- @string text text to truncate
-- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face for the text
-- @int width maximum width in pixels
-- @bool[opt=false] kerning whether the text should be measured with kerning
-- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold
-- @bool[opt=false] prepend_space whether a space should be prepended to the text
-- @treturn string
-- @see getSubTextByWidth
function RenderText:truncateTextByWidth(text, face, max_width, kerning, bold, prepend_space)
if not ellipsis_width then
ellipsis_width = self:sizeUtf8Text(0, max_width, face, ellipsis).x
if not space_width then
space_width = self:sizeUtf8Text(0, max_width, face, space).x
local new_txt_width = max_width - ellipsis_width - space_width
local sub_txt = self:getSubTextByWidth(text, face, new_txt_width, kerning, bold)
if prepend_space then
return space.. sub_txt .. ellipsis
return sub_txt .. ellipsis .. space
return RenderText