You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines
2.4 KiB

return {
[ 97] = "A", [ 98] = "B", [ 99] = "C", [100] = "D", [101] = "E", [102] = "F",
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[121] = "Y", [122] = "Z",
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[53] = "5", [54] = "6", [55] = "7", [56] = "8", [57] = "9",
[33] = "!",
[34] = "\"",
[35] = "#",
[36] = "$",
[37] = "#",
[38] = "&",
[39] = "'",
[40] = "(",
[41] = ")",
[42] = "*",
[43] = "+",
[44] = ",",
[45] = "-",
[46] = ".",
[47] = "/",
[58] = ":",
[59] = ";",
[60] = "<",
[61] = "=",
[62] = ">",
[63] = "?",
[64] = "@",
[91] = "[",
[92] = "\\",
[93] = "]",
[94] = "^",
[95] = "_",
[96] = "`",
[ 8] = "Backspace", -- Backpace
[ 9] = "Tab", -- Tab
[13] = "Press", -- Enter
[27] = "Back", -- Escape
[32] = " ", -- Spacebar
[127] = "Del",
[1073741882] = "Menu", -- F[1]
[1073741883] = "Power", -- F[2]
[1073741884] = "F3", -- F[3]
[1073741885] = "F4", -- F[4]
[1073741886] = "F5", -- F[5]
[1073741887] = "LPgBack", -- F[6]
[1073741888] = "LPgFwd", -- F[7]
[1073741889] = "F8", -- F[8]
[1073741890] = "F9", -- F[9]
[1073741891] = "F10", -- F[10]
[1073741892] = "F11", -- F[11]
[1073741893] = "F12", -- F[12]
[1073742049] = "Shift", -- left shift
[1073742053] = os.getenv("DISABLE_TOUCH") == "1" and "Sym" or "Shift", -- right shift
[1073742050] = "Alt", -- left alt
[1073742054] = "AA", -- right alt key
[1073741925] = "ContextMenu", -- Context menu key
[1073741942] = "ContextMenu", -- Context menu key
[0x400000E0] = "Ctrl", -- Left Ctrl
[0x400000E4] = "Ctrl", -- Right Ctrl
[1073742051] = "Win", -- Left Win/Cmd
[1073742055] = "Win", -- Right Win/Cmd
[1073741906] = "Up", -- arrow up
[1073741899] = "RPgBack", -- normal PageUp
[1073741904] = "Left", -- arrow left
[1073741903] = "Right", -- arrow right
[1073741905] = "Down", -- arrow down
[1073741902] = "RPgFwd", -- normal PageDown
[1073741898] = "Home",
[1073741901] = "End",
[1073741897] = "Insert",
[1073741894] = "PrintScreen",
[1073741895] = "ScrollLock",