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poire-z d98ea4e9ee util.splitToChars(): supports text encoded in WTF-8
WTF-8 is a superset of UTF-8, that includes UTF-16 surrogates
in UTF-8 bytes (forbidden in well-formed UTF-8).
We may get UTF-8 with these from bad producers or converters.

We can get such chars in the text we get from Wikipedia API once
their (fully valid) JSON has been decoded by our lpeg-based JSON
decoder (which is a defect, hard to fix). (Our other pure-Lua json
decoder has no problem and do that correctly).
We might also find these WTF-8 in some dictionaries, so let's
support them.
2019-01-15 23:56:11 +01:00

759 lines
26 KiB

This module contains miscellaneous helper functions for the KOReader frontend.
local BaseUtil = require("ffi/util")
local dbg = require("dbg")
local _ = require("gettext")
local T = BaseUtil.template
local util = {}
--- Strips all punctuation and spaces from a string.
---- @string text the string to be stripped
---- @treturn string stripped text
function util.stripePunctuations(text)
if not text then return end
-- strip ASCII punctuation characters around text
-- and strip any generic punctuation (U+2000 - U+206F) in the text
return text:gsub("\226[\128-\131][\128-\191]", ''):gsub("^%p+", ''):gsub("%p+$", '')
Splits a string by a pattern
Lua doesn't have a string.split() function and most of the time
you don't really need it because string.gmatch() is enough.
However string.gmatch() has one significant disadvantage for me:
You can't split a string while matching both the delimited
strings and the delimiters themselves without tracking positions
and substrings. The gsplit function below takes care of
this problem.
Author: Peter Odding
License: MIT/X11
Source: <a href="http://snippets.luacode.org/snippets/String_splitting_130">http://snippets.luacode.org/snippets/String_splitting_130</a>
----@string str string to split
----@param pattern the pattern to split against
----@bool capture
----@bool capture_empty_entity
function util.gsplit(str, pattern, capture, capture_empty_entity)
pattern = pattern and tostring(pattern) or '%s+'
if (''):find(pattern) then
error('pattern matches empty string!', 2)
return coroutine.wrap(function()
local index = 1
local first, last = str:find(pattern, index)
if first and last then
if index < first or (index == first and capture_empty_entity) then
coroutine.yield(str:sub(index, first - 1))
if capture then
coroutine.yield(str:sub(first, last))
index = last + 1
if index <= #str then
until index > #str
Converts seconds to a clock string.
Source: <a href="https://gist.github.com/jesseadams/791673">https://gist.github.com/jesseadams/791673</a>
---- @int seconds number of seconds
---- @bool withoutSeconds if true 00:00, if false 00:00:00
---- @treturn string clock string in the form of 00:00 or 00:00:00
function util.secondsToClock(seconds, withoutSeconds)
seconds = tonumber(seconds)
if seconds == 0 or seconds ~= seconds then
if withoutSeconds then
return "00:00"
return "00:00:00"
local round = withoutSeconds and require("optmath").round or math.floor
local hours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds / 3600))
local mins = string.format("%02.f", round(seconds / 60 - (hours * 60)))
if mins == "60" then
mins = string.format("%02.f", 0)
hours = string.format("%02.f", hours + 1)
if withoutSeconds then
return hours .. ":" .. mins
local secs = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds - hours * 3600 - mins * 60))
return hours .. ":" .. mins .. ":" .. secs
Compares values in two different tables.
Source: <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/a/32660766/2470572">https://stackoverflow.com/a/32660766/2470572</a>
---- @param o1 Lua table
---- @param o2 Lua table
---- @bool ignore_mt
---- @treturn boolean
function util.tableEquals(o1, o2, ignore_mt)
if o1 == o2 then return true end
local o1Type = type(o1)
local o2Type = type(o2)
if o1Type ~= o2Type then return false end
if o1Type ~= 'table' then return false end
if not ignore_mt then
local mt1 = getmetatable(o1)
if mt1 and mt1.__eq then
--compare using built in method
return o1 == o2
local keySet = {}
for key1, value1 in pairs(o1) do
local value2 = o2[key1]
if value2 == nil or util.tableEquals(value1, value2, ignore_mt) == false then
return false
keySet[key1] = true
for key2, _ in pairs(o2) do
if not keySet[key2] then return false end
return true
--- Returns number of keys in a table.
---- @param t Lua table
---- @treturn int number of keys in table t
function util.tableSize(t)
local count = 0
for _ in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 end
return count
--- Append all elements from t2 into t1.
---- @param t1 Lua table
---- @param t2 Lua table
function util.arrayAppend(t1, t2)
for _, v in ipairs(t2) do
table.insert(t1, v)
Gets last index of string in character
Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character
or -1 if the character does not occur.
To find . you need to escape it.
---- @string string
---- @string ch
---- @treturn int last occurrence or -1 if not found
function util.lastIndexOf(string, ch)
local i = string:match(".*" .. ch .. "()")
if i == nil then return -1 else return i - 1 end
--- Reverse the individual greater-than-single-byte characters
-- @string string to reverse
-- Taken from https://github.com/blitmap/lua-utf8-simple#utf8reverses
function util.utf8Reverse(text)
text = text:gsub('[%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*', function (c) return #c > 1 and c:reverse() end)
return text:reverse()
--- Splits string into a list of UTF-8 characters.
---- @string text the string to be split.
---- @treturn table list of UTF-8 chars
function util.splitToChars(text)
local tab = {}
if text ~= nil then
local prevcharcode, charcode = 0
-- Supports WTF-8 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#WTF-8
-- a superset of UTF-8, that includes UTF-16 surrogates
-- in UTF-8 bytes (forbidden in well-formed UTF-8).
-- We may get that from bad producers or converters.
-- (luajson, used to decode Wikipedia API json, will not correctly decode
-- this sample: <span lang=\"got\">\ud800\udf45</span> : single Unicode
-- char https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+10345 and will give us
-- "\xed\xa0\x80\xed\xbd\x85" as UTF8, instead of the correct "\xf0\x90\x8d\x85")
-- From http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-1
-- Surrogates are code points from two special ranges of
-- Unicode values, reserved for use as the leading, and
-- trailing values of paired code units in UTF-16. Leading,
-- also called high, surrogates are from D800 to DBFF, and
-- trailing, or low, surrogates are from DC00 to DFFF. They
-- are called surrogates, since they do not represent
-- characters directly, but only as a pair.
local hi_surrogate
local hi_surrogate_uchar
for uchar in string.gmatch(text, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do
charcode = BaseUtil.utf8charcode(uchar)
-- (not sure why we need this prevcharcode check; we could get
-- charcode=nil with invalid UTF-8, but should we then really
-- ignore the following charcode ?)
if prevcharcode then -- utf8
if charcode and charcode >= 0xD800 and charcode <= 0xDBFF then
if hi_surrogate then -- previous unconsumed one, add it even if invalid
table.insert(tab, hi_surrogate_uchar)
hi_surrogate = charcode
hi_surrogate_uchar = uchar -- will be added if not followed by low surrogate
elseif hi_surrogate and charcode and charcode >= 0xDC00 and charcode <= 0xDFFF then
-- low surrogate following a high surrogate, good, let's make them a single char
charcode = (hi_surrogate - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (charcode - 0xDC00) + 0x10000
table.insert(tab, util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(charcode))
hi_surrogate = nil
if hi_surrogate then -- previous unconsumed one, add it even if invalid
table.insert(tab, hi_surrogate_uchar)
hi_surrogate = nil
table.insert(tab, uchar)
prevcharcode = charcode
return tab
--- Tests whether c is a CJK character
---- @string c
---- @treturn boolean true if CJK
function util.isCJKChar(c)
return string.match(c, "[\228-\234][\128-\191].") == c
--- Tests whether str contains CJK characters
---- @string str
---- @treturn boolean true if CJK
function util.hasCJKChar(str)
return string.match(str, "[\228-\234][\128-\191].") ~= nil
--- Split texts into a list of words, spaces and punctuation.
---- @string text text to split
---- @treturn table list of words, spaces and punctuation
function util.splitToWords(text)
local wlist = {}
for word in util.gsplit(text, "[%s%p]+", true) do
-- if space splitted word contains CJK characters
if util.hasCJKChar(word) then
-- split with CJK characters
for char in util.gsplit(word, "[\228-\234\192-\255][\128-\191]+", true) do
table.insert(wlist, char)
table.insert(wlist, word)
return wlist
-- We don't want to split on a space if it is followed by some
-- specific punctuation : e.g. "word :" or "word )"
-- (In french, there is a space before a colon, and it better
-- not be wrapped there.)
local non_splittable_space_tailers = ":;,.!?)]}$%=-+*/|<>»”"
-- Same if a space has some specific other punctuation before it
local non_splittable_space_leaders = "([{$=-+*/|<>«“"
-- Similar rules exist for CJK text. Taken from :
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_breaking_rules_in_East_Asian_languages
local cjk_non_splittable_tailers = table.concat( {
-- Simplified Chinese
-- Traditional Chinese
-- Japanese
-- Korean
local cjk_non_splittable_leaders = table.concat( {
-- Simplified Chinese
-- Traditional Chinese
-- Japanese
-- Korean
local cjk_non_splittable = table.concat( {
-- Japanese
--- Test whether a string can be separated by this char for multi-line rendering.
-- Optional next or prev chars may be provided to help make the decision
---- @string c
---- @string next_c
---- @string prev_c
---- @treturn boolean true if splittable, false if not
function util.isSplittable(c, next_c, prev_c)
if util.isCJKChar(c) then
-- a CJKChar is a word in itself, and so is splittable
if cjk_non_splittable:find(c, 1, true) then
-- except a few of them
return false
elseif next_c and cjk_non_splittable_tailers:find(next_c, 1, true) then
-- but followed by a char that is not permitted at start of line
return false
elseif prev_c and cjk_non_splittable_leaders:find(prev_c, 1, true) then
-- but preceded by a char that is not permitted at end of line
return false
-- we can split on this CJKchar
return true
elseif c == " " then
-- we only split on a space (so punctuation sticks to prev word)
-- if next_c or prev_c is provided, we can make a better decision
if next_c and non_splittable_space_tailers:find(next_c, 1, true) then
-- this space is followed by some punctuation that is better kept with us
return false
elseif prev_c and non_splittable_space_leaders:find(prev_c, 1, true) then
-- this space is lead by some punctuation that is better kept with us
return false
-- we can split on this space
return true
-- otherwise, non splittable
return false
--- Gets filesystem type of a path.
-- Checks if the path occurs in <code>/proc/mounts</code>
---- @string path an absolute path
---- @treturn string filesystem type
function util.getFilesystemType(path)
local mounts = io.open("/proc/mounts", "r")
if not mounts then return nil end
local type
while true do
local line
local mount = {}
line = mounts:read()
if line == nil then
for param in line:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(mount, param) end
if string.match(path, mount[2]) then
type = mount[3]
if mount[2] ~= '/' then
return type
--- Checks if directory is empty.
---- @string path
---- @treturn bool
function util.isEmptyDir(path)
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
-- lfs.dir will crash rather than return nil if directory doesn't exist O_o
local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, path)
if not ok then return end
for filename in iter, dir_obj do
if filename ~= '.' and filename ~= '..' then
return false
return true
--- Checks if the given path exists. Doesn't care if it's a file or directory.
---- @string path
---- @treturn bool
function util.pathExists(path)
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
return lfs.attributes(path, "mode") ~= nil
--- As `mkdir -p`.
--- Unlike lfs.mkdir(), does not error if the directory already exists, and
--- creates intermediate directories as needed.
---- @string path the directory to create
---- @treturn bool true on success; nil, err_message on error
function util.makePath(path)
path = path:gsub("/+$", "")
if util.pathExists(path) then return true end
local success, err = util.makePath((util.splitFilePathName(path)))
if not success then
return nil, err.." (creating "..path..")"
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
return lfs.mkdir(path)
--- Replaces characters that are invalid filenames.
-- Replaces the characters <code>\/:*?"<>|</code> with an <code>_</code>.
-- These characters are problematic on Windows filesystems. On Linux only
-- <code>/</code> poses a problem.
---- @string str filename
---- @treturn string sanitized filename
function util.replaceInvalidChars(str)
if str then
return str:gsub('[\\,%/,:,%*,%?,%",%<,%>,%|]','_')
--- Replaces slash with an underscore.
---- @string str
---- @treturn string
function util.replaceSlashChar(str)
if str then
return str:gsub('%/','_')
--- Splits a file into its directory path and file name.
--- If the given path has a trailing /, returns the entire path as the directory
--- path and "" as the file name.
---- @string file
---- @treturn string path, filename
function util.splitFilePathName(file)
if file == nil or file == "" then return "", "" end
if string.find(file, "/") == nil then return "", file end
return string.gsub(file, "(.*/)(.*)", "%1"), string.gsub(file, ".*/", "")
--- Splits a file name into its pure file name and suffix
---- @string file
---- @treturn string path, extension
function util.splitFileNameSuffix(file)
if file == nil or file == "" then return "", "" end
if string.find(file, "%.") == nil then return file, "" end
return string.gsub(file, "(.*)%.(.*)", "%1"), string.gsub(file, ".*%.", "")
--- Gets file extension
---- @string filename
---- @treturn string extension
function util.getFileNameSuffix(file)
local _, suffix = util.splitFileNameSuffix(file)
return suffix
--- Gets human friendly size as string
---- @int size (bytes)
---- @treturn string
function util.getFriendlySize(size)
size = tonumber(size)
if not size or type(size) ~= "number" then return end
local s
if size > 1024*1024*1024 then
s = string.format("%4.1f GB", size/1024/1024/1024)
elseif size > 1024*1024 then
s = string.format("%4.1f MB", size/1024/1024)
elseif size > 1024 then
s = string.format("%4.1f KB", size/1024)
s = string.format("%d B", size)
return s
--- Gets formatted size as string (1273334 => "1,273,334")
---- @int size (bytes)
---- @treturn string
function util.getFormattedSize(size)
local s = tostring(size)
s = s:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,")
s = s:reverse():gsub("^,", "")
return s
--- Adds > to touch menu items with a submenu
function util.getMenuText(item)
local text
if item.text_func then
text = item.text_func()
text = item.text
if item.sub_item_table ~= nil or item.sub_item_table_func then
text = text .. " \226\150\184"
return text
--- Replaces invalid UTF-8 characters with a replacement string.
-- Based on http://notebook.kulchenko.com/programming/fixing-malformed-utf8-in-lua
---- @string str the string to be checked for invalid characters
---- @string replacement the string to replace invalid characters with
---- @treturn string valid UTF-8
function util.fixUtf8(str, replacement)
local pos = 1
local len = #str
while pos <= len do
if pos == str:find("[%z\1-\127]", pos) then pos = pos + 1
elseif pos == str:find("[\194-\223][\128-\191]", pos) then pos = pos + 2
elseif pos == str:find( "\224[\160-\191][\128-\191]", pos)
or pos == str:find("[\225-\236][\128-\191][\128-\191]", pos)
or pos == str:find( "\237[\128-\159][\128-\191]", pos)
or pos == str:find("[\238-\239][\128-\191][\128-\191]", pos) then pos = pos + 3
elseif pos == str:find( "\240[\144-\191][\128-\191][\128-\191]", pos)
or pos == str:find("[\241-\243][\128-\191][\128-\191][\128-\191]", pos)
or pos == str:find( "\244[\128-\143][\128-\191][\128-\191]", pos) then pos = pos + 4
str = str:sub(1, pos - 1) .. replacement .. str:sub(pos + 1)
pos = pos + #replacement
len = len + #replacement - 1
return str
--- Splits input string with the splitter into a table. This function ignores the last empty entity.
--- @string str the string to be split
--- @string splitter
--- @bool capture_empty_entity
--- @treturn an array-like table
function util.splitToArray(str, splitter, capture_empty_entity)
local result = {}
for word in util.gsplit(str, splitter, false, capture_empty_entity) do
table.insert(result, word)
return result
--- Convert a Unicode codepoint (number) to UTF8 char
--- @int c Unicode codepoint
--- @treturn string UTF8 char
function util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(c)
if c < 128 then
return string.char(c)
elseif c < 2048 then
return string.char(192 + c/64, 128 + c%64)
elseif c < 55296 or 57343 < c and c < 65536 then
return string.char(224 + c/4096, 128 + c/64%64, 128 + c%64)
elseif c < 1114112 then
return string.char(240 + c/262144, 128 + c/4096%64, 128 + c/64%64, 128 + c%64)
return util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(65533) -- U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER
-- we need to use an array of arrays to keep them ordered as written
{"&lt;", "<"},
{"&gt;", ">"},
{"&quot;", '"'},
{"&apos;", "'"},
{"&nbsp;", "\xC2\xA0"},
{"&#(%d+);", function(x) return util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(tonumber(x)) end},
{"&#x(%x+);", function(x) return util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(tonumber(x,16)) end},
{"&amp;", "&"}, -- must be last
--- Replace HTML entities with their UTF8 equivalent in text
-- Supports only basic ones and those with numbers (no support
-- for named entities like &eacute;)
--- @int string text with HTML entities
--- @treturn string UTF8 text
function util.htmlEntitiesToUtf8(text)
for _, t in ipairs(HTML_ENTITIES_TO_UTF8) do
text = text:gsub(t[1], t[2])
return text
--- Convert simple HTML to plain text
-- This may fail on complex HTML (with styles, scripts, comments), but should
-- be fine enough with simple HTML as found in EPUB's <dc:description>.
--- @string text HTML text
--- @treturn string plain text
function util.htmlToPlainText(text)
-- Replace <br> and <p> with \n
text = text:gsub("%s*<%s*br%s*/?>%s*", "\n") -- <br> and <br/>
text = text:gsub("%s*<%s*p%s*>%s*", "\n") -- <p>
text = text:gsub("%s*</%s*p%s*>%s*", "\n") -- </p>
text = text:gsub("%s*<%s*p%s*/>%s*", "\n") -- standalone <p/>
-- Remove all HTML tags
text = text:gsub("<[^>]*>", "")
-- Convert HTML entities
text = util.htmlEntitiesToUtf8(text)
-- Trim spaces and new lines at start and end
text = text:gsub("^[\n%s]*", "")
text = text:gsub("[\n%s]*$", "")
return text
--- Convert HTML to plain text if text seems to be HTML
-- Detection of HTML is simple and may raise false positives
-- or negatives, but seems quite good at guessing content type
-- of text found in EPUB's <dc:description>.
--- @string text the string with possibly some HTML
--- @treturn string cleaned text
function util.htmlToPlainTextIfHtml(text)
local is_html = false
-- Quick way to check if text is some HTML:
-- look for html tags
local _, nb_tags
_, nb_tags = text:gsub("<%w+.->", "")
if nb_tags > 0 then
is_html = true
-- no <tag> found
-- but we may meet some text badly twicely encoded html containing "&lt;br&gt;"
local nb_encoded_tags
_, nb_encoded_tags = text:gsub("&lt;%a+&gt;", "")
if nb_encoded_tags > 0 then
is_html = true
-- decode one of the two encodes
text = util.htmlEntitiesToUtf8(text)
if is_html then
text = util.htmlToPlainText(text)
-- if text ends with ]]>, it probably comes from <![CDATA[ .. ]]> that
-- crengine has extracted correctly, but let the ending tag in, so
-- let's remove it
text = text:gsub("]]>%s*$", "")
return text
--- Encode the HTML entities in a string
--- @string text the string to escape
-- Taken from https://github.com/kernelsauce/turbo/blob/e4a35c2e3fb63f07464f8f8e17252bea3a029685/turbo/escape.lua#L58-L70
function util.htmlEscape(text)
return text:gsub("[}{\">/<'&]", {
["&"] = "&amp;",
["<"] = "&lt;",
[">"] = "&gt;",
['"'] = "&quot;",
["'"] = "&#39;",
["/"] = "&#47;",
--- Escape list for shell usage
--- @table args the list of arguments to escape
--- @treturn string the escaped and concatenated arguments
function util.shell_escape(args)
local escaped_args = {}
for _, arg in ipairs(args) do
arg = "'" .. arg:gsub("'", "'\\''") .. "'"
table.insert(escaped_args, arg)
return table.concat(escaped_args, " ")
--- Clear all the elements from a table without reassignment.
--- @table t the table to be cleared
function util.clearTable(t)
local c = #t
for i = 0, c do t[i] = nil end
--- Encode URL also known as percent-encoding see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding
--- @string text the string to encode
--- @treturn encode string
--- Taken from https://gist.github.com/liukun/f9ce7d6d14fa45fe9b924a3eed5c3d99
function util.urlEncode(url)
local char_to_hex = function(c)
return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(c))
if url == nil then
url = url:gsub("\n", "\r\n")
url = url:gsub("([^%w%-%.%_%~%!%*%'%(%)])", char_to_hex)
return url
--- Decode URL (reverse process to util.urlEncode())
--- @string text the string to decode
--- @treturn decode string
--- Taken from https://gist.github.com/liukun/f9ce7d6d14fa45fe9b924a3eed5c3d99
function util.urlDecode(url)
local hex_to_char = function(x)
return string.char(tonumber(x, 16))
if url == nil then
url = url:gsub("%%(%x%x)", hex_to_char)
return url
--- Check lua syntax of string
--- @string text lua code text
--- @treturn string with parsing error, nil if syntax ok
function util.checkLuaSyntax(lua_text)
local lua_code_ok, err = loadstring(lua_text)
if lua_code_ok then
return nil
-- Replace: [string "blah blah..."]:3: '=' expected near '123'
-- with: Line 3: '=' expected near '123'
err = err:gsub("%[string \".-%\"]:", "Line ")
return err
--- Unpack an archive.
-- Extract the contents of an archive, detecting its format by
-- filename extension. Inspired by luarocks archive_unpack()
-- @param archive string: Filename of archive.
-- @param extract_to string: Destination directory.
-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false and an error message on failure.
function util.unpackArchive(archive, extract_to)
dbg.dassert(type(archive) == "string")
local ok
if archive:match("%.tar%.bz2$") or archive:match("%.tar%.gz$") or archive:match("%.tar%.lz$") or archive:match("%.tgz$") then
ok = os.execute(("./tar xf %q -C %q"):format(archive, extract_to))
return false, T(_("Couldn't extract archive:\n\n%1\n\nUnrecognized filename extension."), archive)
if not ok then
return false, T(_("Extracting archive failed:\n\n%1", archive))
return true
return util