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require "ui/screen"
require "ui/rendertext"
require "ui/graphics"
require "ui/image"
require "ui/event"
require "ui/gesturedetector"
require "ui/font"
The EventListener is an interface that handles events
EventListeners have a rudimentary event handler/dispatcher that
will call a method "onEventName" for an event with name
EventListener = {}
function EventListener:new(o)
local o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
if o.init then o:init() end
return o
function EventListener:handleEvent(event)
if self[event.handler] then
return self[event.handler](self, unpack(event.args))
This is a generic Widget interface
widgets can be queried about their size and can be paint.
that's it for now. Probably we need something more elaborate
if the table that was given to us as parameter has an "init"
method, it will be called. use this to set _instance_ variables
rather than class variables.
Widget = EventListener:new()
function Widget:new(o)
local o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
-- Both o._init and o.init are called on object create. But o._init is used
-- for base widget initialization (basic component used to build other
-- widgets). While o.init is for higher level widgets, for example Menu
-- Widget
if o._init then o:_init() end
if o.init then o:init() end
return o
function Widget:getSize()
return self.dimen
function Widget:paintTo(bb, x, y)