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synced 2024-11-04 12:00:25 +00:00
* Simplify flash_ui handling (by handling the unhighlight pre-callback, c.f., #7262 for more details). * UIManager: Handle translucent window-level widgets (and those wrapped in a translucent MovableContainer) properly in setDirty directly, making sure what's *underneath* them gets repainted to avoid alpha layering glitches. (This was previously handled via localized hacks). * Update UIManager's documentation, and format it properly for ldoc parsing, making the HTML docs more useful. * ReaderView: Reinitialize the various page areas when opening a new document, to prevent poisoning from the previous document. * Event: Handle nils in an event's arguments. * CheckButton/RadioButton: Switch to simple inversion to handle highlighting * CheckButton: Make the highlight span the inner frame's width, instead of just the text's width, if possible. * AlphaContainer: Fix & simplify, given the UIManager alpha handling. * MovableContainer: When translucent, cache the canvas bb used for composition. * Avoid spurious refreshes in a few widgets using various dummy *TextWidgets in order to first compute a text height. * KeyValuePage: Avoid floats in size computations.
345 lines
14 KiB
345 lines
14 KiB
A MovableContainer can have its content moved on screen
with Swipe/Hold/Pan.
Can optionally apply alpha transparency to its content.
With Swipe: the widget will be constrained to screen borders.
With Hold and pan, the widget can overflow the borders.
Hold with no move will reset the widget to its original position.
If the widget has not been moved or is already at its original
position, Hold will toggle between full opacity and 0.7 transparency.
This container's content is expected to not change its width and height.
local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer")
local Device = require("device")
local Geom = require("ui/geometry")
local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange")
local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer")
local Math = require("optmath")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local Screen = Device.screen
local logger = require("logger")
local MovableContainer = InputContainer:new{
-- Alpha value for subwidget transparency
-- 0 = fully invisible, 1 = fully opaque (0.6 / 0.7 / 0.8 are some interesting values)
alpha = nil,
-- Move threshold (if move distance less than that, considered as a Hold
-- with no movement, used for reseting move to original position)
move_threshold = Screen:scaleBySize(5),
-- Events to ignore (ie: ignore_events={"hold", "hold_release"})
ignore_events = nil,
-- Current move offset (use getMovedOffset()/setMovedOffset() to access them)
_moved_offset_x = 0,
_moved_offset_y = 0,
-- Internal state between events
_touch_pre_pan_was_inside = false,
_moving = false,
_move_relative_x = nil,
_move_relative_y = nil,
-- Original painting position from outer widget
_orig_x = nil,
_orig_y = nil,
-- We cache a compose canvas for alpha handling
compose_bb = nil,
function MovableContainer:init()
if Device:isTouchDevice() then
local range = Geom:new{
x = 0, y = 0,
w = Screen:getWidth(),
h = Screen:getHeight(),
-- Unflatten self.ignore_events to table keys for cleaner code below
local ignore = {}
if self.ignore_events then
for _, evname in pairs(self.ignore_events) do
ignore[evname] = true
-- The following gestures need to be supported, depending on the
-- ways a user can move things:
-- Hold happens if he holds at start
-- Pan happens if he doesn't hold at start, but holds at end
-- Swipe happens if he doesn't hold at any moment
-- Note that Swipe is tied to 0/45/90/135 degree... directions,
-- which is somehow nice and gives a kind of magnetic move that
-- stick the widget to some invisible rulers.
-- (Touch is needed for accurate pan)
self.ges_events = {}
self.ges_events.MovableTouch = not ignore.touch and { GestureRange:new{ ges = "touch", range = range } } or nil
self.ges_events.MovableSwipe = not ignore.swipe and { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = range } } or nil
self.ges_events.MovableHold = not ignore.hold and { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = range } } or nil
self.ges_events.MovableHoldPan = not ignore.hold_pan and { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold_pan", range = range } } or nil
self.ges_events.MovableHoldRelease = not ignore.hold_release and { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold_release", range = range } } or nil
self.ges_events.MovablePan = not ignore.pan and { GestureRange:new{ ges = "pan", range = range } } or nil
self.ges_events.MovablePanRelease = not ignore.pan_release and { GestureRange:new{ ges = "pan_release", range = range } } or nil
function MovableContainer:getMovedOffset()
return Geom:new{
x = self._moved_offset_x,
y = self._moved_offset_y,
function MovableContainer:setMovedOffset(offset_point)
if offset_point and offset_point.x and offset_point.y then
self._moved_offset_x = offset_point.x
self._moved_offset_y = offset_point.y
function MovableContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y)
if self[1] == nil then
local content_size = self[1]:getSize()
if not self.dimen then
self.dimen = Geom:new{w = content_size.w, h = content_size.h}
self._orig_x = x
self._orig_y = y
-- We just need to shift painting by our _moved_offset_x/y
self.dimen.x = x + self._moved_offset_x
self.dimen.y = y + self._moved_offset_y
if self.alpha then
-- Create/Recreate the compose cache if we changed screen geometry
if not self.compose_bb
or self.compose_bb:getWidth() ~= bb:getWidth()
or self.compose_bb:getHeight() ~= bb:getHeight()
if self.compose_bb then
-- create a canvas for our child widget to paint to
self.compose_bb = Blitbuffer.new(bb:getWidth(), bb:getHeight(), bb:getType())
-- fill it with our usual background color
-- now, compose our child widget's content on our canvas
-- NOTE: Unlike AlphaContainer, we aim to support interactive widgets.
-- Most InputContainer-based widgets register their touchzones at paintTo time,
-- and they rely on the target coordinates fed to paintTo for proper on-screen positioning.
-- As such, we have to compose on a target bb sized canvas, at the expected coordinates.
self[1]:paintTo(self.compose_bb, self.dimen.x, self.dimen.y)
-- and finally blit the canvas to the target blitbuffer at the requested opacity level
bb:addblitFrom(self.compose_bb, self.dimen.x, self.dimen.y, self.dimen.x, self.dimen.y, self.dimen.w, self.dimen.h, self.alpha)
-- No alpha, just paint
self[1]:paintTo(bb, self.dimen.x, self.dimen.y)
function MovableContainer:onCloseWidget()
if self.compose_bb then
self.compose_bb = nil
function MovableContainer:_moveBy(dx, dy, restrict_to_screen)
logger.dbg("MovableContainer:_moveBy:", dx, dy)
if dx and dy then
self._moved_offset_x = self._moved_offset_x + Math.round(dx)
self._moved_offset_y = self._moved_offset_y + Math.round(dy)
if restrict_to_screen then
local screen_w, screen_h = Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight()
if self._orig_x + self._moved_offset_x < 0 then
self._moved_offset_x = - self._orig_x
if self._orig_y + self._moved_offset_y < 0 then
self._moved_offset_y = - self._orig_y
if self._orig_x + self._moved_offset_x + self.dimen.w > screen_w then
self._moved_offset_x = screen_w - self._orig_x - self.dimen.w
if self._orig_y + self._moved_offset_y + self.dimen.h > screen_h then
self._moved_offset_y = screen_h - self._orig_y - self.dimen.h
-- Ensure the offsets are integers, to avoid refresh area glitches
self._moved_offset_x = Math.round(self._moved_offset_x)
self._moved_offset_y = Math.round(self._moved_offset_y)
-- if not restrict_to_screen, we don't need to check anything:
-- we trust gestures' position and distances: if we started with our
-- finger on widget, and moved our finger to screen border, a part
-- of the widget should always be on the screen.
-- Not-moving Hold can be used to revert to original position
if self._moved_offset_x == 0 and self._moved_offset_y == 0 then
-- If we hold while already in initial position, take that
-- as a wish to toggle between alpha or no-alpha
if self.alpha then
self.orig_alpha = self.alpha
self.alpha = nil
self.alpha = self.orig_alpha or 0.7
-- For testing: to visually see how different alpha
-- values look: loop thru decreasing alpha values
-- self.alpha = self.orig_alpha or 1.0
-- if self.alpha > 0.55 then -- below 0.5 are too transparent
-- self.alpha = self.alpha - 0.1
-- else
-- self.alpha = 0.9
-- end
self._moved_offset_x = 0
self._moved_offset_y = 0
-- We need to have all widgets in the area between orig and move position
-- redraw themselves
local orig_dimen = self.dimen:copy() -- dimen before move/paintTo
UIManager:setDirty("all", function()
local update_region = orig_dimen:combine(self.dimen)
logger.dbg("MovableContainer refresh region", update_region)
return "ui", update_region
function MovableContainer:onMovableSwipe(_, ges)
logger.dbg("MovableContainer:onMovableSwipe", ges)
if not self.dimen then -- not yet painted
return false
if not ges.pos:intersectWith(self.dimen) then
-- with swipe, ges.pos is swipe's start position, which should
-- be on us to consider it
return false
self._moving = false -- could have been set by "pan" event received before "swipe"
local direction = ges.direction
local distance = ges.distance
local sq_distance = math.floor(math.sqrt(distance*distance/2))
-- Use restrict_to_screen for all move with Swipe for easy push to screen
-- borders (user can Hold and pan if he wants them outside)
if direction == "north" then self:_moveBy(0, -distance, true)
elseif direction == "south" then self:_moveBy(0, distance, true)
elseif direction == "east" then self:_moveBy(distance, 0, true)
elseif direction == "west" then self:_moveBy(-distance, 0, true)
elseif direction == "northeast" then self:_moveBy(sq_distance, -sq_distance, true)
elseif direction == "northwest" then self:_moveBy(-sq_distance, -sq_distance, true)
elseif direction == "southeast" then self:_moveBy(sq_distance, sq_distance, true)
elseif direction == "southwest" then self:_moveBy(-sq_distance, sq_distance, true)
return true
function MovableContainer:onMovableTouch(_, ges)
-- First "pan" event may already be outsise us, we need to
-- remember any "touch" event on us prior to "pan"
logger.dbg("MovableContainer:onMovableTouch", ges)
if not self.dimen then -- not yet painted
return false
if ges.pos:intersectWith(self.dimen) then
self._touch_pre_pan_was_inside = true
self._move_relative_x = ges.pos.x
self._move_relative_y = ges.pos.y
self._touch_pre_pan_was_inside = false
return false
function MovableContainer:onMovableHold(_, ges)
logger.dbg("MovableContainer:onMovableHold", ges)
if not self.dimen then -- not yet painted
return false
if ges.pos:intersectWith(self.dimen) then
self._moving = true -- start of pan
self._move_relative_x = ges.pos.x
self._move_relative_y = ges.pos.y
return true
return false
function MovableContainer:onMovableHoldPan(_, ges)
logger.dbg("MovableContainer:onMovableHoldPan", ges)
if not self.dimen then -- not yet painted
return false
-- we may sometimes not see the "hold" event
if ges.pos:intersectWith(self.dimen) or self._moving or self._touch_pre_pan_was_inside then
self._touch_pre_pan_was_inside = false -- reset it
self._moving = true
return true
return false
function MovableContainer:onMovableHoldRelease(_, ges)
logger.dbg("MovableContainer:onMovableHoldRelease", ges)
if not self.dimen then -- not yet painted
return false
if self._moving or self._touch_pre_pan_was_inside then
self._moving = false
if not self._move_relative_x or not self._move_relative_y then
-- no previous event gave us accurate move info, ignore it
return false
self._move_relative_x = ges.pos.x - self._move_relative_x
self._move_relative_y = ges.pos.y - self._move_relative_y
if math.abs(self._move_relative_x) < self.move_threshold and math.abs(self._move_relative_y) < self.move_threshold then
-- Hold with no move (or less than self.move_threshold): use this to reposition to original position
self:_moveBy(self._move_relative_x, self._move_relative_y)
self._move_relative_x = nil
self._move_relative_y = nil
return true
return false
function MovableContainer:onMovablePan(_, ges)
logger.dbg("MovableContainer:onMovablePan", ges)
if not self.dimen then -- not yet painted
return false
if ges.pos:intersectWith(self.dimen) or self._moving or self._touch_pre_pan_was_inside then
self._touch_pre_pan_was_inside = false -- reset it
self._moving = true
self._move_relative_x = ges.relative.x
self._move_relative_y = ges.relative.y
return true
return false
function MovableContainer:onMovablePanRelease(_, ges)
logger.dbg("MovableContainer:onMovablePanRelease", ges)
if not self.dimen then -- not yet painted
return false
if self._moving then
self:_moveBy(self._move_relative_x, self._move_relative_y)
self._moving = false
self._move_relative_x = nil
self._move_relative_y = nil
return true
return false
return MovableContainer