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synced 2024-11-13 19:11:25 +00:00
* shellcheck 0.4.5 fix `LC_ALL: en_US.UTF8` (can be removed for shellcheck 0.4.6) * hush updated luacheck on `reader.lua`; we're not assigning any variables but `= nil` is redundant
26 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable File
26 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
CI_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
source "${CI_DIR}/common.sh"
echo -e "\n${ANSI_GREEN}shellcheck results"
echo -e "\\n${ANSI_GREEN}Checking for unscaled sizes"
# stick `|| true` at the end to prevent Travis exit on failed command
unscaled_size_check=$(grep -nr --include=*.lua --exclude=koptoptions.lua --exclude-dir=base --exclude-dir=luajit-rocks --exclude-dir=install --exclude-dir=keyboardlayouts --exclude-dir=*arm* "\\(padding\\|margin\\|bordersize\\|width\\|height\\|radius\\|linesize\\) = [0-9]\\{1,2\\}" | grep -v '= 0' | grep -v '= [0-9]/[0-9]' | grep -Ev '(default_option_height|default_option_padding)' | grep -v scaleBySize || true)
# Also check Geom objects; for legibility two regular expressions rather than
# one enormous indecipharable blob.
unscaled_size_check_geom=$(grep -E -nr --include=*.lua --exclude=gesturerange_spec.lua --exclude-dir=base --exclude-dir=luajit-rocks --exclude-dir=*arm* 'Geom:new{.+ [wh] = [0-9]{1,4}' | grep -Ev '[wh] = 0' | grep -v '= [0-9]/[0-9]' | grep -v scaleBySize || true)
if [ "${unscaled_size_check}" ] || [ "${unscaled_size_check_geom}" ]; then
echo -e "\\n${ANSI_RED}Warning: it looks like you might be using unscaled sizes.\\nIt is almost always preferable to defer to one of the predefined sizes in ui.size in the following files:"
echo "${unscaled_size_check}"
echo "${unscaled_size_check_geom}"
exit 1
echo -e "\n${ANSI_GREEN}Luacheck results"
luajit "$(which luacheck)" --no-color -q {reader,setupkoenv,datastorage}.lua frontend plugins spec