mirror of
synced 2024-10-31 21:20:20 +00:00
When no height= provided, and the InfoMessage would overflow screen height when some long message is provided, decrease the font size until the widget fit.
237 lines
7.4 KiB
237 lines
7.4 KiB
Font module.
local Device = require("device")
local Freetype = require("ffi/freetype")
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
local logger = require("logger")
local Screen = Device.screen
local Font = {
fontmap = {
-- default font for menu contents
cfont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
-- default font for title
--tfont = "NimbusSanL-BoldItal.cff",
tfont = "noto/NotoSans-Bold.ttf",
smalltfont = "noto/NotoSans-Bold.ttf",
x_smalltfont = "noto/NotoSans-Bold.ttf",
-- default font for footer
ffont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
smallffont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
largeffont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
-- default font for reading position info
rifont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
-- default font for pagination display
pgfont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
-- selectmenu: font for item shortcut
scfont = "droid/DroidSansMono.ttf",
-- help page: font for displaying keys
hpkfont = "droid/DroidSansMono.ttf",
-- font for displaying help messages
hfont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
-- font for displaying input content
-- we have to use mono here for better distance controlling
infont = "droid/DroidSansMono.ttf",
-- small mono font for displaying code
smallinfont = "droid/DroidSansMono.ttf",
-- font for info messages
infofont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
-- small font for info messages
smallinfofont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
-- small bold font for info messages
smallinfofontbold = "noto/NotoSans-Bold.ttf",
-- extra small font for info messages
x_smallinfofont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
-- extra extra small font for info messages
xx_smallinfofont = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
sizemap = {
cfont = 24,
tfont = 26,
smalltfont = 24,
x_smalltfont = 22,
ffont = 20,
smallffont = 15,
largeffont = 25,
pgfont = 20,
scfont = 20,
rifont = 16,
hpkfont = 20,
hfont = 24,
infont = 22,
smallinfont = 16,
infofont = 24,
smallinfofont = 22,
smallinfofontbold = 22,
x_smallinfofont = 20,
xx_smallinfofont = 18,
fallbacks = {
[1] = "noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf",
[2] = "noto/NotoSansCJKsc-Regular.otf",
[3] = "freefont/FreeSans.ttf",
[4] = "freefont/FreeSerif.ttf",
fontdir = "./fonts",
-- face table
faces = {},
--- Gets font face object.
-- @string font
-- @int size optional size
-- @treturn table @{FontFaceObj}
function Font:getFace(font, size)
-- default to content font
if not font then font = self.cfont end
if not size then size = self.sizemap[font] end
-- original size before scaling by screen DPI
local orig_size = size
size = Screen:scaleBySize(size)
local hash = font..size
local face_obj = self.faces[hash]
-- build face if not found
if not face_obj then
local realname = self.fontmap[font]
if not realname then
realname = font
realname = self.fontdir.."/"..realname
local ok, face = pcall(Freetype.newFace, realname, size)
if not ok then
logger.warn("#! Font ", font, " (", realname, ") not supported: ", face)
return nil
--- Freetype font face wrapper object
-- @table FontFaceObj
-- @field orig_font font name requested
-- @field size size of the font face (after scaled by screen size)
-- @field orig_size raw size of the font face (before scale)
-- @field ftface font face object from freetype
-- @field hash hash key for this font face
face_obj = {
orig_font = font,
size = size,
orig_size = orig_size,
ftface = face,
hash = hash
self.faces[hash] = face_obj
return face_obj
These non-LGC Kindle system fonts fail CRe's moronic header check.
local kindle_fonts_blacklist = {
["DiwanMuna-Bold.ttf"] = true,
["DiwanMuna-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["HYGothicBold.ttf"] = true,
["HYGothicMedium.ttf"] = true,
["HYMyeongJoBold.ttf"] = true,
["HYMyeongJoMedium.ttf"] = true,
["KindleBlackboxBoldItalic.ttf"] = true,
["KindleBlackboxBold.ttf"] = true,
["KindleBlackboxItalic.ttf"] = true,
["KindleBlackboxRegular.ttf"] = true,
["Kindle_MonospacedSymbol.ttf"] = true,
["Kindle_Symbol.ttf"] = true,
["MTChineseSurrogates.ttf"] = true,
["MYingHeiTBold.ttf"] = true,
["MYingHeiTMedium.ttf"] = true,
["NotoNaskhArabicUI-Bold.ttf"] = true,
["NotoNaskhArabicUI-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["NotoNaskh-Bold.ttf"] = true,
["NotoNaskh-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["NotoSansBengali-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["NotoSansDevanagari-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["NotoSansGujarati-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["NotoSansKannada-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["NotoSansMalayalam-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["NotoSansTamil-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["NotoSansTelugu-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["SakkalKitab-Bold.ttf"] = true,
["SakkalKitab-Regular.ttf"] = true,
["SongTBold.ttf"] = true,
["SongTMedium.ttf"] = true,
["STHeitiBold.ttf"] = true,
["STHeitiMedium.ttf"] = true,
["STSongBold.ttf"] = true,
["STSongMedium.ttf"] = true,
["TBGothicBold_213.ttf"] = true,
["TBGothicMed_213.ttf"] = true,
["TBMinchoBold_213.ttf"] = true,
["TBMinchoMedium_213.ttf"] = true,
["STKaiMedium.ttf"] = true,
["Caecilia_LT_67_Cond_Medium.ttf"] = true,
["Caecilia_LT_68_Cond_Medium_Italic.ttf"] = true,
["Caecilia_LT_77_Cond_Bold.ttf"] = true,
["Caecilia_LT_78_Cond_Bold_Italic.ttf"] = true,
["Helvetica_LT_65_Medium.ttf"] = true,
["Helvetica_LT_66_Medium_Italic.ttf"] = true,
["Helvetica_LT_75_Bold.ttf"] = true,
["Helvetica_LT_76_Bold_Italic.ttf"] = true,
local function isInFontsBlacklist(f)
if Device:isKindle() then
return kindle_fonts_blacklist[f]
function Font:_readList(target, dir)
-- lfs.dir non-exsitent directory will give error, weird!
local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, dir)
if not ok then return end
for f in iter, dir_obj do
if lfs.attributes(dir.."/"..f, "mode") == "directory" and f ~= "." and f ~= ".." then
self:_readList(target, dir.."/"..f)
if string.sub(f, 1, 1) ~= "." then
local file_type = string.lower(string.match(f, ".+%.([^.]+)") or "")
if file_type == "ttf" or file_type == "ttc"
or file_type == "cff" or file_type == "otf" then
if not isInFontsBlacklist(f) then
table.insert(target, dir.."/"..f)
function Font:_getExternalFontDir()
if Device:isAndroid() then
return os.getenv("EXT_FONT_DIR")
function Font:getFontList()
local fontlist = {}
self:_readList(fontlist, self.fontdir)
-- multiple paths should be joined with semicolon
for dir in string.gmatch(self:_getExternalFontDir() or "", "([^;]+)") do
self:_readList(fontlist, dir)
return fontlist
return Font