You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

101 lines
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This module provides a standardized set of sizes for use in widgets.
There are values for borders, margins, paddings, radii, and lines. Have a look
at the code for full details. If you are considering to deviate from one of the
defaults, please take a second to consider:
1. Why you want to differ in the first place. We consciously strive toward
consistency in the UI, which is typically valued higher than one pixel more
or less in a specific context.
2. If there really isn't anything close to what you want, whether it should be
added to the arsenal of default sizes rather than as a local exception.
local Size = require("ui/size")
local frame -- just an example widget
frame = FrameContainer:new{
radius = Size.radius.window,
bordersize = Size.border.window,
padding = Size.padding.default,
margin = Size.margin.default,
-- etc
local dbg = require("dbg")
local Screen = require("device").screen
local Size = {
border = {
default = Screen:scaleBySize(1),
thin = Screen:scaleBySize(0.5),
button = Screen:scaleBySize(1.5),
window = Screen:scaleBySize(1.5),
inputtext = Screen:scaleBySize(2),
margin = {
default = Screen:scaleBySize(5),
tiny = Screen:scaleBySize(1),
small = Screen:scaleBySize(2),
title = Screen:scaleBySize(2),
fine_tune = Screen:scaleBySize(3),
button = 0,
padding = {
default = Screen:scaleBySize(5),
tiny = Screen:scaleBySize(1),
small = Screen:scaleBySize(2),
large = Screen:scaleBySize(10),
button = Screen:scaleBySize(2),
buttontable = Screen:scaleBySize(4),
fullscreen = Screen:scaleBySize(15),
radius = {
default = Screen:scaleBySize(2),
window = Screen:scaleBySize(7),
button = Screen:scaleBySize(15),
line = {
thin = Screen:scaleBySize(0.5),
medium = Screen:scaleBySize(1),
thick = Screen:scaleBySize(1.5),
item = {
height_default = Screen:scaleBySize(30),
height_big = Screen:scaleBySize(40),
height_large = Screen:scaleBySize(50),
span = {
horizontal_default = Screen:scaleBySize(10),
horizontal_small = Screen:scaleBySize(5),
vertical_default = Screen:scaleBySize(2),
vertical_large = Screen:scaleBySize(5),
if dbg.is_on then
local mt = {
__index = function(t, k)
local prop_value = rawget(t, k)
local prop_exists = prop_value ~= nil
if not prop_exists then
local warning = rawget(t, "_name") and string.format("Size.%s.%s", rawget(t, "_name"), k)
or string.format("Size.%s", k)
error("Size: this property does not exist: " .. warning)
return prop_value
setmetatable(Size, mt)
for el, table in pairs(Size) do
table._name = el
setmetatable(Size[el], mt)
return Size