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Make the few tricks we discovered readily available, which should make user patches simpler.
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176 lines
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Allows applying developer patches while running KOReader.
The contents in `koreader/patches/` are applied on calling `userpatch.applyPatches(priority)`.
local isAndroid, android = pcall(require, "android")
local userpatch = {
-- priorities for user patches,
early_once = "0", -- to be started early on startup (once after an update)
early = "1", -- to be started early on startup (always, but after an `early_once`)
late = "2", -- to be started after UIManager is ready (always)
-- 3-7 are reserved for later use
before_exit = "8", -- to be started a bit before exit before settings are saved (always)
on_exit = "9", -- to be started right before exit (always)
-- hash table for patch execution status
-- key: name of the patch
-- value: true (success), false (failure), nil (not executed)
execution_status = {},
-- the patch function itself
applyPatches = function(priority) end, -- to be overwritten, if the device allows it.
if isAndroid and android.prop.flavor == "fdroid" then
return userpatch -- allows to use applyPatches as a no-op on F-Droid flavor
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
local logger = require("logger")
local sort = require("sort")
local DataStorage = require("datastorage")
-- the directory KOReader is installed in (and runs from)
local package_dir = lfs.currentdir()
-- the directory where KOReader stores user data
local data_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir()
--- Run lua patches
-- Execution order order is alphanum-sort for humans version 4: `1-patch.lua` is executed before `10-patch.lua`
-- (see http://notebook.kulchenko.com/algorithms/alphanumeric-natural-sorting-for-humans-in-lua)
-- string directory ... to scan through (flat no recursion)
-- string priority ... only files starting with `priority` followed by digits and a '-' will be processed.
-- return true if a patch was executed
local function runUserPatchTasks(dir, priority)
if lfs.attributes(dir, "mode") ~= "directory" then
local patches = {}
for entry in lfs.dir(dir) do
local mode = lfs.attributes(dir .. "/" .. entry, "mode")
if entry and mode == "file" and entry:match("^" .. priority .. "%d*%-") then
table.insert(patches, entry)
if #patches == 0 then
return -- nothing to do
table.sort(patches, sort.natsort_cmp())
for i, entry in ipairs(patches) do
local fullpath = dir .. "/" .. entry
if lfs.attributes(fullpath, "mode") == "file" then
if fullpath:match("%.lua$") then -- execute patch-files first
logger.info("Applying patch:", fullpath)
local ok, err = pcall(dofile, fullpath)
userpatch.execution_status[entry] = ok
if not ok then
logger.warn("Patching failed:", err)
-- Only show InfoMessage, when UIManager is working
if priority >= userpatch.late and priority < userpatch.before_exit then
-- Only developers (advanced users) will use this mechanism.
-- A warning on a patch failure after an OTA update will simplify troubleshooting.
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = "Error applying patch:\n" .. fullpath}) -- no translate
return true
--- This function applies lua patches from `/koreader/patches`
---- @string priority ... one of the defined priorities in the userpatch hashtable
function userpatch.applyPatches(priority)
local patch_dir = data_dir .. "/patches"
local update_once_marker = package_dir .. "/update_once.marker"
local update_once_pending = lfs.attributes(update_once_marker, "mode") == "file"
if priority >= userpatch.early or update_once_pending then
local executed_something = runUserPatchTasks(patch_dir, priority)
if executed_something and update_once_pending then
-- Only delete update once marker if `early_once` updates have been applied.
os.remove(update_once_marker) -- Prevent another execution on a further starts.
-- Helper functions that can be used in userpatches
-- For replacing/extending some object method, one just has to do in his user patch:
local TheModule = require("themodule")
local orig_TheModule_theMethod = TheModule.theMethod
TheModule.theMethod = function(self, arg1, arg2)
-- do your stuff here
-- and call the original method if needed
return orig_TheModule_theMethod(self, arg1, arg2)
-- (Tried to make use of util.wrapMethod(), but it doesn't make anything simpler
-- than doing it manually.)
-- Module local variables aren't directly reachable when we require() a module.
-- The only way to possibly reach them is thru an exported function that uses
-- these local variables, by looking at its referenced upvalues
function userpatch.getUpValue(func_obj, up_value_name)
local upvalue
local up_value_idx = 1
while true do
local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func_obj, up_value_idx)
if not name then break end
if name == up_value_name then
upvalue = value
up_value_idx = up_value_idx + 1
return upvalue, up_value_idx
-- Replace an upvalue: func_obj should be the same as given to userpatch.getUpValue(),
-- and up_value_idx the one we got when calling it
function userpatch.replaceUpValue(func_obj, up_value_idx, replacement_obj)
debug.setupvalue(func_obj, up_value_idx, replacement_obj)
-- On each new Reader/FileManager, plugins are dofile()d, and then
-- instantiated through createPluginInstance. We need to catch and
-- patch them each time they are instantiated.
local orig_PluginLoader_createPluginInstance
local patch_plugin_funcs = {}
function userpatch.registerPatchPluginFunc(plugin_name, patch_func)
if not orig_PluginLoader_createPluginInstance then
local PluginLoader = require("pluginloader")
orig_PluginLoader_createPluginInstance = PluginLoader.createPluginInstance
PluginLoader.createPluginInstance = function(this, plugin, attr)
local ok, plugin_or_err = orig_PluginLoader_createPluginInstance(this, plugin, attr)
if ok and patch_plugin_funcs[plugin.name] then
for _, patchfunc in ipairs(patch_plugin_funcs[plugin.name]) do
logger.dbg("userpatch applied to plugin", plugin.name)
return ok, plugin_or_err
if not patch_plugin_funcs[plugin_name] then
patch_plugin_funcs[plugin_name] = {} -- array (to allow more than one patch_func per plugin)
table.insert(patch_plugin_funcs[plugin_name], patch_func)
logger.dbg("userpatch registered for plugin", plugin_name)
return userpatch