mirror of
synced 2024-11-02 15:40:16 +00:00
* Switch the last few remaining icons to true glyphs (Del/Backspace & Enter). Also, allow a glyph to be rendered in (fake) bold, and use it for Enter. * Update fonts Pickup the tweaked nerdfonts for the backspace symbol
97 lines
3.3 KiB
97 lines
3.3 KiB
local en_popup = require("ui/data/keyboardlayouts/keypopup/en_popup")
local he_popup = require("ui/data/keyboardlayouts/keypopup/he_popup")
local com = en_popup.com -- comma (,)
local prd = en_popup.prd -- period (.)
local _at = en_popup._at
local _eq = en_popup._eq -- equals sign (=)
local aleph = he_popup.aleph
local beis = he_popup.beis
local gimmel = he_popup.gimmel
local daled = he_popup.daled
local hey = he_popup.hey
local vov = he_popup.vov
local zayin = he_popup.zayin
local tes = he_popup.tes
local yud = he_popup.yud
local chof = he_popup.chof
local lamed = he_popup.lamed
local mem = he_popup.mem
local mem_sofis = he_popup.mem_sofis
local nun = he_popup.nun
local samech = he_popup.samech
local ayin = he_popup.ayin
local pey = he_popup.pey
local pey_sofis = he_popup.pey_sofis
local tzadik = he_popup.tzadik
local kuf = he_popup.kuf
local reish = he_popup.reish
local shin = he_popup.shin
local taf = he_popup.taf
return {
min_layer = 1,
max_layer = 4,
shiftmode_keys = {[""] = true},
symbolmode_keys = {["Sym"] = true, ["אבג"] = true},
utf8mode_keys = {["🌐"] = true},
keys = {
-- first row
{ -- 1 2 3 4
{ "׳", "״", "„", "0", },
{ "֘֘֙֙ ", kuf, "!", "1", },
{ "֘ ", reish, _at, "2", },
{ "֗", aleph, "#", "3", },
{ "֖ ", tes, "+", _eq, },
{ "֕ ", vov, "€", "(", },
{ "֔ ", "ן", "‰", ")", },
{ "֓ ", mem_sofis, "|", "\\", },
{ "֒ ", pey, "?", "/", },
{ "֑ ", pey_sofis, "~", "`", },
-- second row
{ -- 1 2 3 4
{ "ּ ", shin, "…", _at, },
{ "ֻ ", daled, "$", "4", },
{ "ִ ", gimmel, "%", "5", },
{ "ֹ", chof, "^", "6", },
{ "ְ ", ayin, ":", ";", },
{ "ֵ ", yud, '"', "'", },
{ "ֶ ", "ח", "{", "[", },
{ "ַ ", lamed, "}", "]", },
{ "ָ ", "ך", "_", "-", },
-- third row
{ -- 1 2 3 4
{ label = "",
width = 1.5
{ "׃", zayin, "&", "7", },
{ "׀", samech, "*", "8", },
{ "ׄ ", beis, "£", "9", },
{ "ׅ ", hey, "<", com, },
{ "־", nun, ">", prd, },
{ "ֿ ", mem, "‘", "↑", },
{ "ֽ ", tzadik, "’", "↓", },
{ label = "",
width = 1.5,
bold = false
-- fourth row
{ "Sym", "Sym", "אבג", "אבג",
width = 1.5},
{ label = "🌐", },
{ " ", " ", " ", " ",
width = 3.0},
{ com, taf, "“", "←", },
{ prd, "ץ", "”", "→", },
{ label = "⮠",
"\n", "\n", "\n", "\n",
width = 1.5,
bold = true