-- Generic frontlight SysFS interface. -- This also supports the natural light, which consists of additional -- red and green light LEDs. local logger = require("logger") local dbg = require("dbg") local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C require("ffi/posix_h") local SysfsLight = { frontlight_white = nil, frontlight_red = nil, frontlight_green = nil, frontlight_mixer = nil, frontlight_ioctl = nil, nl_min = nil, nl_max = nil, nl_inverted = nil, current_brightness = 0, current_warmth = 0, white_gain = 25, red_gain = 24, green_gain = 24, white_offset = -25, red_offset = 0, green_offset = -65, exponent = 0.25, } function SysfsLight:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self if o.init then o:init() end return o end function SysfsLight:setBrightness(brightness) self:setNaturalBrightness(brightness, nil) end dbg:guard(SysfsLight, 'setBrightness', function(self, brightness) assert(brightness >= 0 and brightness <= 100, "Wrong brightness value given!") end) function SysfsLight:setWarmth(warmth) self:setNaturalBrightness(nil, warmth) end dbg:guard(SysfsLight, 'setWarmth', function(self, warmth) assert(warmth >= 0 and warmth <= 100, "Wrong warmth value given!") end) --- @note: warmth is already in the *native* scale! function SysfsLight:setNaturalBrightness(brightness, warmth) local set_brightness = true local set_warmth = true if not brightness then set_brightness = false brightness = self.current_brightness end if not warmth then set_warmth = false warmth = self.current_warmth end -- Newer devices use a mixer instead of writting values per color. if self.frontlight_mixer then if set_brightness then -- Prefer the ioctl, as it's much lower latency. if self.frontlight_ioctl then self.frontlight_ioctl:setBrightness(brightness) else self:_write_value(self.frontlight_white, brightness) end end -- The mixer might be using inverted values... (cold is nl_max, warm is nl_min) if set_warmth then if self.nl_inverted then self:_write_value(self.frontlight_mixer, self.nl_max - warmth) else self:_write_value(self.frontlight_mixer, warmth) end end else local red = 0 local green = 0 local white = 0 if brightness > 0 then -- On Nickel, the values for white/red/green are roughly linearly dependent -- on the 4th root of brightness and warmth. white = math.min(self.white_gain * (brightness * (100 - warmth))^self.exponent + self.white_offset, 255) end if warmth > 0 then local brightness_warmth_exp = (brightness * warmth)^self.exponent red = math.min(self.red_gain * brightness_warmth_exp + self.red_offset, 255) green = math.min(self.green_gain * brightness_warmth_exp + self.green_offset, 255) end white = math.max(white, 0) red = math.max(red, 0) green = math.max(green, 0) self:_set_light_value(self.frontlight_white, math.floor(white)) self:_set_light_value(self.frontlight_green, math.floor(green)) self:_set_light_value(self.frontlight_red, math.floor(red)) end self.current_brightness = brightness self.current_warmth = warmth end dbg:guard(SysfsLight, 'setNaturalBrightness', function(self, brightness, warmth) assert(brightness == nil or (brightness >= 0 and brightness <= 100), "Wrong brightness value given!") assert(warmth == nil or (warmth >= 0 and warmth <= 100), "Wrong warmth value given!") end) function SysfsLight:_set_light_value(sysfs_directory, value) if not sysfs_directory then return end -- bl_power is '31' when the light is turned on, '0' otherwise. if (value > 0) then self:_write_value(sysfs_directory .. "/bl_power", 31) else self:_write_value(sysfs_directory .. "/bl_power", 0) end self:_write_value(sysfs_directory .. "/brightness", value) end function SysfsLight:_write_value(file, val) local fd = C.open(file, bit.bor(C.O_WRONLY, C.O_CLOEXEC)) -- procfs/sysfs, we shouldn't need O_TRUNC if fd == -1 then logger.err("Cannot open file `" .. file .. "`:", ffi.string(C.strerror(ffi.errno()))) return false end val = tostring(val) local bytes = #val local nw = C.write(fd, val, bytes) if nw == -1 then logger.err("Cannot write `" .. val .. "` to file `" .. file .. "`:", ffi.string(C.strerror(ffi.errno()))) C.close(fd) return false end C.close(fd) -- NOTE: Allows the caller to possibly handle short writes (not that these should ever happen here). return nw == bytes end return SysfsLight