local logger = require("logger") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local time = require("ui/time") local CommandRunner = { pio = nil, job = nil, } function CommandRunner:createEnvironmentFromTable(t) if t == nil then return "" end local r = "" for k, v in pairs(t) do r = r .. k .. "=" .. v .. " " end if string.len(r) > 0 then r = "export " .. r .. ";" end return r end function CommandRunner:createEnvironment() if type(self.job.environment) == "table" then return self:createEnvironmentFromTable(self.job.environment) end if type(self.job.environment) == "function" then local status, result = pcall(self.job.environment) if status then return self:createEnvironmentFromTable(result) end end return "" end function CommandRunner:start(job) assert(self ~= nil) assert(self.pio == nil) assert(self.job == nil) self.job = job self.job.start_time = UIManager:getTime() assert(type(self.job.executable) == "string") local command = self:createEnvironment() .. " " .. "sh plugins/backgroundrunner.koplugin/luawrapper.sh " .. "\"" .. self.job.executable .. "\"" logger.dbg("CommandRunner: Will execute command " .. command) UIManager:preventStandby() self.pio = io.popen(command) end --- Polls the status of self.pio. -- @return a table contains the result from luawrapper.sh. Returns nil if the -- command has not been finished. function CommandRunner:poll() assert(self ~= nil) assert(self.pio ~= nil) assert(self.job ~= nil) local line = self.pio:read() if line == "" then return nil else if line == nil then -- The binary crashes without output. This should not happen. self.job.result = 223 else line = line .. self.pio:read("*a") logger.dbg("CommandRunner: Receive output " .. line) local status, result = pcall(loadstring(line)) if status and result ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(result) do self.job[k] = v end else -- The output from binary is invalid. self.job.result = 222 end end UIManager:allowStandby() self.pio:close() self.pio = nil self.job.end_time = time.now() local job = self.job self.job = nil return job end end --- Whether this is a running job. -- @treturn boolean function CommandRunner:pending() assert(self ~= nil) return self.pio ~= nil end return CommandRunner