describe("ReadHistory module", function() local DocSettings local DataStorage local joinPath local mkdir local realpath local reload local lfs local now = 61 local function file(name) return joinPath(DataStorage:getDataDir(), name) end local function test_data_dir() return joinPath(DataStorage:getDataDir(), "testdata") end local function test_file(name) return joinPath(test_data_dir(), name) end local function legacy_history_file(name) return DocSettings:getHistoryPath(realpath(test_file(name))) end local function rm(filename) os.remove(filename) end local function mv(source, target) os.rename(source, target) end local function touch(filename) -- Create file if need be local f =, "w") f:close() -- Increment by 61s every time we're called now = now + 61 lfs.touch(filename, now, now) end local function assert_item_is(h, i, name, fileRemoved), h.hist[i].text), name), h.hist[i].file) if fileRemoved then assert.is_nil(realpath(test_file(name))) else, h.hist[i].file) end end setup(function() require("commonrequire") DocSettings = require("docsettings") DataStorage = require("datastorage") joinPath = require("ffi/util").joinPath mkdir = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs").mkdir realpath = require("ffi/util").realpath reload = function() return package.reload("readhistory") end lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") mkdir(joinPath(DataStorage:getDataDir(), "testdata")) end) it("should read empty history.lua", function() rm(file("history.lua")) local h = reload(), 0) touch(file("history.lua")) h = reload(), 0) end) it("should read non-empty history.lua", function() rm(file("history.lua")) local h = reload() touch(test_file("a")) now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now) h = reload(), #h.hist) assert_item_is(h, 1, "a") rm(test_file("a")) end) it("should order legacy and history.lua", function() rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) touch(test_file("b")) local h = reload() now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now) touch(legacy_history_file("b")) h = reload(), #h.hist) assert_item_is(h, 1, "b") assert_item_is(h, 2, "a") rm(legacy_history_file("b")) rm(test_file("a")) rm(test_file("b")) end) it("should read legacy history folder", function() rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) touch(test_file("b")) touch(test_file("c")) touch(test_file("d")) touch(test_file("e")) touch(test_file("f")) local h = reload() now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("f"), now) touch(legacy_history_file("c")) touch(legacy_history_file("b")) now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("d"), now) touch(legacy_history_file("a")) now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("e"), now) h = reload(), #h.hist) assert_item_is(h, 1, "e") assert_item_is(h, 2, "a") assert_item_is(h, 3, "d") assert_item_is(h, 4, "b") assert_item_is(h, 5, "c") assert_item_is(h, 6, "f") rm(legacy_history_file("c")) rm(legacy_history_file("b")) rm(legacy_history_file("a")) rm(test_file("a")) rm(test_file("b")) rm(test_file("c")) rm(test_file("d")) rm(test_file("e")) rm(test_file("f")) end) it("should add item", function() rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) local h = reload() now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now), #h.hist) assert_item_is(h, 1, "a") rm(test_file("a")) end) it("should be able to remove the first item", function() rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) touch(test_file("b")) touch(test_file("c")) local h = reload() -- NOTE: Identical timestamps to neuter sorting by mtime, instead alphabetical order kicks in (c.f., ReadHistory:_sort) -- This goes for basically the rest of the tests. now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now) h:addItem(test_file("b"), now) h:addItem(test_file("c"), now) h:removeItem(h.hist[1]) assert_item_is(h, 1, "b") assert_item_is(h, 2, "c") h:removeItem(h.hist[1]) assert_item_is(h, 1, "c") rm(test_file("a")) rm(test_file("b")) rm(test_file("c")) end) it("should be able to remove an item in the middle", function() rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) touch(test_file("b")) touch(test_file("c")) local h = reload() now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now) h:addItem(test_file("b"), now) h:addItem(test_file("c"), now) h:removeItem(h.hist[2]) assert_item_is(h, 1, "a") assert_item_is(h, 2, "c") rm(test_file("a")) rm(test_file("b")) rm(test_file("c")) end) it("should be able to remove the last item", function() rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) touch(test_file("b")) touch(test_file("c")) local h = reload() now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now) h:addItem(test_file("b"), now) h:addItem(test_file("c"), now) h:removeItem(h.hist[3]) assert_item_is(h, 1, "a") assert_item_is(h, 2, "b") h:removeItem(h.hist[2]) assert_item_is(h, 1, "a") rm(test_file("a")) rm(test_file("b")) rm(test_file("c")) end) it("should be able to remove two items", function() rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) touch(test_file("b")) touch(test_file("c")) touch(test_file("d")) local h = reload() now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now) h:addItem(test_file("b"), now) h:addItem(test_file("c"), now) h:addItem(test_file("d"), now) h:removeItem(h.hist[3]) -- remove c h:removeItem(h.hist[2]) -- remove b assert_item_is(h, 1, "a") assert_item_is(h, 2, "d") rm(test_file("a")) rm(test_file("b")) rm(test_file("c")) rm(test_file("d")) end) it("should be able to remove three items", function() rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) touch(test_file("b")) touch(test_file("c")) touch(test_file("d")) touch(test_file("e")) local h = reload() now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now) h:addItem(test_file("b"), now) h:addItem(test_file("c"), now) h:addItem(test_file("d"), now) h:addItem(test_file("e"), now) h:removeItem(h.hist[2]) -- remove b h:removeItem(h.hist[2]) -- remove c h:removeItem(h.hist[3]) -- remove e assert_item_is(h, 1, "a") assert_item_is(h, 2, "d") rm(test_file("a")) rm(test_file("b")) rm(test_file("c")) rm(test_file("d")) rm(test_file("e")) end) it("should reduce the total count", function() local function to_file(i) return test_file(string.format("%04d", i)) end rm(file("history.lua")) local h = reload() for i = 1000, 1, -1 do touch(to_file(i)) h:addItem(to_file(i)) end for i = 1, 500 do -- at most 500 items are stored assert_item_is(h, i, string.format("%04d", i)) end for i = 1, 1000 do rm(to_file(i)) end end) it("should reload the history file if it updated", function() -- Prepare a history.lua file with two items a and b. rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) touch(test_file("b")) local h = reload() now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now) h:addItem(test_file("b"), now) mv(file("history.lua"), file("history.backup")) h = reload(), #h.hist) mv(file("history.backup"), file("history.lua")) h:reload(), #h.hist) assert_item_is(h, 1, "a") assert_item_is(h, 2, "b") rm(test_file("a")) rm(test_file("b")) end) local function testAutoRemoveDeletedItems() -- Prepare a history.lua file with two items a and b. rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) touch(test_file("b")) local h = reload() now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now) h:addItem(test_file("b"), now) rm(test_file("a")) h:reload(), #h.hist) assert_item_is(h, 1, "b") rm(test_file("b")) end local function testDoNotAutoRemoveDeletedItems() -- Prepare a history.lua file with two items a and b. rm(file("history.lua")) touch(test_file("a")) touch(test_file("b")) local h = reload() now = now + 61 h:addItem(test_file("a"), now) h:addItem(test_file("b"), now) rm(test_file("a")) h:reload(), #h.hist) assert_item_is(h, 1, "a", true) assert_item_is(h, 2, "b") rm(test_file("b")) end it("should automatically remove deleted items from history if setting has been set", function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autoremove_deleted_items_from_history", true) testAutoRemoveDeletedItems() G_reader_settings:delSetting("autoremove_deleted_items_from_history") end) it("should not automatically remove deleted items from history if setting has not been set", function() G_reader_settings:delSetting("autoremove_deleted_items_from_history") testDoNotAutoRemoveDeletedItems() end) it("should not automatically remove deleted items from history if setting has been set to false", function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autoremove_deleted_items_from_history", false) testDoNotAutoRemoveDeletedItems() G_reader_settings:delSetting("autoremove_deleted_items_from_history") end) end)