local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local Generic = require("device/generic/device") local A, android = pcall(require, "android") -- luacheck: ignore local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = FFIUtil.template local function yes() return true end local function no() return false end local function canUpdateApk() -- disable updates on fdroid builds, since they manage their own repo. return (android.prop.flavor ~= "fdroid") end local function getCodename() local api = android.app.activity.sdkVersion local codename = "" if api > 29 then codename = "R" elseif api == 29 then codename = "Q" elseif api == 28 then codename = "Pie" elseif api == 27 or api == 26 then codename = "Oreo" elseif api == 25 or api == 24 then codename = "Nougat" elseif api == 23 then codename = "Marshmallow" elseif api == 22 or api == 21 then codename = "Lollipop" elseif api == 19 then codename = "KitKat" elseif api < 19 and api >= 16 then codename = "Jelly Bean" elseif api < 16 and api >= 14 then codename = "Ice Cream Sandwich" end return codename end -- thirdparty app support local external = require("device/thirdparty"):new{ dicts = { { "Aard2", "Aard2", false, "itkach.aard2", "aard2" }, { "Alpus", "Alpus", false, "com.ngcomputing.fora.android", "search" }, { "ColorDict", "ColorDict", false, "com.socialnmobile.colordict", "colordict" }, { "Eudic", "Eudic", false, "com.eusoft.eudic", "send" }, { "EudicPlay", "Eudic (Google Play)", false, "com.qianyan.eudic", "send" }, { "Fora", "Fora Dict", false, "com.ngc.fora", "search" }, { "ForaPro", "Fora Dict Pro", false, "com.ngc.fora.android", "search" }, { "GoldenFree", "GoldenDict Free", false, "mobi.goldendict.android.free", "send" }, { "GoldenPro", "GoldenDict Pro", false, "mobi.goldendict.android", "send" }, { "Kiwix", "Kiwix", false, "org.kiwix.kiwixmobile", "text" }, { "Mdict", "Mdict", false, "cn.mdict", "send" }, { "QuickDic", "QuickDic", false, "de.reimardoeffinger.quickdic", "quickdic" }, }, check = function(self, app) return android.isPackageEnabled(app) end, } local Device = Generic:new{ isAndroid = yes, model = android.prop.product, hasKeys = yes, hasDPad = no, hasExitOptions = no, hasEinkScreen = function() return android.isEink() end, hasColorScreen = function() return not android.isEink() end, hasFrontlight = yes, hasNaturalLight = android.isWarmthDevice, canRestart = no, canSuspend = no, firmware_rev = android.app.activity.sdkVersion, home_dir = android.getExternalStoragePath(), display_dpi = android.lib.AConfiguration_getDensity(android.app.config), isHapticFeedbackEnabled = yes, hasClipboard = yes, hasOTAUpdates = canUpdateApk, hasFastWifiStatusQuery = yes, canOpenLink = yes, openLink = function(self, link) if not link or type(link) ~= "string" then return end return android.openLink(link) == 0 end, canImportFiles = function() return android.app.activity.sdkVersion >= 19 end, hasExternalSD = function() return android.getExternalSdPath() end, importFile = function(path) android.importFile(path) end, canShareText = yes, doShareText = function(text) android.sendText(text) end, canExternalDictLookup = yes, getExternalDictLookupList = function() return external.dicts end, doExternalDictLookup = function (self, text, method, callback) external.when_back_callback = callback local _, app, action = external:checkMethod("dict", method) if action then android.dictLookup(text, app, action) end end, --[[ Disable jit on some modules on android to make koreader on Android more stable. The strategy here is that we only use precious mcode memory (jitting) on deep loops like the several blitting methods in blitbuffer.lua and the pixel-copying methods in mupdf.lua. So that a small amount of mcode memory (64KB) allocated when koreader is launched in the android.lua is enough for the program and it won't need to jit other parts of lua code and thus won't allocate mcode memory any more which by our observation will be harder and harder as we run koreader. ]]-- should_restrict_JIT = true, } function Device:init() self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_android"):new{device = self, debug = logger.dbg} self.powerd = require("device/android/powerd"):new{device = self} self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, event_map = require("device/android/event_map"), handleMiscEv = function(this, ev) local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") logger.dbg("Android application event", ev.code) if ev.code == C.APP_CMD_SAVE_STATE then return "SaveState" elseif ev.code == C.APP_CMD_DESTROY then UIManager:quit() elseif ev.code == C.APP_CMD_GAINED_FOCUS or ev.code == C.APP_CMD_INIT_WINDOW or ev.code == C.APP_CMD_WINDOW_REDRAW_NEEDED then this.device.screen:_updateWindow() elseif ev.code == C.APP_CMD_CONFIG_CHANGED then -- orientation and size changes if android.screen.width ~= android.getScreenWidth() or android.screen.height ~= android.getScreenHeight() then this.device.screen:resize() local new_size = this.device.screen:getSize() logger.info("Resizing screen to", new_size) local Event = require("ui/event") local FileManager = require("apps/filemanager/filemanager") UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("SetDimensions", new_size)) UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("ScreenResize", new_size)) UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("RedrawCurrentPage")) if FileManager.instance then FileManager.instance:reinit(FileManager.instance.path, FileManager.instance.focused_file) UIManager:setDirty(FileManager.instance.banner, function() return "ui", FileManager.instance.banner.dimen end) end end -- to-do: keyboard connected, disconnected elseif ev.code == C.APP_CMD_RESUME then if external.when_back_callback then external.when_back_callback() external.when_back_callback = nil end local new_file = android.getIntent() if new_file ~= nil and lfs.attributes(new_file, "mode") == "file" then -- we cannot blit to a window here since we have no focus yet. local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local BD = require("ui/bidi") UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Opening file '%1'."), BD.filepath(new_file)), timeout = 0.0, }) end) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.2, function() require("apps/reader/readerui"):doShowReader(new_file) end) else -- check if we're resuming from importing content. local content_path = android.getLastImportedPath() if content_path ~= nil then local FileManager = require("apps/filemanager/filemanager") UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() if FileManager.instance then FileManager.instance:onRefresh() else FileManager:showFiles(content_path) end end) end end end end, hasClipboardText = function() return android.hasClipboardText() end, getClipboardText = function() return android.getClipboardText() end, setClipboardText = function(text) return android.setClipboardText(text) end, } -- check if we have a keyboard if android.lib.AConfiguration_getKeyboard(android.app.config) == C.ACONFIGURATION_KEYBOARD_QWERTY then self.hasKeyboard = yes end -- check if we have a touchscreen if android.lib.AConfiguration_getTouchscreen(android.app.config) ~= C.ACONFIGURATION_TOUCHSCREEN_NOTOUCH then self.isTouchDevice = yes end -- check if we use custom timeouts if android.needsWakelocks() then android.timeout.set(C.AKEEP_SCREEN_ON_ENABLED) else local timeout = G_reader_settings:readSetting("android_screen_timeout") if timeout then if timeout == C.AKEEP_SCREEN_ON_ENABLED or timeout > C.AKEEP_SCREEN_ON_DISABLED and android.settings.hasPermission("settings") then android.timeout.set(timeout) end end end -- check if we disable fullscreen support if G_reader_settings:isTrue("disable_android_fullscreen") then self:toggleFullscreen() end -- check if we allow haptic feedback in spite of system settings if G_reader_settings:isTrue("haptic_feedback_override") then android.setHapticOverride(true) end -- check if we ignore volume keys and then they're forwarded to system services. if G_reader_settings:isTrue("android_ignore_volume_keys") then android.setVolumeKeysIgnored(true) end -- check if we ignore the back button completely if G_reader_settings:isTrue("android_ignore_back_button") then android.setBackButtonIgnored(true) end Generic.init(self) end function Device:initNetworkManager(NetworkMgr) function NetworkMgr:turnOnWifi(complete_callback) android.openWifiSettings() end function NetworkMgr:turnOffWifi(complete_callback) android.openWifiSettings() end function NetworkMgr:openSettings() android.openWifiSettings() end function NetworkMgr:isWifiOn() local ok = android.getNetworkInfo() ok = tonumber(ok) if not ok then return false end return ok == 1 end end function Device:performHapticFeedback(type) android.hapticFeedback(C["AHAPTIC_"..type]) end function Device:setIgnoreInput(enable) android.setIgnoreInput(enable) end function Device:retrieveNetworkInfo() local ok, type = android.getNetworkInfo() ok, type = tonumber(ok), tonumber(type) if not ok or not type or type == C.ANETWORK_NONE then return _("Not connected") else if type == C.ANETWORK_WIFI then return _("Connected to Wi-Fi") elseif type == C.ANETWORK_MOBILE then return _("Connected to mobile data network") elseif type == C.ANETWORK_ETHERNET then return _("Connected to Ethernet") elseif type == C.ANETWORK_BLUETOOTH then return _("Connected to Bluetooth") elseif type == C.ANETWORK_VPN then return _("Connected to VPN") end return _("Unknown connection") end end function Device:setViewport(x,y,w,h) logger.info(string.format("Switching viewport to new geometry [x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d]",x, y, w, h)) local viewport = Geom:new{x=x, y=y, w=w, h=h} self.screen:setViewport(viewport) end function Device:toggleFullscreen() local api = android.app.activity.sdkVersion if api >= 19 then logger.dbg("ignoring fullscreen toggle, reason: always in immersive mode") elseif api < 19 and api >= 17 then local width = android.getScreenWidth() local height = android.getScreenHeight() local available_height = android.getScreenAvailableHeight() local is_fullscreen = android.isFullscreen() android.setFullscreen(not is_fullscreen) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("disable_android_fullscreen", is_fullscreen) is_fullscreen = android.isFullscreen() if is_fullscreen then self:setViewport(0, 0, width, height) else self:setViewport(0, 0, width, available_height) end else logger.dbg("ignoring fullscreen toggle, reason: legacy api " .. api) end end function Device:info() local is_eink, eink_platform = android.isEink() local product_type = android.getPlatformName() local common_text = T(_("%1\n\nOS: Android %2, api %3\nBuild flavor: %4\n"), android.prop.product, getCodename(), Device.firmware_rev, android.prop.flavor) local platform_text = "" if product_type ~= "android" then platform_text = "\n" .. T(_("Device type: %1"), product_type) .. "\n" end local eink_text = "" if is_eink then eink_text = "\n" .. T(_("E-ink display supported.\nPlatform: %1"), eink_platform) .. "\n" end local wakelocks_text = "" if android.needsWakelocks() then wakelocks_text = "\n" .. _("This device needs CPU, screen and touchscreen always on.\nScreen timeout will be ignored while the app is in the foreground!") .. "\n" end return common_text..platform_text..eink_text..wakelocks_text end function Device:epdTest() android.einkTest() end function Device:exit() android.LOGI(string.format("Stopping %s main activity", android.prop.name)); android.lib.ANativeActivity_finish(android.app.activity) end function Device:canExecuteScript(file) local file_ext = string.lower(util.getFileNameSuffix(file)) if android.prop.flavor ~= "fdroid" and file_ext == "sh" then return true end end function Device:isValidPath(path) return android.isPathInsideSandbox(path) end --swallow all events local function processEvents() local events = ffi.new("int[1]") local source = ffi.new("struct android_poll_source*[1]") local poll_state = android.lib.ALooper_pollAll(-1, nil, events, ffi.cast("void**", source)) if poll_state >= 0 then if source[0] ~= nil then if source[0].id == C.LOOPER_ID_MAIN then local cmd = C.android_app_read_cmd(android.app) C.android_app_pre_exec_cmd(android.app, cmd) C.android_app_post_exec_cmd(android.app, cmd) elseif source[0].id == C.LOOPER_ID_INPUT then local event = ffi.new("AInputEvent*[1]") while android.lib.AInputQueue_getEvent(android.app.inputQueue, event) >= 0 do if android.lib.AInputQueue_preDispatchEvent(android.app.inputQueue, event[0]) == 0 then android.lib.AInputQueue_finishEvent(android.app.inputQueue, event[0], 1) end end end end end end function Device:showLightDialog() local title = android.isEink() and _("Frontlight settings") or _("Light settings") android.lights.showDialog(title, _("Brightness"), _("Warmth"), _("OK"), _("Cancel")) repeat processEvents() -- swallow all events, including the last one FFIUtil.usleep(25000) -- sleep 25ms before next check if dialog was quit until (android.lights.dialogState() ~= C.ALIGHTS_DIALOG_OPENED) local GestureDetector = require("device/gesturedetector") GestureDetector:clearStates() local action = android.lights.dialogState() if action == C.ALIGHTS_DIALOG_OK then self.powerd.fl_intensity = self.powerd:frontlightIntensityHW() logger.dbg("Dialog OK, brightness: " .. self.powerd.fl_intensity) if android.isWarmthDevice() then self.powerd.fl_warmth = self.powerd:getWarmth() logger.dbg("Dialog OK, warmth: " .. self.powerd.fl_warmth) end local Event = require("ui/event") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("FrontlightStateChanged")) elseif action == C.ALIGHTS_DIALOG_CANCEL then logger.dbg("Dialog Cancel, brightness: " .. self.powerd.fl_intensity) self.powerd:setIntensityHW(self.powerd.fl_intensity) if android.isWarmthDevice() then logger.dbg("Dialog Cancel, warmth: " .. self.powerd.fl_warmth) self.powerd:setWarmth(self.powerd.fl_warmth) end end end android.LOGI(string.format("Android %s - %s (API %d) - flavor: %s", android.prop.version, getCodename(), Device.firmware_rev, android.prop.flavor)) return Device