--[[-- HTML widget (without scroll bars). --]] local Device = require("device") local DrawContext = require("ffi/drawcontext") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local Mupdf = require("ffi/mupdf") local Screen = Device.screen local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local HtmlBoxWidget = InputContainer:new{ bb = nil, dimen = nil, document = nil, page_count = 0, page_number = 1, hold_start_pos = nil, hold_start_tv = nil, html_link_tapped_callback = nil, } function HtmlBoxWidget:init() if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapText = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = function() return self.dimen end, }, }, } end end function HtmlBoxWidget:setContent(body, css, default_font_size) -- fz_set_user_css is tied to the context instead of the document so to easily support multiple -- HTML dictionaries with different CSS, we embed the stylesheet into the HTML instead of using -- that function. local head = "" if css then head = string.format("", css) end local html = string.format("%s%s", head, body) -- For some reason in MuPDF
always creates both a line break and an empty line, so we have to -- simulate the normal
behavior. -- https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=698351 html = html:gsub("%
", " 
") local ok ok, self.document = pcall(Mupdf.openDocumentFromText, html, "html") if not ok then -- self.document contains the error logger.warn("HTML loading error:", self.document) body = util.htmlToPlainText(body) body = util.htmlEscape(body) -- Normally \n would be replaced with
. See the previous comment regarding the bug in MuPDF. body = body:gsub("\n", " 
") html = string.format("%s%s", head, body) ok, self.document = pcall(Mupdf.openDocumentFromText, html, "html") if not ok then error(self.document) end end self.document:layoutDocument(self.dimen.w, self.dimen.h, default_font_size) self.page_count = self.document:getPages() end function HtmlBoxWidget:_render() if self.bb then return end -- In pdfdocument.lua, color is activated only at the moment of -- rendering and then immediately disabled, for safety with kopt. -- We do the same here. Mupdf.color = Screen:isColorEnabled() local page = self.document:openPage(self.page_number) local dc = DrawContext.new() self.bb = page:draw_new(dc, self.dimen.w, self.dimen.h, 0, 0) page:close() Mupdf.color = false end function HtmlBoxWidget:getSize() return self.dimen end function HtmlBoxWidget:getSinglePageHeight() if self.page_count == 1 then local page = self.document:openPage(1) local x0, y0, x1, y1 = page:getUsedBBox() -- luacheck: no unused page:close() return math.ceil(y1) -- no content after y1 end end function HtmlBoxWidget:paintTo(bb, x, y) self.dimen.x = x self.dimen.y = y self:_render() local size = self:getSize() bb:blitFrom(self.bb, x, y, 0, 0, size.w, size.h) end function HtmlBoxWidget:freeBb() if self.bb and self.bb.free then self.bb:free() end self.bb = nil end -- This will normally be called by our WidgetContainer:free() -- But it SHOULD explicitly be called if we are getting replaced -- (ie: in some other widget's update()), to not leak memory with -- BlitBuffer zombies function HtmlBoxWidget:free() --print("HtmlBoxWidget:free on", self) self:freeBb() if self.document then self.document:close() self.document = nil end end function HtmlBoxWidget:onCloseWidget() -- free when UIManager:close() was called self:free() end function HtmlBoxWidget:getPosFromAbsPos(abs_pos) local pos = Geom:new{ x = abs_pos.x - self.dimen.x, y = abs_pos.y - self.dimen.y, } -- check if the coordinates are actually inside our area if pos.x < 0 or pos.x >= self.dimen.w or pos.y < 0 or pos.y >= self.dimen.h then return nil end return pos end function HtmlBoxWidget:onHoldStartText(_, ges) self.hold_start_pos = self:getPosFromAbsPos(ges.pos) if not self.hold_start_pos then return false -- let event be processed by other widgets end self.hold_start_tv = UIManager:getTime() return true end function HtmlBoxWidget:onHoldPan(_, ges) -- We don't highlight the currently selected text, but just let this -- event pop up if we are not currently selecting text if not self.hold_start_pos then return false end return true end function HtmlBoxWidget:getSelectedText(lines, start_pos, end_pos) local found_start = false local words = {} for _, line in pairs(lines) do for _, w in pairs(line) do if type(w) == 'table' then if not found_start then if start_pos.x >= w.x0 and start_pos.x < w.x1 and start_pos.y >= w.y0 and start_pos.y < w.y1 then found_start = true elseif end_pos.x >= w.x0 and end_pos.x < w.x1 and end_pos.y >= w.y0 and end_pos.y < w.y1 then -- We found end_pos before start_pos, switch them found_start = true start_pos, end_pos = end_pos, start_pos end end if found_start then table.insert(words, w.word) -- Found the end. if end_pos.x >= w.x0 and end_pos.x < w.x1 and end_pos.y >= w.y0 and end_pos.y < w.y1 then return words end end end end end return words end function HtmlBoxWidget:onHoldReleaseText(callback, ges) if not callback then return false end -- check we have seen a HoldStart event if not self.hold_start_pos then return false end local start_pos = self.hold_start_pos self.hold_start_pos = nil local end_pos = self:getPosFromAbsPos(ges.pos) if not end_pos then return false end local hold_duration = TimeVal.now() - self.hold_start_tv local page = self.document:openPage(self.page_number) local lines = page:getPageText() page:close() local words = self:getSelectedText(lines, start_pos, end_pos) local selected_text = table.concat(words, " ") callback(selected_text, hold_duration) return true end function HtmlBoxWidget:getLinkByPosition(pos) local page = self.document:openPage(self.page_number) local links = page:getPageLinks() page:close() for _, link in pairs(links) do if pos.x >= link.x0 and pos.x < link.x1 and pos.y >= link.y0 and pos.y < link.y1 then return link end end end function HtmlBoxWidget:onTapText(arg, ges) if G_reader_settings:isFalse("tap_to_follow_links") then return end if self.html_link_tapped_callback then local pos = self:getPosFromAbsPos(ges.pos) if pos then local link = self:getLinkByPosition(pos) if link then self.html_link_tapped_callback(link) return true end end end end return HtmlBoxWidget