--[[-- A simple serialization function which won't do uservalues, functions, or loops. If we ever need a more full-featured variant, the consensus seems to be https://github.com/pkulchenko/serpent ;). ]] local isUbuntuTouch = os.getenv("UBUNTU_APPLICATION_ISOLATION") ~= nil local insert = table.insert local indent_prefix = " " local function _serialize(what, outt, indent, max_lv, history, pairs_func) if not max_lv then max_lv = math.huge end if indent > max_lv then return end local datatype = type(what) if datatype == "table" then history = history or {} for up, item in ipairs(history) do if item == what then insert(outt, "nil --[[ LOOP:\n") insert(outt, string.rep(indent_prefix, indent - up)) insert(outt, "^------- ]]") return end end local new_history = { what, unpack(history) } local didrun = false insert(outt, "{") for k, v in pairs_func(what) do insert(outt, "\n") insert(outt, string.rep(indent_prefix, indent+1)) insert(outt, "[") _serialize(k, outt, indent+1, max_lv, new_history, pairs_func) insert(outt, "] = ") _serialize(v, outt, indent+1, max_lv, new_history, pairs_func) insert(outt, ",") didrun = true end if didrun then insert(outt, "\n") insert(outt, string.rep(indent_prefix, indent)) end insert(outt, "}") elseif datatype == "string" then insert(outt, string.format("%q", what)) elseif datatype == "number" then if isUbuntuTouch then --- @fixme The `SDL_CreateRenderer` function in Ubuntu touch somehow -- use a strange locale that formats number like this: 1.10000000000000g+02 -- which cannot be recognized by loadfile after the number is dumped. -- Here the workaround is to preserve enough precision in "%.13e" format. insert(outt, string.format("%.13e", what)) else insert(outt, tostring(what)) end elseif datatype == "boolean" then insert(outt, tostring(what)) elseif datatype == "function" then insert(outt, tostring(what)) elseif datatype == "nil" then insert(outt, "nil") end end --[[--Serializes whatever is in `data` to a string that is parseable by Lua. You can optionally specify a maximum recursion depth in `max_lv`. @function dump @param data the object you want serialized (table, string, number, boolean, nil) @param max_lv optional maximum recursion depth --]] local function dump(data, max_lv, ordered) local out = {} local pairs_func = ordered and require("ffi/util").orderedPairs or pairs _serialize(data, out, 0, max_lv, nil, pairs_func) return table.concat(out) end return dump