local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Screen = require("device").screen local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local Event = require("ui/event") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local _ = require("gettext") --[[ an InputContainer is an WidgetContainer that handles input events an example for a key_event is this: PanBy20 = { { "Shift", Input.group.Cursor }, seqtext = "Shift+Cursor", doc = "pan by 20px", event = "Pan", args = 20, is_inactive = true, }, PanNormal = { { Input.group.Cursor }, seqtext = "Cursor", doc = "pan by 10 px", event = "Pan", args = 10, }, Quit = { {"Home"} }, it is suggested to reference configurable sequences from another table and store that table as configuration setting --]] local InputContainer = WidgetContainer:new{ vertical_align = "top", } function InputContainer:_init() -- we need to do deep copy here local new_key_events = {} if self.key_events then for k,v in pairs(self.key_events) do new_key_events[k] = v end end self.key_events = new_key_events local new_ges_events = {} if self.ges_events then for k,v in pairs(self.ges_events) do new_ges_events[k] = v end end self.ges_events = new_ges_events end function InputContainer:paintTo(bb, x, y) if not self.dimen then local content_size = self[1]:getSize() self.dimen = Geom:new{w = content_size.w, h = content_size.h} end self.dimen.x = x self.dimen.y = y if self[1] then if self.vertical_align == "center" then local content_size = self[1]:getSize() self[1]:paintTo(bb, x, y + math.floor((self.dimen.h - content_size.h)/2)) else self[1]:paintTo(bb, x, y) end end end --[[ the following handler handles keypresses and checks if they lead to a command. if this is the case, we retransmit another event within ourselves --]] function InputContainer:onKeyPress(key) for name, seq in pairs(self.key_events) do if not seq.is_inactive then for _, oneseq in ipairs(seq) do if key:match(oneseq) then local eventname = seq.event or name return self:handleEvent(Event:new(eventname, seq.args, key)) end end end end end function InputContainer:onGesture(ev) for name, gsseq in pairs(self.ges_events) do for _, gs_range in ipairs(gsseq) do --DEBUG("gs_range", gs_range) if gs_range:match(ev) then local eventname = gsseq.event or name return self:handleEvent(Event:new(eventname, gsseq.args, ev)) end end end end function InputContainer:onInput(input) local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") self.input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = input.title or "", input = input.input, input_hint = input.hint_func and input.hint_func() or input.hint or "", input_type = input.type or "number", buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() self:closeInputDialog() end, }, { text = _("OK"), callback = function() input.callback(self.input_dialog:getInputText()) self:closeInputDialog() end, }, }, }, enter_callback = function() input.callback(self.input_dialog:getInputText()) self:closeInputDialog() end, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.8, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.2, } self.input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.input_dialog) end function InputContainer:closeInputDialog() self.input_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.input_dialog) end return InputContainer