--[[-- This plugin processes dictionary word lookups and uses spaced repetition to help you remember new words. @module koplugin.vocabbuilder --]]-- local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local BottomContainer = require("ui/widget/container/bottomcontainer") local DB = require("db") local Button = require("ui/widget/button") local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog") local ButtonTable = require("ui/widget/buttontable") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Device = require("device") local Dispatcher = require("dispatcher") local Event = require("ui/event") local Font = require("ui/font") local FocusManager = require("ui/widget/focusmanager") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan") local IconButton = require("ui/widget/iconbutton") local IconWidget = require("ui/widget/iconwidget") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local LeftContainer = require("ui/widget/container/leftcontainer") local LineWidget = require("ui/widget/linewidget") local MovableContainer = require("ui/widget/container/movablecontainer") local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local RightContainer = require("ui/widget/container/rightcontainer") local OverlapGroup = require("ui/widget/overlapgroup") local Screen = Device.screen local Size = require("ui/size") local SortWidget = require("ui/widget/sortwidget") local SyncService = require("frontend/apps/cloudstorage/syncservice") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local TitleBar = require("ui/widget/titlebar") local ToggleSwitch = require("ui/widget/toggleswitch") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local C_ = _.pgettext local T = require("ffi/util").template -------- shared values local word_face = Font:getFace("x_smallinfofont") local subtitle_face = Font:getFace("cfont", 12) local subtitle_italic_face = Font:getFace("NotoSans-Italic.ttf", 12) local subtitle_color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY local dim_color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_GRAY_3 local settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("vocabulary_builder", {enabled = false, with_context = true}) local function saveSettings() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("vocabulary_builder", settings) end --[[-- Menu dialogue widget --]]-- local MenuDialog = FocusManager:extend{ padding = Size.padding.large, is_edit_mode = false, edit_callback = nil, tap_close_callback = nil, clean_callback = nil, reset_callback = nil, } function MenuDialog:init() self.layout = {} if Device:hasKeys() then local back_group = util.tableDeepCopy(Device.input.group.Back) if Device:hasFewKeys() then table.insert(back_group, "Left") else table.insert(back_group, "Menu") end self.key_events.Close = { { back_group } } end if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events.Tap = { GestureRange:new { ges = "tap", range = Geom:new { x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), } } } end end function MenuDialog:setupPluginMenu() local size = Screen:getSize() local width = math.floor(size.w * 0.9) -- Switch text translations could be long local temp_text_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = _("Auto add new words"), face = Font:getFace("xx_smallinfofont") } local switch_guide_width = temp_text_widget:getSize().w temp_text_widget:setText(_("Save context")) switch_guide_width = math.max(switch_guide_width, temp_text_widget:getSize().w) switch_guide_width = math.min(math.max(switch_guide_width, math.ceil(width*0.39)), math.ceil(width*0.61)) temp_text_widget:free() local switch_width = width - switch_guide_width - Size.padding.fullscreen - Size.padding.default local switch = ToggleSwitch:new{ width = switch_width, default_value = 2, name = "vocabulary_builder", name_text = nil, --_("Accept new words"), event = "ChangeEnableStatus", args = {"off", "on"}, default_arg = "on", toggle = { _("off"), _("on") }, values = {1, 2}, alternate = false, enabled = true, config = self, readonly = self.readonly, } switch:setPosition(settings.enabled and 2 or 1) self:mergeLayoutInVertical(switch) self.context_switch = ToggleSwitch:new{ width = switch_width, default_value = 1, name_text = nil, event = "ChangeContextStatus", args = {"off", "on"}, default_arg = "off", toggle = { _("off"), _("on") }, values = {1, 2}, alternate = false, enabled = true, config = self, readonly = self.readonly, } self.context_switch:setPosition(settings.with_context and 2 or 1) self:mergeLayoutInVertical(self.context_switch) local filter_button = { text = _("Filter books"), callback = function() self:onClose() self.vocabbuilder:onShowFilter() end } local reverse_button = { text = settings.reverse and _("Reverse order") or _("Reverse order and show only reviewable"), callback = function() self:onClose() settings.reverse = not settings.reverse saveSettings() self.vocabbuilder:reloadItems() end } local edit_button = { text = self.is_edit_mode and _("Resume") or _("Quick deletion"), callback = function() self:onClose() self.edit_callback() end } local reset_button = { text = _("Reset all progress"), callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Reset progress of all words?"), ok_text = _("Reset"), ok_callback = function() DB:resetProgress() self:onClose() self.reset_callback() end }) end } local clean_button = { text = _("Clean all words"), callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Clean all words including progress?"), ok_text = _("Clean"), ok_callback = function() DB:purge() self:onClose() self.clean_callback() end }) end, } local show_sync_settings = function() if not settings.server then local sync_settings = SyncService:new{} sync_settings.onClose = function(this) UIManager:close(this) end sync_settings.onConfirm = function(server) settings.server = server saveSettings() DB:batchUpdateItems(self.vocabbuilder.item_table) SyncService.sync(server, DB.path, DB.onSync, false) self.vocabbuilder:reloadItems() end UIManager:close(self.sync_dialogue) UIManager:close(self) UIManager:show(sync_settings) return end local server = settings.server local buttons = { { { text = _("Delete"), callback = function() settings.server = nil UIManager:close(self.sync_dialogue) end }, { text = _("Edit"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.sync_dialogue) UIManager:close(self) local sync_settings = SyncService:new{} sync_settings.onClose = function(this) UIManager:close(this) end sync_settings.onConfirm = function(chosen_server) settings.server = chosen_server end UIManager:show(sync_settings) end }, { text = _("Synchronize now"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.sync_dialogue) UIManager:close(self) DB:batchUpdateItems(self.vocabbuilder.item_table) SyncService.sync(server, DB.path, DB.onSync, false) self.vocabbuilder:reloadItems() end } } } local type = server.type == "dropbox" and " (DropBox)" or " (WebDAV)" self.sync_dialogue = ButtonDialog:new{ title = T(_("Cloud storage:\n%1\n\nFolder path:\n%2\n\nSet up the same cloud folder on each device to sync across your devices."), server.name.." "..type, SyncService.getReadablePath(server)), info_face = Font:getFace("smallinfofont"), buttons = buttons, } UIManager:show(self.sync_dialogue) end local sync_button = { text = _("Cloud sync"), callback = function() show_sync_settings() end } local search_button = { text = _("Search"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self) self.vocabbuilder:showSearchDialog() end } local buttons = ButtonTable:new{ width = width, buttons = { {reverse_button}, {sync_button}, {search_button}, {filter_button, edit_button}, {reset_button, clean_button}, }, show_parent = self } self:mergeLayoutInVertical(buttons) self.covers_fullscreen = true self[1] = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = size, FrameContainer:new{ padding = Size.padding.default, padding_top = Size.padding.large, padding_bottom = 0, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, bordersize = Size.border.window, radius = Size.radius.window, VerticalGroup:new{ HorizontalGroup:new{ RightContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = switch_guide_width, h = switch:getSize().h }, TextWidget:new{ text = _("Auto add new words"), face = Font:getFace("xx_smallinfofont"), max_width = switch_guide_width } }, HorizontalSpan:new{width = Size.padding.fullscreen}, switch, }, VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.padding.default}, HorizontalGroup:new{ RightContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = switch_guide_width, h = switch:getSize().h}, TextWidget:new{ text = _("Save context"), face = Font:getFace("xx_smallinfofont"), max_width = switch_guide_width } }, HorizontalSpan:new{width = Size.padding.fullscreen}, self.context_switch, }, VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.padding.large}, LineWidget:new{ background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_GRAY, dimen = Geom:new{ w = width, h = Screen:scaleBySize(1), } }, buttons } } } self:refocusWidget() end function MenuDialog:setupBookMenu(sort_item, onSuccess) local size = Screen:getSize() local width = math.floor(size.w * 0.9) local change_title_button = { text = _("Change book title"), callback = function() self:onClose() -- first show_parent is sortWidget, second is vocabBuilderWidget self.show_parent.show_parent:showChangeBookTitleDialog(sort_item, onSuccess) end } local select_single_button = { text = _("Select only this book"), callback = function() self:onClose() for _, item in pairs(self.show_parent.item_table) do if item == sort_item then if not item.checked_func() then item.callback() -- toggle checkmark end elseif item.checked_func() then item.callback() end end self.show_parent:goToPage(self.show_parent.show_page) end } local select_all_button = { text = _("Select all books"), callback = function() self:onClose() for _, item in pairs(self.show_parent.item_table) do if not item.checked_func() then item.callback() end end self.show_parent:goToPage(self.show_parent.show_page) end } local select_page_all_button = { text = _("Select all books on this page"), callback = function() self:onClose() for _, content in pairs(self.show_parent.main_content) do if content.item and not content.item.checked_func() then content.item.callback() end end self.show_parent:goToPage(self.show_parent.show_page) end } local deselect_page_all_button = { text = _("Deselect all books on this page"), callback = function() self:onClose() for _, content in pairs(self.show_parent.main_content) do if content.item and content.item.checked_func() then content.item.callback() end end self.show_parent:goToPage(self.show_parent.show_page) end } local buttons = ButtonTable:new{ width = width, buttons = { {change_title_button}, {select_single_button}, {select_all_button}, {select_page_all_button}, {deselect_page_all_button}, }, show_parent = self } self.covers_fullscreen = true self[1] = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = size, FrameContainer:new{ padding = Size.padding.default, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, bordersize = Size.border.window, radius = Size.radius.window, buttons } } end function MenuDialog:onShow() UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "flashui", self[1][1].dimen -- i.e., FrameContainer end) end function MenuDialog:onCloseWidget() UIManager:setDirty(nil, function() return "ui", self[1][1].dimen end) end function MenuDialog:onTap(_, ges) if ges.pos:notIntersectWith(self[1][1].dimen) then -- Tap outside closes widget self:onClose() return true end end function MenuDialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self) if self.tap_close_callback then self.tap_close_callback() end return true end function MenuDialog:onChangeContextStatus(args, position) settings.with_context = position == 2 saveSettings() end function MenuDialog:onChangeEnableStatus(args, position) settings.enabled = position == 2 saveSettings() end function MenuDialog:onConfigChoose(values, name, event, args, position) UIManager:tickAfterNext(function() if values then if event == "ChangeEnableStatus" then self:onChangeEnableStatus(args, position) elseif event == "ChangeContextStatus" then self:onChangeContextStatus(args, position) end end UIManager:setDirty(nil, "ui") end) end --[[-- Individual word info dialogue widget --]]-- local WordInfoDialog = FocusManager:extend{ title = nil, book_title = nil, dates = nil, padding = Size.padding.large, margin = Size.margin.title, tap_close_callback = nil, remove_callback = nil, reset_callback = nil, dismissable = true, -- set to false if any button callback is required } local book_title_triangle = BD.mirroredUILayout() and " ⯇" or " ⯈" local word_info_dialog_width function WordInfoDialog:init() self.layout = {} if self.dismissable then if Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events.Close = { { Device.input.group.Back } } end if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events.Tap = { GestureRange:new { ges = "tap", range = Geom:new { x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), } } } end end if not word_info_dialog_width then local temp_text = TextWidget:new{ text = self.dates, padding = Size.padding.fullscreen, face = Font:getFace("cfont", 14) } local dates_width = temp_text:getSize().w temp_text:free() local screen_width = math.min(Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight()) word_info_dialog_width = math.floor(math.max(screen_width * 0.6, math.min(screen_width * 0.8, dates_width))) end local width = word_info_dialog_width local reset_button = { text = _("Reset progress"), callback = function() self.reset_callback() UIManager:close(self) end } local remove_button = { text = _("Remove word"), callback = function() self.remove_callback() UIManager:close(self) end } local buttons = {{reset_button, remove_button}} if self.vocabbuilder.item.last_due_time then table.insert(buttons, {{ text = _("Undo study status"), callback = function() self.undo_callback() UIManager:close(self) end }}) end local focus_button = ButtonTable:new{ width = width, buttons = buttons, show_parent = self } local copy_button = Button:new{ text = "", -- copy in nerdfont, callback = function() Device.input.setClipboardText(self.title) UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("Word copied to clipboard."), }) end, bordersize = 0, } self.book_title_button = Button:new{ text = self.book_title .. book_title_triangle, width = width, text_font_face = "NotoSans-Italic.ttf", text_font_size = 14, text_font_bold = false, align = self.title_align or "left", padding = Size.padding.button, bordersize = 0, callback = function() self.vocabbuilder:onShowBookAssignment(function(new_book_title) self.book_title = new_book_title self.book_title_button:setText(new_book_title..book_title_triangle, width) end) end, show_parent = self } table.insert(self.layout, {copy_button}) table.insert(self.layout, {self.book_title_button}) self:mergeLayoutInVertical(focus_button) local has_context = self.prev_context or self.next_context self[1] = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), MovableContainer:new{ FrameContainer:new{ VerticalGroup:new{ align = "center", FrameContainer:new{ padding = self.padding, padding_top = Size.padding.buttontable, padding_bottom = Size.padding.buttontable, margin = self.margin, bordersize = 0, VerticalGroup:new { align = "left", HorizontalGroup:new{ TextWidget:new{ text = self.title, max_width = width - copy_button:getSize().w - Size.padding.default, face = word_face, bold = true, alignment = self.title_align or "left", }, HorizontalSpan:new{ width=Size.padding.default }, copy_button, }, self.book_title_button, VerticalSpan:new{width= Size.padding.default}, has_context and TextBoxWidget:new{ text = "..." .. (self.prev_context or ""):gsub("\n", " ") .. "【" ..self.title.."】" .. (self.next_context or ""):gsub("\n", " ") .. "...", width = width, face = Font:getFace("smallffont"), alignment = self.title_align or "left", } or VerticalSpan:new{ width = Size.padding.default }, VerticalSpan:new{ width = has_context and Size.padding.default or 0}, TextBoxWidget:new{ text = self.dates, width = width, face = Font:getFace("cfont", 14), alignment = self.title_align or "left", fgcolor = dim_color }, } }, LineWidget:new{ background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_GRAY, dimen = Geom:new{ w = width + self.padding + self.margin, h = Screen:scaleBySize(1), } }, focus_button }, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, bordersize = Size.border.window, radius = Size.radius.window, padding = 0 } } } end function WordInfoDialog:setTitle(title) self.title = title self:free() self:init() UIManager:setDirty("all", "ui") end function WordInfoDialog:onShow() UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "flashui", self[1][1].dimen -- i.e., MovableContainer end) end function WordInfoDialog:onCloseWidget() UIManager:setDirty(nil, function() return "ui", self[1][1].dimen end) end function WordInfoDialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self) if self.tap_close_callback then self.tap_close_callback() end return true end function WordInfoDialog:onTap(_, ges) if ges.pos:notIntersectWith(self[1][1].dimen) then -- Tap outside closes widget self:onClose() return true end end function WordInfoDialog:paintTo(...) InputContainer.paintTo(self, ...) self.dimen = self[1][1].dimen -- FrameContainer end -- values useful for item cells local ellipsis_button_width = Screen:scaleBySize(34) local star_width = Screen:scaleBySize(25) local point_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = " • ", bold = true, face = Font:getFace("cfont", 24), fgcolor = dim_color } --[[-- Individual word item widget --]]-- local VocabItemWidget = InputContainer:extend{ face = Font:getFace("smallinfofont"), width = nil, height = nil, review_button_width = nil, show_parent = nil, item = nil, forgot_button = nil, got_it_button = nil, more_button = nil, layout = nil } --[[-- item: { checked_func: Block, review_count: interger, word: Text book_title: TEXT create_time: Integer review_time: Integer due_time: Integer, got_it_callback: function remove_callback: function is_dim: BOOL } --]]-- local point_widget_height = point_widget:getSize().h local point_widget_width = point_widget:getSize().w local word_height = TextWidget:new{text = " ", face = word_face}:getSize().h local subtitle_height = TextWidget:new{text = " ", face = subtitle_face}:getSize().h function VocabItemWidget:init() self.layout = {} self.dimen = Geom:new{w = self.width, h = self.height} self.ges_events.Tap = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, } } self.ges_events.Hold = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = self.dimen, } } self.v_spacer = VerticalSpan:new{width = math.floor((self.height - word_height - subtitle_height)/2)} self.point_v_spacer = VerticalSpan:new{width = (self.v_spacer.width + word_height/2) - point_widget_height/2 } self.margin_span = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = Size.padding.large } self:initItemWidget() end function VocabItemWidget:initItemWidget() for i = 1, #self.layout do self.layout[i] = nil end if not self.show_parent.is_edit_mode then self.more_button = Button:new{ text = (self.item.prev_context or self.item.next_context) and "⋯" or "⋮", padding = Size.padding.button, callback = function() self:showMore() end, width = ellipsis_button_width, bordersize = 0, show_parent = self } else self.more_button = IconButton:new{ icon = "exit", width = star_width, height = star_width, padding = math.floor((ellipsis_button_width - star_width)/2) + Size.padding.button, callback = function() self:remover() end, } end local right_side_width local right_widget if not self.show_parent.is_edit_mode and self.item.due_time <= os.time() then self.has_review_buttons = true right_side_width = self.review_button_width * 2 + Size.padding.large * 2 + ellipsis_button_width self.forgot_button = Button:new{ text = _("Forgot"), width = self.review_button_width, radius = Size.radius.button, callback = function() self:onForgot() end, show_parent = self, } self.got_it_button = Button:new{ text = _("Got it"), radius = Size.radius.button, callback = function() self:onGotIt() end, width = self.review_button_width, show_parent = self, } right_widget = HorizontalGroup:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = 0, h = self.height }, self.margin_span, self.forgot_button, self.margin_span, self.got_it_button, self.more_button, } table.insert(self.layout, self.forgot_button) table.insert(self.layout, self.got_it_button) table.insert(self.layout, self.more_button) else self.has_review_buttons = false local star = IconWidget:new{ icon = "check", width = star_width, height = star_width, dim = true } if self.item.review_count > 6 then right_side_width = Size.padding.large * 4 + 9 * (star:getSize().w) right_widget = HorizontalGroup:new { dimen = Geom:new{w=0, h = self.height} } for i=1, 6, 1 do table.insert(right_widget, star) end table.insert(right_widget, TextWidget:new { text = " + ", face = word_face, fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY } ) table.insert(right_widget, star) table.insert(right_widget, TextWidget:new { text = "× " .. self.item.review_count-6, face = word_face, fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY } ) elseif self.item.review_count > 0 then right_side_width = Size.padding.large * 4 + self.item.review_count * (star:getSize().w) right_widget = HorizontalGroup:new { dimen = Geom:new{w=0, h = self.height} } for i=1, self.item.review_count, 1 do table.insert(right_widget, star) end else star:free() right_side_width = Size.padding.large * 4 right_widget = HorizontalGroup:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w=0, h = self.height}, HorizontalSpan:new {width = Size.padding.default } } end table.insert(right_widget, self.margin_span) table.insert(right_widget, self.more_button) table.insert(self.layout, self.more_button) end local text_max_width = self.width - point_widget_width - right_side_width local subtitle_prefix = TextWidget:new{ text = self:getTimeSinceDue() .. _("From") .. " ", face = subtitle_face, fgcolor = subtitle_color } local word_widget = Button:new{ text = self.item.word, bordersize = 0, callback = function() self.item.callback(self.item) end, padding = 0, max_width = math.ceil(math.max(5,text_max_width - Size.padding.fullscreen)) } word_widget.label_widget.fgcolor = self.item.is_dim and dim_color or Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK table.insert(self.layout, 1, word_widget) self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ padding = 0, bordersize = 0, HorizontalGroup:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self.height, }, HorizontalGroup:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width - right_side_width, h = self.height, }, VerticalGroup:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = point_widget_width, h = self.height}, self.point_v_spacer, point_widget, VerticalSpan:new { width = self.height - point_widget_height - self.point_v_spacer.width} }, VerticalGroup:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = text_max_width, h = self.height, }, self.v_spacer, LeftContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = text_max_width, h = word_height}, word_widget }, LeftContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{w = text_max_width, h = math.floor(self.height - word_height - self.v_spacer.width*2.2)}, HorizontalGroup:new{ subtitle_prefix, TextWidget:new{ text = self.item.book_title, face = subtitle_italic_face, max_width = math.ceil(math.max(5,text_max_width - subtitle_prefix:getSize().w - Size.padding.fullscreen)), fgcolor = subtitle_color } } }, self.v_spacer } }, RightContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = right_side_width+Size.padding.default, h = self.height}, right_widget } }, } end function VocabItemWidget:getTimeSinceDue() local elapsed = os.time() - self.item.due_time local abs = math.abs(elapsed) local readable_time local rounding = elapsed > 0 and math.floor or math.ceil if abs < 60 then readable_time = T(C_("Time", "%1s"), abs) elseif abs < 3600 then readable_time = T(C_("Time", "%1m"), rounding(abs/60)) elseif abs < 3600 * 24 then readable_time = T(C_("Time", "%1h"), rounding(abs/3600)) elseif abs < 3600 * 24 * 30 then readable_time = T(C_("Time", "%1d"), rounding(abs/3600/24)) elseif abs < 3600 * 24 * 365 then readable_time = T(C_("Time", "%1 mo."), rounding(abs/3600/24/3)/10) else readable_time = T(C_("Time", "%1 yr."), rounding(abs/3600/24/36.5)/10) end if elapsed < 0 then return " " .. readable_time .. " | " --hourglass else return readable_time .. " | " end end function VocabItemWidget:remover() self.item.remove_callback(self.item) self.show_parent:removeAt(self.index) end function VocabItemWidget:resetProgress() self.item.review_count = 0 self.item.streak_count = 0 self.item.due_time = os.time() self.item.review_time = self.item.due_time self.item.last_due_time = nil self.item.is_dim = false self:initItemWidget() UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, function() return "ui", self[1].dimen end) end function VocabItemWidget:undo() self.item.streak_count = self.item.last_streak_count or self.item.streak_count self.item.review_count = self.item.last_review_count or self.item.review_count self.item.review_time = self.item.last_review_time self.item.due_time = self.item.last_due_time or self.item.due_time self.item.last_streak_count = nil self.item.last_review_count = nil self.item.last_review_time = nil self.item.last_due_time = nil self.item.is_dim = false self:initItemWidget() UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, function() return "ui", self[1].dimen end) end function VocabItemWidget:removeAndClose() self:remover() UIManager:close(self.dialogue) end function VocabItemWidget:showMore() local dialogue = WordInfoDialog:new{ title = self.item.word, book_title = self.item.book_title, dates = _("Added on") .. " " .. os.date("%Y-%m-%d", self.item.create_time) .. " | " .. _("Review scheduled at") .. " " .. os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", self.item.due_time), prev_context = self.item.prev_context, next_context = self.item.next_context, remove_callback = function() self:remover() end, reset_callback = function() self:resetProgress() end, undo_callback = function() self:undo() end, vocabbuilder = self } UIManager:show(dialogue) end function VocabItemWidget:onTap(_, ges) if self.has_review_buttons then if ges.pos.x > self.forgot_button.dimen.x and ges.pos.x < self.forgot_button.dimen.x + self.forgot_button.dimen.w then self:onForgot() elseif ges.pos.x > self.got_it_button.dimen.x and ges.pos.x < self.got_it_button.dimen.x + self.got_it_button.dimen.w then self:onGotIt() elseif ges.pos.x > self.more_button.dimen.x and ges.pos.x < self.more_button.dimen.x + self.more_button.dimen.w then self:showMore() elseif self.item.callback then self.item.callback(self.item) end else if BD.mirroredUILayout() then if ges.pos.x > self.more_button.dimen.x and ges.pos.x < self.more_button.dimen.x + self.more_button.dimen.w * 2 then if self.show_parent.is_edit_mode then self:remover() else self:showMore() end elseif self.item.callback then self.item.callback(self.item) end else if ges.pos.x > self.more_button.dimen.x - self.more_button.dimen.w and ges.pos.x < self.more_button.dimen.x + self.more_button.dimen.w then if self.show_parent.is_edit_mode then self:remover() else self:showMore() end elseif self.item.callback then self.item.callback(self.item) end end end return true end function VocabItemWidget:onHold(_, ges) self:onShowBookAssignment() return true end function VocabItemWidget:onGotIt() self.item.got_it_callback(self.item) self.item.is_dim = true self:initItemWidget() if self.show_parent.selected.x == 3 then self.show_parent.selected.x = 1 end UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, function() return "ui", self[1].dimen end) end function VocabItemWidget:onForgot(no_lookup) self.item.forgot_callback(self.item) self.item.is_dim = false self:initItemWidget() UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent, function() return "ui", self[1].dimen end) if not no_lookup and self.item.callback then self.item.callback(self.item) end end function VocabItemWidget:onShowBookAssignment(title_changed_cb) local sort_items = {} local book_data = DB:selectBooks() local sort_widget local book = self.item.book_title local id for _, info in pairs(book_data) do table.insert(sort_items, { text = info.name or "", callback = function() id = info.id book = info.name end, checked_func = function() return info.name == book end, hold_callback = function(sort_item, onSuccess) local book_title = self.item.book_title self.show_parent:showChangeBookTitleDialog(sort_item, function() onSuccess() if book_title == info.name then if book == book_title then book = sort_item.text end info.name = sort_item.text if title_changed_cb then title_changed_cb(sort_item.text) end end end) end }) end table.insert(sort_items, { text = _("Add virtual book"), face = Font:getFace("smallinfofontbold"), callback = function() local dialog dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Enter book title:"), input = "", buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(dialog) end, }, { text = _("Add"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() if dialog:getInputText() == "" then return end local new_book_title = dialog:getInputText() local ok, new_id = pcall(DB.insertNewBook, DB, new_book_title) if ok then UIManager:close(dialog) table.insert(sort_items, #sort_items, { text = new_book_title, callback = function() id = new_id book = new_book_title end, checked_func = function() return new_book_title == book end, hold_callback = function(sort_item, onSuccess) self.show_parent:showChangeBookTitleDialog(sort_item, onSuccess) end }) sort_widget:goToPage(sort_widget.show_page) else UIManager:show(require("ui/widget/notification"):new{ text = _("Book title already in use."), timeout = 3 }) end end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(dialog) dialog:onShowKeyboard() end }) sort_widget = SortWidget:new{ title = T(_("Move \"%1\" to book:"), self.item.word), item_table = sort_items, sort_disabled = true, callback = function() if book ~= self.item.book_title then self.item.book_title = book DB:updateBookIdOfWord(self.item.word, id) self:initItemWidget() if title_changed_cb then title_changed_cb(book) end end UIManager:setDirty(nil, "ui") end } UIManager:show(sort_widget) end function VocabItemWidget:onDictButtonsReady(dict_popup, buttons) if not self.item or self.item.word ~= dict_popup.word then return false end if self.item.due_time > os.time() then return true end local tweaked_button_count = 0 local early_break for j = 1, #buttons do for k = 1, #buttons[j] do if buttons[j][k].id == "highlight" and not buttons[j][k].enabled then buttons[j][k] = { id = "got_it", text = _("Got it"), callback = function() self.show_parent:gotItFromDict(self.item.word) dict_popup:onClose() end } if tweaked_button_count == 1 then early_break = true break end tweaked_button_count = tweaked_button_count + 1 elseif buttons[j][k].id == "search" and not buttons[j][k].enabled then buttons[j][k] = { id = "forgot", text = _("Forgot"), callback = function() self.show_parent:forgotFromDict(self.item.word) dict_popup:onClose() end } if tweaked_button_count == 1 then early_break = true break end tweaked_button_count = tweaked_button_count + 1 end end if early_break then break end end return true -- we consume the event here! end --[[-- Container widget. Same as sortwidget --]]-- local VocabularyBuilderWidget = FocusManager:extend{ title = "", width = nil, height = nil, -- index for the first item to show show_page = 1, -- table of items item_table = nil, -- mandatory (array) is_edit_mode = false, callback = nil, } function VocabularyBuilderWidget:init() self.item_table = self:getVocabItems() self.layout = {} self.dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width or Screen:getWidth(), h = self.height or Screen:getHeight(), } if Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events.Close = { { Device.input.group.Back } } self.key_events.NextPage = { { Device.input.group.PgFwd } } self.key_events.PrevPage = { { Device.input.group.PgBack } } self.key_events.ShowMenu = { { "Menu" }} end if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events.Swipe = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = self.dimen, } } self.ges_events.MultiSwipe = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "multiswipe", range = function() return self.dimen end, } } end self.page_info = HorizontalGroup:new{} self:refreshFooter() local bottom_line = LineWidget:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.item_width, h = Size.line.thick }, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY, } local vertical_footer = VerticalGroup:new{ bottom_line, self.page_info, } self.footer_height = vertical_footer:getSize().h local footer = BottomContainer:new{ dimen = self.dimen:copy(), vertical_footer, } -- setup title bar self.title_bar = TitleBar:new{ width = self.dimen.w, align = "center", title_face = Font:getFace("smallinfofontbold"), bottom_line_color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY, with_bottom_line = true, bottom_line_h_padding = Size.padding.large, left_icon = "appbar.menu", left_icon_tap_callback = function() self:onShowMenu() end, title = self.title, close_callback = function() self:onClose() end, show_parent = self, } self:setupItemHeight() self.main_content = VerticalGroup:new{} -- calculate item's review button width once local temp_button = Button:new{ text = _("Got it"), padding_h = Size.padding.large } self.review_button_width = temp_button:getSize().w temp_button:setText(_("Forgot")) self.review_button_width = math.min(math.max(self.review_button_width, temp_button:getSize().w), Screen:getWidth()/4) temp_button:free() self:_populateItems() local frame_content = FrameContainer:new{ height = self.dimen.h, padding = 0, bordersize = 0, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, VerticalGroup:new{ self.title_bar, self.main_content, }, } local content = OverlapGroup:new{ dimen = self.dimen:copy(), frame_content, footer, } -- assemble page self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ height = self.dimen.h, padding = 0, bordersize = 0, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, content } self.vocabbuilder[1] = self end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:refreshFooter() local has_sync = settings.server ~= nil local has_search = self.search_text_sql if self.footer_left ~= nil then -- check whether refresh needed local should_refresh = has_sync and self.page_info[1] ~= self.footer_sync or not has_sync and self.page_info[1] == self.footer_sync if not should_refresh then should_refresh = has_search and self.page_info[#self.page_info] ~= self.footer_search or not has_search and self.page_info[#self.page_info] == self.footer_search end if not should_refresh then return end end self.page_info:clear() local padding = Size.padding.large self.width_widget = self.dimen.w - 2 * padding self.item_width = self.dimen.w - 2 * padding self.footer_center_width = math.floor(self.width_widget * (32/100)) self.footer_button_width = math.floor(self.width_widget * (12/100)) local left_ratio = 10 local right_ratio = 10 if has_sync and not has_search then left_ratio = 9 right_ratio = 11 end self.footer_left_corner_width = math.floor(self.width_widget * left_ratio/100) self.footer_right_corner_width = math.floor(self.width_widget * right_ratio/100) -- group for footer local chevron_left = "chevron.left" local chevron_right = "chevron.right" local chevron_first = "chevron.first" local chevron_last = "chevron.last" if BD.mirroredUILayout() then chevron_left, chevron_right = chevron_right, chevron_left chevron_first, chevron_last = chevron_last, chevron_first end self.footer_left = Button:new{ icon = chevron_left, width = self.footer_button_width, callback = function() self:prevPage() end, bordersize = 0, radius = 0, show_parent = self, } self.footer_right = Button:new{ icon = chevron_right, width = self.footer_button_width, callback = function() self:nextPage() end, bordersize = 0, radius = 0, show_parent = self, } self.footer_first_up = Button:new{ icon = chevron_first, width = self.footer_button_width, callback = function() self:goToPage(1) end, bordersize = 0, radius = 0, show_parent = self, } self.footer_last_down = Button:new{ icon = chevron_last, width = self.footer_button_width, callback = function() self:goToPage(self.pages) end, bordersize = 0, radius = 0, show_parent = self, } local footer_height = self.footer_last_down:getSize().h local sync_size = TextWidget:getFontSizeToFitHeight("cfont", footer_height, Size.padding.buttontable*2) self.footer_sync = Button:new{ text = "⇅", width = self.footer_left_corner_width, text_font_size = sync_size, text_font_bold = false, bordersize = 0, radius = 0, padding_h = Size.padding.large, padding_v = Size.padding.button, margin = 0, show_parent = self, callback = function() if not settings.server then local sync_settings = SyncService:new{} sync_settings.onClose = function(this) UIManager:close(this) end sync_settings.onConfirm = function(server) settings.server = server saveSettings() DB:batchUpdateItems(self.item_table) SyncService.sync(server, DB.path, DB.onSync, false) self:reloadItems() end UIManager:show(sync_settings) else -- manual sync DB:batchUpdateItems(self.item_table) UIManager:nextTick(function() SyncService.sync(settings.server, DB.path, DB.onSync, false) self:reloadItems() end) end end } self.footer_sync.label_widget.fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_GRAY_3 self.footer_search = Button:new{ icon = "appbar.search", width = self.footer_right_corner_width, icon_width = math.floor(footer_height - Size.padding.large), icon_height = math.floor(footer_height - Size.padding.large), callback = function() self:showSearchDialog() end, bordersize = 0, radius = 0, show_parent = self, } self.footer_page = Button:new{ text = "", hold_input = { title = _("Enter page number"), input_type = "number", hint_func = function() return string.format("(1 - %s)", self.pages) end, callback = function(input) local page = tonumber(input) if page and page >= 1 and page <= self.pages then self:goToPage(page) end end, ok_text = _("Go to page"), }, call_hold_input_on_tap = true, bordersize = 0, margin = 0, text_font_face = "pgfont", text_font_bold = false, width = self.footer_center_width, show_parent = self, } table.insert(self.page_info, has_sync and self.footer_sync or HorizontalSpan:new{width=self.footer_left_corner_width}) table.insert(self.page_info, self.footer_first_up) table.insert(self.page_info, self.footer_left) table.insert(self.page_info, self.footer_page) table.insert(self.page_info, self.footer_right) table.insert(self.page_info, self.footer_last_down) table.insert(self.page_info, has_search and self.footer_search or HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.footer_right_corner_width }) end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:showSearchDialog() local dialog dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Search words"), input = self.search_text or "", input_hint = _("Search empty content to exit"), buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(dialog) end, }, { text = _("Info"), callback = function() local text_info = _([[You can use two wildcards when searching: the percent sign (%) and the underscore (_). % represents any zero or more number of characters and _ represents any single character. If no wildcard is used, the searched text will be enclosed with two %'s by default.]]) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = text_info }) end, }, { text = _("Search"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() self.search_text = dialog:getInputText() if self.search_text == "" then self.search_text_sql = nil elseif self.search_text:find("%", 1, true) or self.search_text:find("_") then self.search_text_sql = self.search_text:gsub("'", "''") else self.search_text_sql = "%" .. self.search_text:gsub("'", "''") .. "%" end UIManager:close(dialog) self:reloadItems() end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(dialog) dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:setupItemHeight() local item_height = Screen:scaleBySize(self.is_edit_mode and 54 or 72) self.item_height = item_height self.item_margin = math.floor(self.item_height / 8) local line_height = self.item_height + self.item_margin local content_height = self.dimen.h - self.title_bar:getHeight() - self.footer_height - Size.padding.large self.items_per_page = math.floor(content_height / line_height) self.item_margin = self.item_margin + math.floor((content_height - self.items_per_page * line_height ) / self.items_per_page ) self.pages = math.ceil(#self.item_table / self.items_per_page) self.show_page = math.max(1, math.min(self.pages, self.show_page)) end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:nextPage() local new_page = self.show_page == self.pages and 1 or self.show_page + 1 self.show_page = new_page self:_populateItems() end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:prevPage() local new_page = self.show_page == 1 and self.pages or self.show_page - 1 self.show_page = new_page self:_populateItems() end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:goToPage(page) self.show_page = page self:_populateItems() end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:moveItem(diff) local move_to = diff if move_to > 0 and move_to <= #self.item_table then self.show_page = math.ceil(move_to / self.items_per_page) self:_populateItems() end end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:removeAt(index) if index > #self.item_table then return end table.remove(self.item_table, index) self.show_page = math.ceil(math.min(index, #self.item_table) / self.items_per_page) self.pages = math.ceil(#self.item_table / self.items_per_page) self:_populateItems() end -- make sure self.item_margin and self.item_height are set before calling this function VocabularyBuilderWidget:_populateItems() self.main_content:clear() self.layout = {{self.title_bar.left_button, self.title_bar.right_button}} -- title local idx_offset = (self.show_page - 1) * self.items_per_page local page_last if idx_offset + self.items_per_page <= #self.item_table then page_last = idx_offset + self.items_per_page else page_last = #self.item_table end self:selectVocabItems(idx_offset, page_last) for idx = idx_offset + 1, page_last do table.insert(self.main_content, VerticalSpan:new{ width = self.item_margin / (idx == idx_offset+1 and 2 or 1) }) if #self.item_table == 0 or not self.item_table[idx].word then break end local item = VocabItemWidget:new{ height = self.item_height, width = self.item_width, review_button_width = self.review_button_width, item = self.item_table[idx], index = idx, show_parent = self, } table.insert(self.layout, #self.layout, item.layout) table.insert( self.main_content, item ) end self:refreshFooter() if settings.server then table.insert(self.layout, #self.layout, {self.footer_sync}) end if #self.main_content == 0 then table.insert(self.main_content, HorizontalSpan:new{width = self.item_width}) end self.footer_page:setText(T(_("Page %1 of %2"), self.show_page, self.pages), self.footer_center_width) if self.pages > 1 then self.footer_page:enable() else self.footer_page:disableWithoutDimming() end if self.pages == 0 then local text if self.search_text_sql then text = _("Search in effect") else local has_filtered_book = DB:hasFilteredBook() text = has_filtered_book and _("Filter in effect") or self:check_reverse() and _("No reviewable items") or _("No items") end self.footer_page:setText(text, self.footer_center_width) self.footer_first_up:hide() self.footer_last_down:hide() self.footer_left:hide() self.footer_right:hide() elseif self.footer_left.hidden then self.footer_first_up:show() self.footer_last_down:show() self.footer_left:show() self.footer_right:show() end local chevron_first = "chevron.first" local chevron_last = "chevron.last" if BD.mirroredUILayout() then chevron_first, chevron_last = chevron_last, chevron_first end self.footer_first_up:setIcon(chevron_first, self.footer_button_width) self.footer_last_down:setIcon(chevron_last, self.footer_button_width) self.footer_left:enableDisable(self.show_page > 1) self.footer_right:enableDisable(self.show_page < self.pages) self.footer_first_up:enableDisable(self.show_page > 1) self.footer_last_down:enableDisable(self.show_page < self.pages) if not self.layout[self.selected.y] or not self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] then self.selected = {x=1, y=1} end UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "ui", self.dimen end) end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:gotItFromDict(word) for vocabItem in self:vocabItemIter() do if vocabItem.item.word == word then vocabItem:onGotIt() return end end end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:forgotFromDict(word) for vocabItem in self:vocabItemIter() do if vocabItem.item.word == word then vocabItem:onForgot(true) return end end end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:resetItems() for i, item in ipairs(self.item_table) do if self.item_table[i].word then -- selected from DB self.item_table[i] = { callback = self.item_table[i].callback } end end self.reload_time = os.time() self:_populateItems() end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:onShowMenu() local menu = MenuDialog:new{ is_edit_mode = self.is_edit_mode, edit_callback = function() self.is_edit_mode = not self.is_edit_mode self:setupItemHeight() self:_populateItems() end, clean_callback = function() self.item_table = {} self.pages = 0 self:_populateItems() end, reset_callback = function() self:resetItems() end, vocabbuilder = self } menu:setupPluginMenu() UIManager:show(menu) end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:check_reverse() return settings.reverse end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:onShowFilter() local sort_items = {} local book_data = DB:selectBooks() local toggled = {} local sort_widget for _, info in pairs(book_data) do table.insert(sort_items, { text = info.name or "", callback = function() info.filter = not info.filter if toggled[info.id] then toggled[info.id] = nil else toggled[info.id] = true end end, checked_func = function() return info.filter end, hold_callback = function(sort_item, onSuccess) local menu = MenuDialog:new{ show_parent = sort_widget } menu:setupBookMenu(sort_item, onSuccess) UIManager:show(menu) end, }) end sort_widget = SortWidget:new{ title = _("Filter words from books"), item_table = sort_items, sort_disabled = true, callback = function() if #toggled then DB:toggleBookFilter(toggled) self:reloadItems() end UIManager:setDirty(nil, "ui") end, show_parent = self } if Device:hasKeys() then sort_widget.key_events.ShowMenu = { { "Menu" }} sort_widget.onShowMenu = function(this) local item = this:getFocusItem() if item and item.onHold then item:onHold() end end end UIManager:show(sort_widget) end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:showChangeBookTitleDialog(sort_item, onSuccess) local dialog dialog = InputDialog:new { title = _("Change book title to:"), input = sort_item.text, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(dialog) end, }, { text = _("Change title"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() if dialog:getInputText() == "" then return end local new_book_title = dialog:getInputText() local ok = pcall(DB.changeBookTitle, DB, sort_item.text, new_book_title) if ok then for i=1, #self.item_table do if self.item_table[i].book_title == sort_item.text then self.item_table[i].book_title = new_book_title end end sort_item.text = new_book_title UIManager:close(dialog) if onSuccess then onSuccess() end self:_populateItems() else UIManager:show(require("ui/widget/notification"):new { text = _("Book title already in use."), timeout = 3 }) end end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(dialog) dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:reloadItems() DB:batchUpdateItems(self.item_table) self.item_table = self:getVocabItems() self.pages = math.ceil(#self.item_table / self.items_per_page) self:goToPage(1) end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:onShow() UIManager:setDirty(self, "flashui") end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:onNextPage() self:nextPage() return true end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:onPrevPage() self:prevPage() return true end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:onSwipe(arg, ges_ev) local direction = BD.flipDirectionIfMirroredUILayout(ges_ev.direction) if direction == "west" then self:onNextPage() elseif direction == "east" then self:onPrevPage() elseif direction == "south" then -- Allow easier closing with swipe down self:onClose() elseif direction == "north" then -- open filter self:onShowFilter() else -- diagonal swipe -- trigger full refresh UIManager:setDirty(nil, "full") -- a long diagonal swipe may also be used for taking a screenshot, -- so let it propagate return false end end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:onMultiSwipe(arg, ges_ev) -- if user is drawing a circle or half circle (full circle not always easy), reload local space_count = 0 for space in ges_ev.multiswipe_directions:gmatch(" ") do space_count = space_count + 1 if space_count == 2 then break end end if space_count == 2 and ( string.find("east south west north east south west", ges_ev.multiswipe_directions) or string.find("east north west south east north west", ges_ev.multiswipe_directions) ) then self:reloadItems() UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = _("Words reloaded") }) else -- For consistency with other fullscreen widgets where swipe south can't be -- used to close and where we then allow any multiswipe to close, allow any -- multiswipe to close this widget too. self:onClose() end return true end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:onClose() DB:batchUpdateItems(self.item_table) UIManager:close(self) self.vocabbuilder.widget = nil self.vocabbuilder[1] = nil -- UIManager:setDirty(self, "ui") end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:onCancel() self:goToPage(self.show_page) return true end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:onReturn() return self:onClose() end -- This skips the VerticalSpan widgets which are also in self.main_content function VocabularyBuilderWidget:vocabItemIter() local i, n = 0, #self.main_content return function() while true do i = i + 1 if i > n then return nil end if self.main_content[i].item then return self.main_content[i] end end end end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:getVocabItems() self.reload_time = os.time() local vocab_items = {} for _ = 1, DB:selectCount(self) do table.insert(vocab_items, { callback = function(item) self.current_lookup_word = item.word self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWord", item.word, true, nil, nil, nil)) end }) end return vocab_items end function VocabularyBuilderWidget:selectVocabItems(start_idx, end_idx) DB:select_items(self, start_idx, end_idx) end --[[-- Item shown in main menu --]]-- local VocabBuilder = WidgetContainer:extend{ name = "vocabulary_builder", is_doc_only = false } function VocabBuilder:init() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self:onDispatcherRegisterActions() end function VocabBuilder:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.vocabbuilder = { text = _("Vocabulary builder"), callback = function() self:onShowVocabBuilder() end } end function VocabBuilder:onDictButtonsReady(dict_popup, buttons) if settings.enabled then -- words are added automatically, no need to add the button return end if dict_popup.is_wiki_fullpage then return end table.insert(buttons, 1, {{ id = "vocabulary", text = _("Add to vocabulary builder"), font_bold = false, callback = function() local book_title = (dict_popup.ui.doc_props and dict_popup.ui.doc_props.display_title) or _("Dictionary lookup") dict_popup.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("WordLookedUp", dict_popup.word, book_title, true)) -- is_manual: true local button = dict_popup.button_table.button_by_id["vocabulary"] if button then button:disable() UIManager:setDirty(dict_popup, function() return "ui", button.dimen end) end end }}) end function VocabBuilder:onDispatcherRegisterActions() Dispatcher:registerAction("show_vocab_builder", {category="none", event="ShowVocabBuilder", title=_("Open vocabulary builder"), general=true, separator=true}) end function VocabBuilder:onShowVocabBuilder() self.widget = VocabularyBuilderWidget:new{ title = _("Vocabulary builder"), vocabbuilder = self, ui = self.ui } UIManager:show(self.widget) end -- Event sent by readerdictionary "WordLookedUp" function VocabBuilder:onWordLookedUp(word, title, is_manual) if not settings.enabled and not is_manual then return end if self.widget and self.widget.current_lookup_word == word then return true end local prev_context local next_context if settings.with_context and self.ui.highlight then prev_context, next_context = self.ui.highlight:getSelectedWordContext(15) end DB:insertOrUpdate({ book_title = title, time = os.time(), word = word, prev_context = prev_context, next_context = next_context }) return true end return VocabBuilder