--[[-- This module helps with retrieving version information. ]] local VERSION_LOG_FILE = "version.log" local Version = {} --- Returns current KOReader git-rev. -- @treturn string full KOReader git-rev such as `v2015.11-982-g704d4238` function Version:getCurrentRevision() if not self.rev then local rev_file = io.open("git-rev", "r") if rev_file then self.rev = rev_file:read("*line") rev_file:close() end -- sanity check in case `git describe` failed if self.rev == "fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything." then self.rev = nil end end return self.rev end --- Returns normalized version of KOReader git-rev input string. -- @string rev full KOReader git-rev such as `v2015.11-982-g704d4238` -- @treturn int version in the form of a 12 digit number such as `201511000982` -- @treturn string short git commit version hash such as `704d4238` function Version:getNormalizedVersion(rev) if not rev then return end local year, month, point, revision = rev:match("v(%d%d%d%d)%.(%d%d)%.?(%d?%d?)-?(%d*)") year = tonumber(year) month = tonumber(month) point = tonumber(point) revision = tonumber(revision) local commit = rev:match("-%d*-g(%x*)[%d_%-]*") -- NOTE: * 10000 to handle at most 9999 commits since last tag ;). return ((year or 0) * 100 + (month or 0)) * 1000000 + (point or 0) * 10000 + (revision or 0), commit end --- Returns current version of KOReader. -- @treturn int version in the form of a 12 digit number such as `201511000982` -- @treturn string short git commit version hash such as `704d4238` -- @see getNormalizedVersion function Version:getNormalizedCurrentVersion() if not self.version or not self.commit then self.version, self.commit = self:getNormalizedVersion(self:getCurrentRevision()) end return self.version, self.commit end --- Returns current version of KOReader, in short form. -- @treturn string version, without the git details (i.e., at most YYYY.MM.P-R) function Version:getShortVersion() if not self.short then local rev = self:getCurrentRevision() if (not rev or rev == "") then return "unknown" end local year, month, point, revision = rev:match("v(%d%d%d%d)%.(%d%d)%.?(%d?%d?)-?(%d*)") self.short = year .. "." .. month if point and point ~= "" then self.short = self.short .. "." .. point end if revision and revision ~= "" then self.short = self.short .. "-" .. revision end end return self.short end --- Returns the release date of the current version of KOReader, YYYYmmdd, in UTC. --- Technically closer to the build date, but close enough where official builds are concerned ;). -- @treturn int date function Version:getBuildDate() if not self.date then local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local mtime = lfs.attributes("git-rev", "modification") if mtime then local ts = os.date("!%Y%m%d", mtime) self.date = tonumber(ts) or 0 else -- No git-rev file? self.date = 0 end end return self.date end --- Get last line in `VERSION_LOG_FILE`. -- @treturn last line in `VERSION_LOG_FILE` or an empty string function Version:getLastLogLine() local log_file = io.open(VERSION_LOG_FILE, "r") local last_log_line if log_file then for line in log_file:lines() do last_log_line = line end log_file:close() end return last_log_line or "" end --- Append text to a `VERSION_LOG_FILE`. -- @string text text to be appended function Version:appendToLogFile(text) local log_file = io.open(VERSION_LOG_FILE, "a") if not log_file then return end log_file:write(text, "\n") log_file:close() return true end --- Updates `VERSION_LOG_FILE` and keep the file small -- @string model device model (may contain spaces) function Version:updateVersionLog(current_model) local last_line = Version:getLastLogLine() local dummy, dummy, last_version, last_model = last_line:match("(.-), (.-), (.-), (.-)$") self.last_version = last_version or "last version not found" self.last_model = last_model or "last model not found" if self.rev ~= last_version or current_model ~= last_model then -- Appends KOReader git-rev, model and current date to the `VERSION_LOG_FILE` -- in the format 'YYYY-mm-dd, HH:MM:SS, git-rev, model' self:appendToLogFile(os.date("%Y-%m-%d, %X, ") .. self.rev .. ", " .. current_model) end end return Version