--[[-- Font module. ]] local FontList = require("fontlist") local Freetype = require("ffi/freetype") local Screen = require("device").screen local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") -- Known regular (and italic) fonts with an available bold font file local _bold_font_variant = {} _bold_font_variant["NotoSans-Regular.ttf"] = "NotoSans-Bold.ttf" _bold_font_variant["NotoSans-Italic.ttf"] = "NotoSans-BoldItalic.ttf" _bold_font_variant["NotoSansArabicUI-Regular.ttf"] = "NotoSansArabicUI-Bold.ttf" _bold_font_variant["NotoSerif-Regular.ttf"] = "NotoSerif-Bold.ttf" _bold_font_variant["NotoSerif-Italic.ttf"] = "NotoSerif-BoldItalic.ttf" -- Build the reverse mapping, so we can know a font is bold local _regular_font_variant = {} for regular, bold in pairs(_bold_font_variant) do _regular_font_variant[bold] = regular end local Font = { -- Make these available in the Font object, so other code -- can complete them if needed. bold_font_variant = _bold_font_variant, regular_font_variant = _regular_font_variant, -- Allow globally not promoting fonts to their bold variants -- (and use thiner and narrower synthetized bold instead). use_bold_font_for_bold = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("use_bold_font_for_bold"), -- Widgets can provide "bold = Font.FORCE_SYNTHETIZED_BOLD" instead -- of "bold = true" to explicitely request synthetized bold, which, -- with XText, makes a bold string the same width as itself non-bold. FORCE_SYNTHETIZED_BOLD = "FORCE_SYNTHETIZED_BOLD", fontmap = { -- default font for menu contents cfont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", -- default font for title --tfont = "NimbusSanL-BoldItal.cff", tfont = "NotoSans-Bold.ttf", smalltfont = "NotoSans-Bold.ttf", x_smalltfont = "NotoSans-Bold.ttf", -- default font for footer ffont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", smallffont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", largeffont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", -- default font for reading position info rifont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", -- default font for pagination display pgfont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", -- selectmenu: font for item shortcut scfont = "DroidSansMono.ttf", -- help page: font for displaying keys hpkfont = "DroidSansMono.ttf", -- font for displaying help messages hfont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", -- font for displaying input content -- we have to use mono here for better distance controlling infont = "DroidSansMono.ttf", -- small mono font for displaying code smallinfont = "DroidSansMono.ttf", -- font for info messages infofont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", -- small font for info messages smallinfofont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", -- small bold font for info messages smallinfofontbold = "NotoSans-Bold.ttf", -- extra small font for info messages x_smallinfofont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", -- extra extra small font for info messages xx_smallinfofont = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", }, sizemap = { cfont = 24, tfont = 26, smalltfont = 24, x_smalltfont = 22, ffont = 20, smallffont = 15, largeffont = 25, pgfont = 20, scfont = 20, rifont = 16, hpkfont = 20, hfont = 24, infont = 22, smallinfont = 16, infofont = 24, smallinfofont = 22, smallinfofontbold = 22, x_smallinfofont = 20, xx_smallinfofont = 18, }, -- This fallback fonts list should only contain -- regular weight (non bold) font files. fallbacks = { [1] = "NotoSans-Regular.ttf", [2] = "NotoSansCJKsc-Regular.otf", [3] = "NotoSansArabicUI-Regular.ttf", [4] = "NotoSansDevanagariUI-Regular.ttf", [5] = "NotoSansBengaliUI-Regular.ttf", [6] = "nerdfonts/symbols.ttf", [7] = "freefont/FreeSans.ttf", [8] = "freefont/FreeSerif.ttf", }, -- Additional fallback fonts are managed by frontend/ui/elements/font_ui_fallbacks.lua -- Add any after NotoSansCJKsc (because CJKsc has better symbols, and has 'locl' OTF -- features to support all of SC, TC, JA and KO that other CJK fonts may not have.) additional_fallback_insert_indice = 3, -- Xtext supports up to 15 fallback fonts, but keep some slots free and available for -- future additions to our hardcoded fallbacks list above, and to not slow down -- rendering with too many fallback fonts. additional_fallback_max_nb = 4, -- face table faces = {}, } if G_reader_settings and G_reader_settings:has("font_ui_fallbacks") then local additional_fallbacks = G_reader_settings:readSetting("font_ui_fallbacks") for i=#additional_fallbacks, 1, -1 do table.insert(Font.fallbacks, Font.additional_fallback_insert_indice, additional_fallbacks[i]) end logger.dbg("updated Font.fallbacks:", Font.fallbacks) end -- We don't ship a bold variant for some of our fallback fonts. -- Allow users themselves to drop a Noto Sans Bold variant of their most used fallbacks, -- and we will use them if present. -- Match bold font to fallback by name. We do not use FontInfo name match -- to allow users more flexibility. -- Because the hardcoded fallback fonts' paths are their filenames not actual paths, -- we need to match with filenames rather than paths local bold_candidates = {} -- key: bold font's name, value: corresponding regular font's path for _, fallback_font_path in ipairs(Font.fallbacks) do local _, font_name = util.splitFilePathName(fallback_font_path) if font_name and not _bold_font_variant[fallback_font_path] and not _bold_font_variant[font_name] and font_name:find("-Regular") then local bold_font_name = font_name:gsub("-Regular", "-Bold", 1, true) bold_candidates[bold_font_name] = fallback_font_path end end for _, font_path in ipairs(FontList:getFontList()) do local _, bold_font_name = util.splitFilePathName(font_path) local fallback_font_path = bold_candidates[bold_font_name] if bold_font_name and fallback_font_path then Font.bold_font_variant[fallback_font_path] = font_path Font.regular_font_variant[font_path] = fallback_font_path bold_candidates[bold_font_name] = nil end if #bold_candidates == 0 then break end end bold_candidates = nil -- luacheck: ignore -- Helper functions with explicite names around -- bold/regular_font_variant tables function Font:hasBoldVariant(name) return self.bold_font_variant[name] and true or false end function Font:getBoldVariantName(name) return self.bold_font_variant[name] end function Font:isRealBoldFont(name) return self.regular_font_variant[name] and true or false end function Font:getRegularVariantName(name) return self.regular_font_variant[name] or name end -- Synthetized bold strength can be tuned: -- local bold_strength_factor = 1 -- really too bold -- local bold_strength_factor = 1/2 -- bold enough local bold_strength_factor = 3/8 -- as crengine, lighter -- Add some properties to a face object as needed local _completeFaceProperties = function(face_obj) if not face_obj.embolden_half_strength then -- Cache this value in case we use bold, to avoid recomputation face_obj.embolden_half_strength = face_obj.ftsize:getEmboldenHalfStrength(bold_strength_factor) end end -- Callback to be used by libkoreader-xtext.so to get Freetype -- instantiated fallback fonts when needed for shaping text -- (Beware: any error in this code won't be noticed when this -- is called from the C module...) local _getFallbackFont = function(face_obj, num) if not num or num == 0 then -- return the main font _completeFaceProperties(face_obj) return face_obj end if not face_obj.fallbacks then face_obj.fallbacks = {} end if face_obj.fallbacks[num] ~= nil then -- (false means: no more fallback font) return face_obj.fallbacks[num] end local next_num = #face_obj.fallbacks + 1 local cur_num = 0 local realname = face_obj.realname if face_obj.is_real_bold then -- Get the regular name, to skip it from Font.fallbacks realname = Font:getRegularVariantName(realname) end for index, fontname in pairs(Font.fallbacks) do if fontname ~= realname then -- Skip base one if among fallbacks -- If main font is a real bold, or if it's not but we want bold, -- get the bold variant of the fallback if one exists. -- But if one exists, use the regular variant as an additional -- fallback, drawn with synthetized bold (often, bold fonts -- have less glyphs than their regular counterpart). if face_obj.is_real_bold or face_obj.wants_bold == true then -- (not if wants_bold==Font.FORCE_SYNTHETIZED_BOLD) local bold_variant_name = Font:getBoldVariantName(fontname) if bold_variant_name then -- There is a bold variant of that fallback font, that we can use local fb_face = Font:getFace(bold_variant_name, face_obj.orig_size) if fb_face ~= nil then -- valid font cur_num = cur_num + 1 if cur_num == next_num then _completeFaceProperties(fb_face) face_obj.fallbacks[next_num] = fb_face return fb_face end -- otherwise, go on with the regular variant end end end local fb_face = Font:getFace(fontname, face_obj.orig_size) if fb_face ~= nil then -- valid font cur_num = cur_num + 1 if cur_num == next_num then _completeFaceProperties(fb_face) face_obj.fallbacks[next_num] = fb_face return fb_face end end end end -- no more fallback font face_obj.fallbacks[next_num] = false return false end --- Gets font face object. -- @string font -- @int size optional size -- @int faceindex optional index of font face in font file -- @treturn table @{FontFaceObj} function Font:getFace(font, size, faceindex) -- default to content font if not font then font = self.fontmap.cfont end if not size then size = self.sizemap[font] end -- original size before scaling by screen DPI local orig_size = size size = Screen:scaleBySize(size) local realname = self.fontmap[font] if not realname then realname = font end -- Avoid emboldening already bold fonts local is_real_bold = self:isRealBoldFont(realname) -- Make a hash from the realname (many fonts in our fontmap use -- the same font file: have them share their glyphs cache) local hash = realname..size if faceindex then hash = hash .. "/" .. faceindex end local face_obj = self.faces[hash] if face_obj then -- Font found if face_obj.orig_size ~= orig_size then -- orig_size has changed (which may happen on small orig_size variations -- mapping to a same final size, but more importantly when geometry -- or dpi has changed): keep it updated, so code that would re-use -- it to fetch another font get the current original font size and -- not one from the past face_obj.orig_size = orig_size end else -- Build face size if not found local builtin_font_location = FontList.fontdir.."/"..realname local ok, ftsize = pcall(Freetype.newFaceSize, builtin_font_location, size, faceindex) -- Not all fonts are bundled on all platforms because they come with the system. -- In that case, search through all font folders for the requested font. if not ok then local fonts = FontList:getFontList() local escaped_realname = realname:gsub("[-]", "%%-") for _k, _v in ipairs(fonts) do if _v:find(escaped_realname) then logger.dbg("Found font:", realname, "in", _v) ok, ftsize = pcall(Freetype.newFaceSize, _v, size, faceindex) if ok then break end end end end if not ok then logger.err("#! Font ", font, " (", realname, ") not supported: ", ftsize) return nil end --- Freetype font face wrapper object -- @table FontFaceObj -- @field orig_font font name requested -- @field size size of the font face (after scaled by screen size) -- @field orig_size raw size of the font face (before scale) -- @field ftsize font size object from freetype -- @field hash hash key for this font face face_obj = { orig_font = font, realname = realname, size = size, orig_size = orig_size, ftsize = ftsize, hash = hash, is_real_bold = is_real_bold, } self.faces[hash] = face_obj -- Callback to be used by libkoreader-xtext.so to get Freetype -- instantiated fallback fonts when needed for shaping text face_obj.getFallbackFont = function(num) return _getFallbackFont(face_obj, num) end -- Font features, to be given by libkoreader-xtext.so to HarfBuzz. -- (Could be tweaked by font if needed. Note that NotoSans does not -- have common ligatures, like for "fi" or "fl", so we won't see -- them in the UI.) -- Use HB defaults, and be sure to enable kerning and ligatures -- (which might be part of HB defaults, or not, not sure). face_obj.hb_features = { "+kern", "+liga" } -- If we'd wanted to disable all features that might be enabled -- by HarfBuzz (see harfbuzz/src/hb-ot-shape.cc, quite unclear -- what's enabled or not by default): -- face_obj.hb_features = { -- "-kern", "-mark", "-mkmk", "-curs", "-locl", "-liga", -- "-rlig", "-clig", "-ccmp", "-calt", "-rclt", "-rvrn", -- "-ltra", "-ltrm", "-rtla", "-rtlm", "-frac", "-numr", -- "-dnom", "-rand", "-trak", "-vert", } end return face_obj end --- Returns an alternative face instance to be used for measuring -- and drawing (in most cases, the one provided untouched) -- -- If 'bold' is true, or if 'face' is a real bold face, we may need to -- use an alternative instance of the font, with possibly the associated -- real bold font, and/or with tweaks so fallback fonts are rendered -- bold too, without affecting the regular 'face'. -- (This function should only be used by TextWidget and TextBoxWidget. -- Other widgets should not use it, and neither _getFallbackFont() -- which will do its own processing.) -- -- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj provided face font face -- @bool bold whether bold is requested -- @treturn ui.font.FontFaceObj face face to use for drawing -- @treturn bool bold adjusted bold properties function Font:getAdjustedFace(face, bold) if face.is_real_bold then -- No adjustment needed: main real bold font will ensure -- fallback fonts use their associated bold font or -- get synthetized bold - whether bold is requested or not -- (Set returned bold to true, to force synthetized bold -- on fallback fonts with no associated real bold) -- (Drop bold=FORCE_SYNTHETIZED_BOLD and use 'true' if -- we were given a real bold font.) return face, true end if not bold then -- No adjustment needed: regular main font, and regular -- fallback fonts untouched. return face, false end -- We have bold requested, and a regular/non-bold font. if not self.use_bold_font_for_bold then -- If promotion to real bold is not wished, force synth bold bold = Font.FORCE_SYNTHETIZED_BOLD end if bold ~= Font.FORCE_SYNTHETIZED_BOLD then -- See if a bold font file exists for that regular font. local bold_variant_name = self:getBoldVariantName(face.realname) if bold_variant_name then face = Font:getFace(bold_variant_name, face.orig_size) -- It has is_real_bold=true: no adjustment needed return face, true end end -- Only the regular font is available, and bold requested: -- we'll have synthetized bold - but _getFallbackFont() should -- build a list of fallback fonts either synthetized, or possibly -- using the bold variant of a regular fallback font. -- We don't want to collide with the regular font face_obj.fallbacks -- so let's make a shallow clone of this face_obj, and have it cached. -- (Different hash if real bold accepted or not, as the fallback -- fonts list may then be different.) local hash = face.hash..(bold == Font.FORCE_SYNTHETIZED_BOLD and "synthbold" or "realbold") local face_obj = self.faces[hash] if face_obj then return face_obj, bold end face_obj = { orig_font = face.orig_font, realname = face.realname, size = face.size, orig_size = face.orig_size, -- We can keep the same FT object and the same hash in this face_obj -- (which is only used to identify cached glyphs, that we don't need -- to distinguish as "bold" is appended when synthetized as bold) ftsize = face.ftsize, hash = face.hash, hb_features = face.hb_features, is_real_bold = nil, wants_bold = bold, -- true or Font.FORCE_SYNTHETIZED_BOLD, used -- to pick the appropritate fallback fonts } face_obj.getFallbackFont = function(num) return _getFallbackFont(face_obj, num) end self.faces[hash] = face_obj return face_obj, bold end return Font