#!/bin/sh # KOReader's working directory KOREADER_DIR="/mnt/us/koreader" # We do NOT want to sleep during eips calls! export EIPS_NO_SLEEP="true" # Load our helper functions... if [ -f "${KOREADER_DIR}/libkohelper.sh" ] ; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null . "${KOREADER_DIR}/libkohelper.sh" else echo "Can't source helper functions, aborting!" exit 1 fi ## First arg is the chekpoint number, and we get one every 200 checkpoints. CHECKPOINT_NUM="${1}" CHECKPOINT_GRANULARITY="200" # Use that to build a poor man's progress bar, with dots. PROGRESS_AMOUNT="$(( CHECKPOINT_NUM / CHECKPOINT_GRANULARITY ))" PROGRESS_STRING="Updating koreader " for _ in $( seq 1 ${PROGRESS_AMOUNT} ) ; do # Append a dot until we hit the needed amount PROGRESS_STRING="${PROGRESS_STRING}." done # Print our progress :) eips_print_bottom_centered "${PROGRESS_STRING}" 1