local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local logger = require("logger") local time = require("ui/time") local _ = require("gettext") local C_ = _.pgettext local T = require("ffi/util").template local Screen = Device.screen -- This module exposes Scrolling settings, and additionnally -- handles inertial scrolling on non-eInk devices. local SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC = "classic" local SCROLL_METHOD_TURBO = "turbo" local SCROLL_METHOD_ON_RELEASE = "on_release" local ReaderScrolling = InputContainer:new{ -- Available scrolling methods (make them available to other reader modules) SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC = SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC, SCROLL_METHOD_TURBO = SCROLL_METHOD_TURBO, SCROLL_METHOD_ON_RELEASE = SCROLL_METHOD_ON_RELEASE, scroll_method = SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC, scroll_activation_delay_ms = 0, -- 0 ms inertial_scroll = false, pan_rate = 30, -- default 30 ops, will be adjusted in readerui scroll_friction = 0.2, -- the lower, the sooner inertial scrolling stops -- go at ending scrolling soon when we reach steps smaller than this end_scroll_dist = Screen:scaleBySize(10), -- no inertial scrolling if 300ms pause without any movement before release pause_before_release_cancel_duration = time.ms(300), -- Callbacks to be updated by readerrolling or readerpaging _do_scroll_callback = function(distance) return false end, _scroll_done_callback = function() end, _inertial_scroll_supported = false, _inertial_scroll_enabled = false, _inertial_scroll_interval = 1 / 30, _inertial_scroll_action_scheduled = false, _just_reschedule = false, _last_manual_scroll_dy = 0, _velocity = 0, } function ReaderScrolling:init() if not Device:isTouchDevice() then -- No scroll support, no menu return end -- The different scrolling methods are handled directly by readerpaging/readerrolling self.scroll_method = G_reader_settings:readSetting("scroll_method") -- Keep inertial scrolling available on the emulator (which advertizes itself as eInk) if not Device:hasEinkScreen() or Device:isEmulator() then self._inertial_scroll_supported = true end if self._inertial_scroll_supported then self.inertial_scroll = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("inertial_scroll") self._inertial_scroll_interval = 1 / self.pan_rate -- Set this so we don't have to check for nil, and in case -- we miss a first touch event. -- We can keep it obsolete, which will result in a long -- duration and a small/zero velocity that won't hurt. self._last_manual_scroll_timev = 0 self:_setupAction() end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function ReaderScrolling:getDefaultScrollActivationDelay_ms() if (self.ui.gestures and self.ui.gestures.multiswipes_enabled) or G_reader_settings:readSetting("activate_menu") ~= "tap" then -- If swipes to show menu or multiswipes are enabled, higher default -- scroll activation delay to avoid scrolling and restoring when -- doing swipes return 500 -- 500ms end -- Otherwise, no need for any delay return 0 end function ReaderScrolling:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.scrolling = { text = _("Scrolling"), enabled_func = function() -- Make it only enabled when in continuous/scroll mode -- (different setting in self.view whether rolling or paging document) if self.view and (self.view.page_scroll or self.view.view_mode == "scroll") then return true end return false end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Classic scrolling"), help_text = _([[Classic scrolling will move the document with your finger.]]), checked_func = function() return self.scroll_method == self.SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC end, callback = function() if self.scroll_method ~= self.SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC then self.scroll_method = self.SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC self:applyScrollSettings() end end, }, { text = _("Turbo scrolling"), help_text = _([[ Turbo scrolling will scroll the document, at each step, by the distance from your initial finger position (rather than by the distance from your previous finger position). It allows for faster scrolling without the need to lift and reposition your finger.]]), checked_func = function() return self.scroll_method == self.SCROLL_METHOD_TURBO end, callback = function() if self.scroll_method ~= self.SCROLL_METHOD_TURBO then self.scroll_method = self.SCROLL_METHOD_TURBO self:applyScrollSettings() end end, }, { text = _("On-release scrolling"), help_text = _([[ On-release scrolling will scroll the document by the panned distance only on finger up. This is interesting on eInk if you only pan to better adjust page vertical position.]]), checked_func = function() return self.scroll_method == self.SCROLL_METHOD_ON_RELEASE end, callback = function() if self.scroll_method ~= self.SCROLL_METHOD_ON_RELEASE then self.scroll_method = self.SCROLL_METHOD_ON_RELEASE self:applyScrollSettings() end end, separator = true, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Activation delay: %1 ms"), self.scroll_activation_delay_ms) end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local scroll_activation_delay_default_ms = self:getDefaultScrollActivationDelay_ms() local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local widget = SpinWidget:new{ title_text = _("Scroll activation delay"), info_text = T(_([[ A delay can be used to avoid scrolling when swipes or multiswipes are intended. The delay value is in milliseconds and can range from 0 to 2000 (2 seconds). Default value: %1 ms]]), scroll_activation_delay_default_ms), width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.75), value = self.scroll_activation_delay_ms, value_min = 0, value_max = 2000, value_step = 100, value_hold_step = 500, unit = C_("Time", "ms"), ok_text = _("Set delay"), default_value = scroll_activation_delay_default_ms, callback = function(spin) self.scroll_activation_delay_ms = spin.value self:applyScrollSettings() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end } UIManager:show(widget) end, }, } } if self._inertial_scroll_supported then -- Add it before "Activation delay" to keep checkboxes together table.insert(menu_items.scrolling.sub_item_table, 4, { text = _("Allow inertial scrolling"), enabled_func = function() return self.scroll_method == self.SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC end, checked_func = function() return self.scroll_method == self.SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC and self.inertial_scroll end, callback = function() self.inertial_scroll = not self.inertial_scroll self:applyScrollSettings() end, }) end end function ReaderScrolling:onReaderReady() -- We don't know if the gestures plugin is loaded in :init(), but we know it here self.scroll_activation_delay_ms = G_reader_settings:readSetting("scroll_activation_delay") or self:getDefaultScrollActivationDelay_ms() self:applyScrollSettings() end function ReaderScrolling:applyScrollSettings() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("scroll_method", self.scroll_method) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("inertial_scroll", self.inertial_scroll) if self.scroll_activation_delay_ms == self:getDefaultScrollActivationDelay_ms() then G_reader_settings:delSetting("scroll_activation_delay") else G_reader_settings:saveSetting("scroll_activation_delay", self.scroll_activation_delay_ms) end if self.scroll_method == self.SCROLL_METHOD_CLASSIC then self._inertial_scroll_enabled = self.inertial_scroll else self._inertial_scroll_enabled = false end self:setupTouchZones() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ScrollSettingsUpdated", self.scroll_method, self._inertial_scroll_enabled, self.scroll_activation_delay_ms)) end function ReaderScrolling:setupTouchZones() self.ges_events = {} self.onGesture = nil local zones = { { id = "inertial_scrolling_touch", ges = "touch", screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, handler = function(ges) -- A touch might set the start of the first pan event, -- that we need to compute its duration self._last_manual_scroll_timev = ges.time -- If we are scrolling, a touch cancels it. -- We want its release (which will trigger a tap) to not change pages. -- This also allows a pan following this touch to skip any scroll -- activation delay self._cancelled_by_touch = self._inertial_scroll_action and self._inertial_scroll_action(false) or false end, }, { id = "inertial_scrolling_tap", ges = "tap", screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = 1, ratio_h = 1, }, overrides = { "tap_forward", "tap_backward", "readermenu_tap", "readermenu_ext_tap", "readerconfigmenu_tap", "readerconfigmenu_ext_tap", "readerfooter_tap", "readerhighlight_tap", "tap_link", }, handler = function() -- Ignore tap if cancelled by its initial touch if self._cancelled_by_touch then self._cancelled_by_touch = false return true end -- Otherwise, let it be handled by other tap handlers end, }, } if self._inertial_scroll_enabled then self.ui:registerTouchZones(zones) else self.ui:unRegisterTouchZones(zones) end end function ReaderScrolling:isInertialScrollingEnabled() return self._inertial_scroll_enabled end function ReaderScrolling:setInertialScrollCallbacks(do_scroll_callback, scroll_done_callback) self._do_scroll_callback = do_scroll_callback self._scroll_done_callback = scroll_done_callback end function ReaderScrolling:startInertialScroll() if not self._inertial_scroll_enabled then return false end return self._inertial_scroll_action(true) end function ReaderScrolling:cancelInertialScroll() if not self._inertial_scroll_enabled then return end return self._inertial_scroll_action(false) end function ReaderScrolling:cancelledByTouch() return self._cancelled_by_touch end function ReaderScrolling:accountManualScroll(dy, timev) if not self._inertial_scroll_enabled then return end self._last_manual_scroll_dy = dy self._last_manual_scroll_duration = timev - self._last_manual_scroll_timev self._last_manual_scroll_timev = timev end function ReaderScrolling:_setupAction() self._inertial_scroll_action = function(action) -- action can be: -- - true: stop any previous ongoing inertial scroll, then start a new one -- (returns true if we started one) -- - false: just stop any previous ongoing inertial scroll -- (returns true if we did cancel one) if action ~= nil then local cancelled = false if self._inertial_scroll_action_scheduled then UIManager:unschedule(self._inertial_scroll_action) self._inertial_scroll_action_scheduled = false cancelled = true self._scroll_done_callback() logger.dbg("inertial scrolling cancelled") end if action == false then self._last_manual_scroll_dy = 0 return cancelled end -- Initiate inertial scrolling (action=true), unless we should not if UIManager:getTime() - self._last_manual_scroll_timev >= self.pause_before_release_cancel_duration then -- but not if no finger move for 0.3s before finger up self._last_manual_scroll_dy = 0 return false end if self._last_manual_scroll_duration == 0 or self._last_manual_scroll_dy == 0 then return false end -- Initial velocity is the one of the last pan scroll given to accountManualScroll() local delay_us = time.to_us(self._last_manual_scroll_duration) if delay_us < 1 then delay_us = 1 end -- safety check self._velocity = self._last_manual_scroll_dy * time.s(1 / delay_us) self._last_manual_scroll_dy = 0 self._inertial_scroll_action_scheduled = true -- We'll keep re-scheduling this same action, which will do -- alternatively thanks to the _just_reschedule flag: -- * either, in _inertial_scroll_interval, do a scroll -- * or, then, at next tick, reschedule 1) -- This is needed as the first one will cause a repaint that -- may take more than _inertial_scroll_interval, which if we -- didn't do that could be run before we process any input, -- not allowing us to interrupt this inertial scrolling. self._just_reschedule = false UIManager:scheduleIn(self._inertial_scroll_interval, self._inertial_scroll_action) -- self._stats_scroll_iterations = 0 -- self._stats_scroll_distance = 0 logger.dbg("inertial scrolling started") return true end if not self._inertial_scroll_action_scheduled then -- Safety check, shouldn't happen return end if not self.ui.document then -- might happen if scheduled and run after document is closed return end if self._just_reschedule then -- just re-schedule this, so a real scrolling is done after the delay self._just_reschedule = false UIManager:scheduleIn(self._inertial_scroll_interval, self._inertial_scroll_action) return end -- Decrease velocity at each step self._velocity = self._velocity * math.pow(self.scroll_friction, self._inertial_scroll_interval) local dist = math.floor(self._velocity * self._inertial_scroll_interval) if math.abs(dist) < self.end_scroll_dist then -- Decrease it even more so scrolling stops sooner self._velocity = self._velocity / 1.5 end -- self._stats_scroll_iterations = self._stats_scroll_iterations + 1 -- self._stats_scroll_distance = self._stats_scroll_distance + dist logger.dbg("inertial scrolling by", dist) local did_scroll = self._do_scroll_callback(dist) if did_scroll and math.abs(dist) > 2 then -- Schedule at next tick the real re-scheduling self._just_reschedule = true UIManager:nextTick(self._inertial_scroll_action) return end -- We're done self._inertial_scroll_action_scheduled = false self._scroll_done_callback() logger.dbg("inertial scrolling ended") --[[ local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") UIManager:show(Notification:new{ text = string.format("%d iterations, %d px scrolled", self._stats_scroll_iterations, self._stats_scroll_distance), }) ]]-- end end return ReaderScrolling