describe("SwitchPlugin", function() require("commonrequire") local SwitchPlugin = require("ui/plugin/switch_plugin") local createTestPlugin = function(default_enable, start, stop) return SwitchPlugin:new({ name = "test_plugin", menu_item = "test_plugin_menu", menu_text = "This is a test plugin", confirm_message = "This is a test plugin, it's for test purpose only.", default_enable = default_enable, _start = function() start() end, _stop = function() stop() end, }) end local TestPlugin2 = SwitchPlugin:extend() function TestPlugin2:new(o) o = o or {} = "test_plugin2" o.menu_item = "test_plugin2_menu" o.menu_text = "This is a test plugin2" o.confirm_message = "This is a test plugin2, it's for test purpose only." o.start_called = 0 o.stop_called = 0 o =, o) return o end function TestPlugin2:_start() self.start_called = self.start_called + 1 end function TestPlugin2:_stop() self.stop_called = self.stop_called + 1 end it("should be able to create a enabled plugin", function() local start_called = 0 local stop_called = 0 local test_plugin = createTestPlugin( true, function() start_called = start_called + 1 end, function() stop_called = stop_called + 1 end) assert.are.equal(1, start_called) assert.are.equal(0, stop_called) test_plugin:flipSetting() assert.are.equal(1, start_called) assert.are.equal(1, stop_called) test_plugin:flipSetting() assert.are.equal(2, start_called) assert.are.equal(1, stop_called) local menu_items = {} test_plugin:addToMainMenu(menu_items) assert.are.equal("This is a test plugin", menu_items.test_plugin_menu.text) end) it("should be able to create a disabled plugin", function() local start_called = 0 local stop_called = 0 local test_plugin = createTestPlugin( false, function() start_called = start_called + 1 end, function() stop_called = stop_called + 1 end) assert.are.equal(0, start_called) assert.are.equal(1, stop_called) test_plugin:flipSetting() assert.are.equal(1, start_called) assert.are.equal(1, stop_called) test_plugin:flipSetting() assert.are.equal(1, start_called) assert.are.equal(2, stop_called) end) it("should be able to create a derived enabled plugin", function() local test_plugin = TestPlugin2:new({ default_enable = true, }) assert.are.equal(1, test_plugin.start_called) assert.are.equal(0, test_plugin.stop_called) test_plugin:flipSetting() assert.are.equal(1, test_plugin.start_called) assert.are.equal(1, test_plugin.stop_called) test_plugin:flipSetting() assert.are.equal(2, test_plugin.start_called) assert.are.equal(1, test_plugin.stop_called) local menu_items = {} test_plugin:addToMainMenu(menu_items) assert.are.equal("This is a test plugin2", menu_items.test_plugin2_menu.text) end) it("should be able to create a derived disabled plugin", function() local test_plugin = TestPlugin2:new() assert.are.equal(0, test_plugin.start_called) assert.are.equal(1, test_plugin.stop_called) test_plugin:flipSetting() assert.are.equal(1, test_plugin.start_called) assert.are.equal(1, test_plugin.stop_called) test_plugin:flipSetting() assert.are.equal(1, test_plugin.start_called) assert.are.equal(2, test_plugin.stop_called) end) it("should be able to create an invisible plugin", function() local test_plugin = SwitchPlugin:new({ name = "test_plugin", ui = { menu = { registerToMainMenu = function() assert.is_true(false, "This should not reach.") end, }, }, }) test_plugin:init() end) it("should show a correct message box", function() local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local confirm_box = function(self, element) confirm_box = element end local test_plugin = TestPlugin2:new() -- The plugin is off by default, we expect an "enable" message. test_plugin:_showConfirmBox() assert.is_not_nil(confirm_box) assert.are.equal( "This is a test plugin2, it's for test purpose only.\nDo you want to enable it?", confirm_box.text) assert.are.equal("Enable", confirm_box.ok_text) confirm_box.ok_callback() confirm_box = nil -- The plugin is enabled by confirm_box.ok_callback(), we expect a "disable" message. test_plugin:_showConfirmBox() assert.is_not_nil(confirm_box) assert.are.equal( "This is a test plugin2, it's for test purpose only.\nDo you want to disable it?", confirm_box.text) assert.are.equal("Disable", confirm_box.ok_text) confirm_box.ok_callback() assert.is_false(test_plugin.enabled) package.unload("ui/uimanager") end) end)