[![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis-link] [![Coverage Status][coverage-badge]][coverage-link] [![AGPL Licence][licence-badge]](COPYING) KOReader ======== KOReader is a document viewer application, originally created for Kindle e-ink readers. It currently runs on Kindle 5 (Touch), Kindle Paperwhite, Kobo and Android (2.3+) devices. Developers can also run Koreader emulator for development purpose on desktop PC with Linux or Windows operating system. Main features for users ----------------------- * supports multi-format documents including: * paged fixed-layout formats: PDF, DjVu and CBZ * reflowable e-book formats: ePub, fb2, mobi, doc, chm and plain text * scanned PDF/DjVu documents can also be reflowed with built-in K2pdfopt * use StarDict dictionaries / Wikipedia to lookup words * highlights can be exported to Evernote cloud account * highly customizable reader view and typeset * setting arbitrary page margins / line space * choosing external fonts and styles * built-in multi-lingual hyphenation dictionaries * supports adding custom online OPDS catalogs * calibre integration * search calibre metadata on your koreader device * send ebooks from calibre library to your koreader device wirelessly * browser calibre library and download ebooks via calibre OPDS server * can share ebooks with other koreader devices wirelessly * various optimizations for e-ink devices * paginated menus without animation * adjustable text contrast * multi-lingual user interface * online Over-The-Air software update Highlights for developers -------------------------- * frontend written in Lua scripting language * running on multi-platform with only one code-base maintained * developing koreader in any editor without compilation * high runtime efficiency by LuaJIT acceleration * light-weight widget toolkit for small memory footprint * extensible with plugin system * interfaced backends for documents parsing and rendering * high quality document backend libraries like MuPDF, DjvuLibre and Crengine * interacting with frontend via LuaJIT FFI for best performence * in active development * contributed by 28 and more developers around the world * continuous integration with Travis CI * with unit tests and code coverage test * automatic release of nightly builds * free as in free speech * licensed under Affero GPL v3 * all dependencies are free software Check out the [KOReader wiki](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki) to learn more about this project. Building Prerequisites ====================== Instructions about how to get and compile the source are intended for a linux OS. Windows users are suggested to develop in a [Linux VM][linux-vm] or use Wubi. To get and compile the source you must have `patch`, `wget`, `unzip`, `git`, `autoconf`, `subversion` and `cmake` installed. Version of autoconf need to be greater than 2.64. Ubuntu users may need to run: ``` sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool ``` Cross compile toolchains are available for Ubuntu users through these commands: ``` # for Kindle sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi g++-arm-linux-gnueabi # for Kobo sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf # for Win32 sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-i686 g++-mingw-w64-i686 ``` A recent version of Android SDK/NDK and `ant` are needed in order to build Koreader for Android devices. ``` sudo apt-get install ant ``` You might also need SDL library packages if you want to compile and run Koreader on your Linux PC. Fedora users can install `SDL` and `SDL-devel`. Ubuntu users probably need to run: ``` sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev ``` Getting the source ======== ``` git clone https://github.com/koreader/koreader.git cd koreader make fetchthirdparty ``` Building & Running & Testing ======== For real eink devices --------------------- To build installable package for Kindle: ``` make TARGET=kindle clean kindleupdate ``` To build installable package for Kobo: ``` make TARGET=kobo clean koboupdate ``` To run, you must call the script reader.lua. Run it without arguments to see usage notes. Note that the script and the koreader-base binary currently must be in the same directory. You may checkout our [nightlybuild script][nb-script] to see how to build a package from scratch. For Android devices ------------------- Make sure the "android" and "ndk-build" tools are in your PATH variable and the NDK variable points to the root directory of the Android NDK. First, run this command to make a standalone android cross compiling toolchain from NDK: ``` make android-toolchain ``` Then, build installable package for Android: ``` make TARGET=android clean androidupdate ``` For emulating Koreader on Linux and Windows ------------- To build an emulator on current Linux machine just run: ``` make clean && make ``` If you want to compile the emulator for Windows you need to run: ``` make TARGET=win32 clean && make TARGET=win32 ``` To run koreader on your developing machine (you may need to change $(MACHINE) to the arch of your machine such as 'x86_64'): ``` cd koreader-$(MACHINE)/koreader && ./reader.lua -d ../../test ``` To run unit tests in Koreader just issue: ``` make test ``` You may need to checkout the [travis config file][travis-conf] to setup up a proper testing environment. Briefly, you need to install `luarocks` and then install `busted` with `luarocks`. The "eng" language data file for tesseract-ocr is also need to test OCR functionality. Finally, make sure that `luajit` in your system is at least of version 2.0.2. You can also specify size of emulator's screen via environment variables. For more information, please refer to [koreader-base's README][base-readme]. To use your own koreader-base repo instead of the default one change KOR_BASE environment variable: ``` make KOR_BASE=../koreader-base ``` This will be handy if you are developing koreader-base and want to test your modifications with kroeader frontend. NOTE: only support relative path for now. Translation ======== Please refer to [l10n's README][l10n-readme] to grab the latest translations from [the Koreader project on Transifex][koreader-transifex] with this command: ``` make po ``` If your language is not listed on the Transifex project, please don't hesitate to send a language request [here][koreader-transifex]. Use ccache ========== Ccache can speed up recompilation by caching previous compilations and detecting when the same compilation is being done again. In other words, it will decrease build time when the source have been built. Ccache support has been added to KOReader's build system. Before using it, you need to install a ccache in your system. * in Ubuntu use:`sudo apt-get install ccache` * in Fedora use:`sudo yum install ccache` * install from source: * get latest ccache source from http://ccache.samba.org/download.html * unarchieve the source package in a directory * cd to that directory and use:`./configure && make && sudo make install` * to disable ccache, use `export USE_NO_CCACHE=1` before make. * for more detail about ccache. visit: http://ccache.samba.org [base-readme]:https://github.com/koreader/koreader-base/blob/master/README.md [nb-script]:https://github.com/koreader/koreader-misc/blob/master/koreader-nightlybuild/koreader-nightlybuild.sh [travis-badge]:https://travis-ci.org/koreader/koreader.png?branch=master [travis-link]:https://travis-ci.org/koreader/koreader [travis-conf]:https://github.com/koreader/koreader-base/blob/master/.travis.yml [linux-vm]:http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11287/how-to-run-ubuntu-in-windows-7-with-vmware-player/ [l10n-readme]:https://github.com/koreader/koreader/blob/master/l10n/README.md [koreader-transifex]:https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/koreader/ [coverage-badge]:https://coveralls.io/repos/koreader/koreader/badge.png [coverage-link]:https://coveralls.io/r/koreader/koreader [licence-badge]:http://img.shields.io/badge/licence-AGPL-brightgreen.svg