--[[ -- slt2 - Simple Lua Template 2 -- -- Project page: https://github.com/henix/slt2 -- -- @License -- MIT License --]] local slt2 = {} -- a tree fold on inclusion tree -- @param init_func: must return a new value when called local function include_fold(template, start_tag, end_tag, fold_func, init_func) local result = init_func() start_tag = start_tag or '#{' end_tag = end_tag or '}#' local start_tag_inc = start_tag..'include:' local start1, end1 = string.find(template, start_tag_inc, 1, true) local start2 local end2 = 0 while start1 ~= nil do if start1 > end2 + 1 then -- for beginning part of file result = fold_func(result, string.sub(template, end2 + 1, start1 - 1)) end start2, end2 = string.find(template, end_tag, end1 + 1, true) assert(start2, 'end tag "'..end_tag..'" missing') do -- recursively include the file local filename = assert(loadstring('return '..string.sub(template, end1 + 1, start2 - 1)))() assert(filename) local fin = assert(io.open(filename)) -- TODO: detect cyclic inclusion? result = fold_func(result, include_fold(fin:read('*a'), start_tag, end_tag, fold_func, init_func), filename) fin:close() end start1, end1 = string.find(template, start_tag_inc, end2 + 1, true) end result = fold_func(result, string.sub(template, end2 + 1)) return result end -- preprocess included files -- @return string function slt2.precompile(template, start_tag, end_tag) return table.concat(include_fold(template, start_tag, end_tag, function(acc, v) if type(v) == 'string' then table.insert(acc, v) elseif type(v) == 'table' then table.insert(acc, table.concat(v)) else error('Unknown type: '..type(v)) end return acc end, function() return {} end)) end -- unique a list, preserve order local function stable_uniq(t) local existed = {} local res = {} for _, v in ipairs(t) do if not existed[v] then table.insert(res, v) existed[v] = true end end return res end -- @return { string } function slt2.get_dependency(template, start_tag, end_tag) return stable_uniq(include_fold(template, start_tag, end_tag, function(acc, v, name) if type(v) == 'string' then return acc elseif type(v) == 'table' then if name ~= nil then table.insert(acc, name) end for _, subname in ipairs(v) do table.insert(acc, subname) end else error('Unknown type: '..type(v)) end return acc end, function() return {} end)) end -- @return { name = string, code = string / function} function slt2.loadstring(template, start_tag, end_tag, tmpl_name) -- compile it to lua code local lua_code = {} start_tag = start_tag or '#{' end_tag = end_tag or '}#' local output_func = "coroutine.yield" template = slt2.precompile(template, start_tag, end_tag) local start1, end1 = string.find(template, start_tag, 1, true) local start2 local end2 = 0 local cEqual = string.byte('=', 1) while start1 ~= nil do if start1 > end2 + 1 then table.insert(lua_code, output_func..'('..string.format("%q", string.sub(template, end2 + 1, start1 - 1))..')') end start2, end2 = string.find(template, end_tag, end1 + 1, true) assert(start2, 'end_tag "'..end_tag..'" missing') if string.byte(template, end1 + 1) == cEqual then table.insert(lua_code, output_func..'('..string.sub(template, end1 + 2, start2 - 1)..')') else table.insert(lua_code, string.sub(template, end1 + 1, start2 - 1)) end start1, end1 = string.find(template, start_tag, end2 + 1, true) end table.insert(lua_code, output_func..'('..string.format("%q", string.sub(template, end2 + 1))..')') local ret = { name = tmpl_name or '=(slt2.loadstring)' } if setfenv == nil then -- lua 5.2 ret.code = table.concat(lua_code, '\n') else -- lua 5.1 ret.code = assert(loadstring(table.concat(lua_code, '\n'), ret.name)) end return ret end -- @return { name = string, code = string / function } function slt2.loadfile(filename, start_tag, end_tag) local fin = assert(io.open(filename)) local all = fin:read('*a') fin:close() return slt2.loadstring(all, start_tag, end_tag, filename) end local mt52 = { __index = _ENV } local mt51 = { __index = _G } -- @return a coroutine function function slt2.render_co(t, env) local f if setfenv == nil then -- lua 5.2 if env ~= nil then setmetatable(env, mt52) end f = assert(load(t.code, t.name, 't', env or _ENV)) else -- lua 5.1 if env ~= nil then setmetatable(env, mt51) end f = setfenv(t.code, env or _G) end return f end -- @return string function slt2.render(t, env) local result = {} local co = coroutine.create(slt2.render_co(t, env)) while coroutine.status(co) ~= 'dead' do local ok, chunk = coroutine.resume(co) if not ok then error(chunk) end table.insert(result, chunk) end return table.concat(result) end return slt2