local Device = require("device") local Screen = Device.screen local Input = require("device").input local Event = require("ui/event") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local util = require("ffi/util") local dbg = require("dbg") local _ = require("gettext") local noop = function() end local MILLION = 1000000 -- there is only one instance of this local UIManager = { -- trigger a full refresh when counter reaches FULL_REFRESH_COUNT FULL_REFRESH_COUNT = G_reader_settings:readSetting("full_refresh_count") or DRCOUNTMAX, refresh_count = 0, event_handlers = nil, _running = true, _window_stack = {}, _task_queue = {}, _task_queue_dirty = false, _dirty = {}, _zeromqs = {}, _refresh_stack = {}, _refresh_func_stack = {}, _power_ev_handled = false, } function UIManager:init() self.event_handlers = { __default__ = function(input_event) self:sendEvent(input_event) end, SaveState = function() self:sendEvent(Event:new("FlushSettings")) end, Power = function(input_event) Device:onPowerEvent(input_event) end, } if Device:isKobo() then -- We do not want auto suspend procedure to waste battery during -- suspend. So let's unschedule it when suspending, and restart it after -- resume. self:_initAutoSuspend() self.event_handlers["Suspend"] = function() self:_stopAutoSuspend() Device:onPowerEvent("Suspend") end self.event_handlers["Resume"] = function() Device:onPowerEvent("Resume") self:sendEvent(Event:new("Resume")) self:_startAutoSuspend() end self.event_handlers["PowerPress"] = function() self._power_ev_handled = false local showPowerOffDialog = function() if self._power_ev_handled then return end self._power_ev_handled = true local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Power off?"), ok_callback = function() local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Powered off."), }) -- The message can fail to render if this is executed directly UIManager:scheduleIn(0.1, function() self:broadcastEvent(Event:new("Close")) Device:powerOff() end) end, }) end UIManager:scheduleIn(3, showPowerOffDialog) end self.event_handlers["PowerRelease"] = function() if not self._power_ev_handled then self._power_ev_handled = true self.event_handlers["Suspend"]() end end self.event_handlers["Light"] = function() Device:getPowerDevice():toggleFrontlight() end self.event_handlers["__default__"] = function(input_event) if Device.screen_saver_mode then -- Suspension in Kobo can be interrupted by screen updates. We -- ignore user touch input here so screen udpate won't be -- triggered in suspend mode return else self:sendEvent(input_event) end end local kobo_light_on_start = tonumber(KOBO_LIGHT_ON_START) if kobo_light_on_start then local new_intensity local is_frontlight_on if kobo_light_on_start > 0 then new_intensity = math.min(kobo_light_on_start, 100) is_frontlight_on = true elseif kobo_light_on_start == 0 then is_frontlight_on = false elseif kobo_light_on_start == -2 then local NickelConf = require("device/kobo/nickel_conf") new_intensity = NickelConf.frontLightLevel.get() is_frontlight_on = NickelConf.frontLightState:get() if is_frontlight_on == nil then -- this device does not support frontlight toggle, -- we set the value based on frontlight intensity. if new_intensity > 0 then is_frontlight_on = true else is_frontlight_on = false end end end -- Since this kobo-specific, we save all values in settings here -- and let the code (reader.lua) pick it up later during bootstrap. if new_intensity then G_reader_settings:saveSetting("frontlight_intensity", new_intensity) end G_reader_settings:saveSetting("is_frontlight_on", is_frontlight_on) end elseif Device:isKindle() then self.event_handlers["IntoSS"] = function() Device:intoScreenSaver() end self.event_handlers["OutOfSS"] = function() Device:outofScreenSaver() self:sendEvent(Event:new("Resume")) end self.event_handlers["Charging"] = function() Device:usbPlugIn() end self.event_handlers["NotCharging"] = function() Device:usbPlugOut() self:sendEvent(Event:new("NotCharging")) end end end -- register & show a widget -- modal widget should be always on the top -- for refreshtype & refreshregion see description of setDirty() function UIManager:show(widget, refreshtype, refreshregion, x, y) if not widget then dbg("widget not exist to be closed") return end dbg("show widget", widget.id or widget.name or "unknown") self._running = true local window = {x = x or 0, y = y or 0, widget = widget} -- put this window on top of the toppest non-modal window for i = #self._window_stack, 0, -1 do local top_window = self._window_stack[i] -- skip modal window if not top_window or not top_window.widget.modal then table.insert(self._window_stack, i + 1, window) break end end -- and schedule it to be painted self:setDirty(widget, refreshtype, refreshregion) -- tell the widget that it is shown now widget:handleEvent(Event:new("Show")) -- check if this widget disables double tap gesture if widget.disable_double_tap == false then Input.disable_double_tap = false else Input.disable_double_tap = true end end -- unregister a widget -- for refreshtype & refreshregion see description of setDirty() function UIManager:close(widget, refreshtype, refreshregion) if not widget then dbg("widget not exist to be closed") return end dbg("close widget", widget.id or widget.name) local dirty = false -- first send close event to widget widget:handleEvent(Event:new("CloseWidget")) -- make it disabled by default and check any widget that enables it Input.disable_double_tap = true -- then remove all reference to that widget on stack and update for i = #self._window_stack, 1, -1 do if self._window_stack[i].widget == widget then table.remove(self._window_stack, i) dirty = true elseif self._window_stack[i].widget.disable_double_tap == false then Input.disable_double_tap = false end end if dirty then -- schedule remaining widgets to be painted for i = 1, #self._window_stack do self:setDirty(self._window_stack[i].widget) end self:_refresh(refreshtype, refreshregion) end end -- schedule an execution task, task queue is in ascendant order function UIManager:schedule(time, action) local p, s, e = 1, 1, #self._task_queue if e ~= 0 then local us = time[1] * MILLION + time[2] -- do a binary insert repeat p = math.floor(s + (e - s) / 2) local ptime = self._task_queue[p].time local ptus = ptime[1] * MILLION + ptime[2] if us > ptus then if s == e then p = e + 1 break elseif s + 1 == e then s = e else s = p end elseif us < ptus then e = p if s == e then break end else -- for fairness, it's better to make p+1 is strictly less than -- p might want to revisit here in the future break end until e < s end table.insert(self._task_queue, p, { time = time, action = action }) self._task_queue_dirty = true end dbg:guard(UIManager, 'schedule', function(self, time, action) assert(time[1] >= 0 and time[2] >= 0, "Only positive time allowed") assert(action ~= nil) end) -- schedule task in a certain amount of seconds (fractions allowed) from now function UIManager:scheduleIn(seconds, action) local when = { util.gettime() } local s = math.floor(seconds) local usecs = (seconds - s) * MILLION when[1] = when[1] + s when[2] = when[2] + usecs if when[2] > MILLION then when[1] = when[1] + 1 when[2] = when[2] - MILLION end self:schedule(when, action) end dbg:guard(UIManager, 'scheduleIn', function(self, seconds, action) assert(seconds >= 0, "Only positive seconds allowed") end) function UIManager:nextTick(action) return self:scheduleIn(0, action) end -- unschedule an execution task -- in order to unschedule anonymous functions, store a reference -- for example: -- self.anonymousFunction = function() self:regularFunction() end -- UIManager:scheduleIn(10, self.anonymousFunction) -- UIManager:unschedule(self.anonymousFunction) function UIManager:unschedule(action) for i = #self._task_queue, 1, -1 do if self._task_queue[i].action == action then table.remove(self._task_queue, i) end end end dbg:guard(UIManager, 'unschedule', function(self, action) assert(action ~= nil) end) --[[ register a widget to be repainted and enqueue a refresh the second parameter (refreshtype) can either specify a refreshtype (optionally in combination with a refreshregion - which is suggested) or a function that returns refreshtype AND refreshregion and is called after painting the widget. E.g.: UIManager:setDirty(self.widget, "partial") UIManager:setDirty(self.widget, "partial", Geom:new{x=10,y=10,w=100,h=50}) UIManager:setDirty(self.widget, function() return "ui", self.someelement.dimen end) --]] function UIManager:setDirty(widget, refreshtype, refreshregion) if widget then if widget == "all" then -- special case: set all top-level widgets as being "dirty". for i = 1, #self._window_stack do self._dirty[self._window_stack[i].widget] = true end else self._dirty[widget] = true end end -- handle refresh information if type(refreshtype) == "function" then -- callback, will be issued after painting table.insert(self._refresh_func_stack, refreshtype) else -- otherwise, enqueue refresh self:_refresh(refreshtype, refreshregion) end end dbg:guard(UIManager, 'setDirty', nil, function(self, widget, refreshtype, refreshregion) if not widget or widget == "all" then return end -- when debugging, we check if we get handed a valid widget, -- which would be a dialog that was previously passed via show() local found = false for i = 1, #self._window_stack do if self._window_stack[i].widget == widget then found = true end end if not found then dbg:v("INFO: invalid widget for setDirty()", debug.traceback()) end end) function UIManager:insertZMQ(zeromq) table.insert(self._zeromqs, zeromq) return zeromq end function UIManager:removeZMQ(zeromq) for i = #self._zeromqs, 1, -1 do if self._zeromqs[i] == zeromq then table.remove(self._zeromqs, i) end end end -- set full refresh rate for e-ink screen -- and make the refresh rate persistant in global reader settings function UIManager:setRefreshRate(rate) dbg("set screen full refresh rate", rate) self.FULL_REFRESH_COUNT = rate G_reader_settings:saveSetting("full_refresh_count", rate) end -- get full refresh rate for e-ink screen function UIManager:getRefreshRate(rate) return self.FULL_REFRESH_COUNT end -- signal to quit function UIManager:quit() dbg("quiting uimanager") self._task_queue_dirty = false self._running = false self._run_forever = nil for i = #self._window_stack, 1, -1 do table.remove(self._window_stack, i) end for i = #self._task_queue, 1, -1 do table.remove(self._task_queue, i) end for i = #self._zeromqs, 1, -1 do self._zeromqs[i]:stop() table.remove(self._zeromqs, i) end if self.looper then self.looper:close() self.looper = nil end end -- transmit an event to an active widget function UIManager:sendEvent(event) --dbg:v("send event", event) if #self._window_stack == 0 then return end local top_widget = self._window_stack[#self._window_stack] -- top level widget has first access to the event if top_widget.widget:handleEvent(event) then return end if top_widget.widget.active_widgets then for _, active_widget in ipairs(top_widget.widget.active_widgets) do if active_widget:handleEvent(event) then return end end end -- if the event is not consumed, widgets (from top to bottom) can -- access it. NOTE: _window_stack can shrink on close event local checked_widgets = {top_widget} for i = #self._window_stack, 1, -1 do local widget = self._window_stack[i] if checked_widgets[widget] == nil then -- active widgets has precedence to handle this event -- Note: ReaderUI currently only has one active_widget: readerscreenshot if widget.widget.active_widgets then checked_widgets[widget] = true for _, active_widget in ipairs(widget.widget.active_widgets) do if active_widget:handleEvent(event) then return end end end -- ordinary widgets will handle this event -- Note: is_always_active widgets currently are vitualkeyboard and -- readerconfig checked_widgets[widget] = true if widget.widget:handleEvent(event) then return end end end end -- transmit an event to all registered widgets function UIManager:broadcastEvent(event) -- the widget's event handler might close widgets in which case -- a simple iterator like ipairs would skip over some entries local i = 1 while i <= #self._window_stack do local prev_widget = self._window_stack[i].widget self._window_stack[i].widget:handleEvent(event) local top_widget = self._window_stack[i] if top_widget == nil then -- top widget closed itself break elseif top_widget.widget == prev_widget then i = i + 1 end end end function UIManager:_checkTasks() local now = { util.gettime() } local now_us = now[1] * MILLION + now[2] local wait_until = nil -- task.action may schedule other events self._task_queue_dirty = false while true do local nu_task = #self._task_queue if nu_task == 0 then -- all tasks checked break end local task = self._task_queue[1] local task_us = 0 if task.time ~= nil then task_us = task.time[1] * MILLION + task.time[2] end if task_us <= now_us then -- remove from table table.remove(self._task_queue, 1) -- task is pending to be executed right now. do it. -- NOTE: be careful that task.action() might modify -- _task_queue here. So need to avoid race condition task.action() else -- queue is sorted in ascendant order, safe to assume all items -- are future tasks for now wait_until = task.time break end end return wait_until, now end -- precedence of refresh modes: local refresh_modes = { fast = 1, ui = 2, partial = 3, full = 4 } -- refresh methods in framebuffer implementation local refresh_methods = { fast = "refreshFast", ui = "refreshUI", partial = "refreshPartial", full = "refreshFull", } --[[ refresh mode comparision will return the mode that takes precedence --]] local function update_mode(mode1, mode2) if refresh_modes[mode1] > refresh_modes[mode2] then return mode1 else return mode2 end end --[[ enqueue a refresh Widgets call this in their paintTo() method in order to notify UIManager that a certain part of the screen is to be refreshed. mode: refresh mode ("full", "partial", "ui", "fast") region: Rect() that specifies the region to be updated optional, update will affect whole screen if not specified. Note that this should be the exception. --]] function UIManager:_refresh(mode, region) if not mode then return end -- special case: full screen partial update -- will get promoted every self.FULL_REFRESH_COUNT updates -- since _refresh can be called mutiple times via setDirty called in -- different widget before a real screen repaint, we should make sure -- refresh_count is incremented by only once at most for each repaint if not region and mode == "partial" and not self.refresh_counted then self.refresh_count = (self.refresh_count + 1) % self.FULL_REFRESH_COUNT if self.refresh_count == self.FULL_REFRESH_COUNT - 1 then dbg("promote refresh to full refresh") mode = "full" end self.refresh_counted = true end -- if no region is specified, define default region region = region or Geom:new{w=Screen:getWidth(), h=Screen:getHeight()} for i = 1, #self._refresh_stack do -- check for collision with updates that are already enqueued if region:intersectWith(self._refresh_stack[i].region) then -- combine both refreshes' regions local combined = region:combine(self._refresh_stack[i].region) -- update the mode, if needed mode = update_mode(mode, self._refresh_stack[i].mode) -- remove colliding update table.remove(self._refresh_stack, i) -- and try again with combined data return self:_refresh(mode, combined) end end -- if we hit no (more) collides, enqueue the update table.insert(self._refresh_stack, {mode = mode, region = region}) end -- repaint dirty widgets function UIManager:_repaint() -- flag in which we will record if we did any repaints at all -- will trigger a refresh if set. local dirty = false for _, widget in ipairs(self._window_stack) do -- paint if current widget or any widget underneath is dirty if dirty or self._dirty[widget.widget] then -- pass hint to widget that we got when setting widget dirty -- the widget can use this to decide which parts should be refreshed widget.widget:paintTo(Screen.bb, widget.x, widget.y, self._dirty[widget.widget]) -- and remove from list after painting self._dirty[widget.widget] = nil -- trigger repaint dirty = true end end -- execute pending refresh functions for _, refreshfunc in ipairs(self._refresh_func_stack) do local refreshtype, region = refreshfunc() if refreshtype then self:_refresh(refreshtype, region) end end self._refresh_func_stack = {} -- we should have at least one refresh if we did repaint. If we don't, we -- add one now and log a warning if we are debugging if dirty and #self._refresh_stack == 0 then dbg("WARNING: no refresh got enqueued. Will do a partial full screen refresh, which might be inefficient") self:_refresh("partial") end -- execute refreshes: for _, refresh in ipairs(self._refresh_stack) do dbg:v("triggering refresh", refresh) Screen[refresh_methods[refresh.mode]](Screen, refresh.region.x - 1, refresh.region.y - 1, refresh.region.w + 2, refresh.region.h + 2) end self._refresh_stack = {} self.refresh_counted = false end function UIManager:forceRePaint() self:_repaint() end function UIManager:setInputTimeout(timeout) self.INPUT_TIMEOUT = timeout or 200*1000 end function UIManager:resetInputTimeout() self.INPUT_TIMEOUT = nil end function UIManager:handleInput() local wait_until, now -- run this in a loop, so that paints can trigger events -- that will be honored when calculating the time to wait -- for input events: repeat wait_until, now = self:_checkTasks() --dbg("---------------------------------------------------") --dbg("exec stack", self._task_queue) --dbg("window stack", self._window_stack) --dbg("dirty stack", self._dirty) --dbg("---------------------------------------------------") -- stop when we have no window to show if #self._window_stack == 0 and not self._run_forever then dbg("no dialog left to show") self:quit() return nil end self:_repaint() until not self._task_queue_dirty -- wait for next event -- note that we will skip that if we have tasks that are ready to run local input_event = nil if not wait_until then if #self._zeromqs > 0 then -- pending message queue, wait 100ms for input input_event = Input:waitEvent(1000*100) if not input_event or input_event.handler == "onInputError" then for _, zeromq in ipairs(self._zeromqs) do input_event = zeromq:waitEvent() if input_event then break end end end else -- no pending task, wait without timeout input_event = Input:waitEvent(self.INPUT_TIMEOUT) end elseif wait_until[1] > now[1] or wait_until[1] == now[1] and wait_until[2] > now[2] then -- wait until next task is pending local wait_us = (wait_until[1] - now[1]) * MILLION + (wait_until[2] - now[2]) input_event = Input:waitEvent(wait_us) end -- delegate input_event to handler if input_event then self:_resetAutoSuspendTimer() local handler = self.event_handlers[input_event] if handler then handler(input_event) else self.event_handlers["__default__"](input_event) end end if self.looper then dbg("handle input in turbo I/O looper") self.looper:add_callback(function() -- FIXME: force close looper when there is unhandled error, -- otherwise the looper will hang. Any better solution? xpcall(function() self:handleInput() end, function(err) io.stderr:write(err .. "\n") io.stderr:write(debug.traceback() .. "\n") io.stderr:flush() self.looper:close() os.exit(1) end) end) end end function UIManager:onRotation() self:setDirty('all', 'full') self:forceRePaint() end function UIManager:initLooper() if DUSE_TURBO_LIB and not self.looper then TURBO_SSL = true -- luacheck: ignore __TURBO_USE_LUASOCKET__ = true -- luacheck: ignore local turbo = require("turbo") self.looper = turbo.ioloop.instance() end end -- this is the main loop of the UI controller -- it is intended to manage input events and delegate -- them to dialogs function UIManager:run() self._running = true self:initLooper() -- currently there is no Turbo support for Windows -- use our own main loop if not self.looper then while self._running do self:handleInput() end else self.looper:add_callback(function() self:handleInput() end) self.looper:start() end end -- run uimanager forever for testing purpose function UIManager:runForever() self._run_forever = true self:run() end -- Kobo does not have an auto suspend function, so we implement it ourselves. function UIManager:_initAutoSuspend() local function isAutoSuspendEnabled() return Device:isKobo() and self.auto_suspend_sec > 0 end local sec = G_reader_settings:readSetting("auto_suspend_timeout_seconds") if sec then self.auto_suspend_sec = sec else -- default setting is 60 minutes self.auto_suspend_sec = 60 * 60 end if isAutoSuspendEnabled() then self.auto_suspend_action = function() local now = util.gettime() -- Do not repeat auto suspend procedure after suspend. if self.last_action_sec + self.auto_suspend_sec <= now then Device:onPowerEvent("Suspend") else self:scheduleIn( self.last_action_sec + self.auto_suspend_sec - now, self.auto_suspend_action) end end function UIManager:_startAutoSuspend() self.last_action_sec = util.gettime() self:nextTick(self.auto_suspend_action) end dbg:guard(UIManager, '_startAutoSuspend', function() assert(isAutoSuspendEnabled()) end) function UIManager:_stopAutoSuspend() self:unschedule(self.auto_suspend_action) end function UIManager:_resetAutoSuspendTimer() self.last_action_sec = util.gettime() end self:_startAutoSuspend() else self._startAutoSuspend = noop self._stopAutoSuspend = noop end end UIManager._resetAutoSuspendTimer = noop UIManager:init() return UIManager