--[[-- This plugin provides a terminal emulator (VT52 (+some ANSI)) @module koplugin.terminal ]] local Device = require("device") -- grantpt and friends are necessary (introduced on Android in API 21). -- So sorry for the Tolinos with (Android 4.4.x). -- Maybe https://f-droid.org/de/packages/jackpal.androidterm/ could be an alternative then. if Device:isAndroid() and Device.firmware_rev < 21 then return end local Aliases = require("aliases") local Dispatcher = require("dispatcher") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Font = require("ui/font") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local MultiConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/multiconfirmbox") local ScrollTextWidget = require("ui/widget/scrolltextwidget") local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local TermInputText = require("terminputtext") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local bit = require("bit") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C -- for terminal emulator ffi.cdef[[ static const int SIGTERM = 15; int grantpt(int fd) __attribute__((nothrow, leaf)); int unlockpt(int fd) __attribute__((nothrow, leaf)); char *ptsname(int fd) __attribute__((nothrow, leaf)); pid_t setsid(void) __attribute__((nothrow, leaf)); static const int TCIFLUSH = 0; int tcdrain(int fd) __attribute__((nothrow, leaf)); int tcflush(int fd, int queue_selector) __attribute__((nothrow, leaf)); ]] local CHUNK_SIZE = 80 * 40 -- max. nb of read bytes (reduce this, if taps are not detected) local Terminal = WidgetContainer:new{ name = "terminal", history = "", is_shell_open = false, buffer_size = 1024 * G_reader_settings:readSetting("terminal_buffer_size", 16), -- size in kB refresh_time = 0.2, terminal_data = ".", } function Terminal:init() self:onDispatcherRegisterActions() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self.chunk_size = CHUNK_SIZE self.chunk = ffi.new('uint8_t[?]', self.chunk_size) self.terminal_data = DataStorage:getDataDir() lfs.mkdir(self.terminal_data .. "/scripts") os.remove("terminal.pid") -- clean leftover from last run end function Terminal:spawnShell(cols, rows) if self.is_shell_open then self.input_widget:resize(rows, cols) self.input_widget:interpretAnsiSeq(self:receive()) return end local shell = G_reader_settings:readSetting("terminal_shell", "sh") local ptmx_name = "/dev/ptmx" self.ptmx = C.open(ptmx_name, bit.bor(C.O_RDWR, C.O_NONBLOCK, C.O_CLOEXEC)) if C.grantpt(self.ptmx) ~= 0 then logger.err("Terminal: can not grantpt") end if C.unlockpt(self.ptmx) ~= 0 then logger.err("Terminal: can not unockpt") end self.slave_pty = ffi.string(C.ptsname(self.ptmx)) logger.info("Terminal: slave_pty", self.slave_pty) local pid = C.fork() if pid < 0 then logger.err("Terminal: fork failed") return elseif pid == 0 then C.close(self.ptmx) C.setsid() pid = C.getpid() local pid_file = io.open("terminal.pid", "w") if pid_file then pid_file:write(pid) pid_file:close() end local pts = C.open(self.slave_pty, C.O_RDWR) if pts == -1 then logger.err("Terminal: cannot open slave pty: ", pts) return end C.dup2(pts, 0); C.dup2(pts, 1); C.dup2(pts, 2); C.close(pts); if cols and rows then if not Device:isAndroid() then os.execute("stty cols " .. cols .. " rows " .. rows) end end C.setenv("TERM", "vt52", 1) C.setenv("ENV", "./plugins/terminal.koplugin/profile", 1) C.setenv("BASH_ENV", "./plugins/terminal.koplugin/profile", 1) C.setenv("TERMINAL_DATA", self.terminal_data, 1) if Device:isAndroid() then C.setenv("ANDROID", "ANDROID", 1) end if C.execlp(shell, shell) ~= 0 then -- the following two prints are shown in the terminal emulator. print("Terminal: something has gone really wrong in spawning the shell\n\n:-(\n") print("Maybe an incorrect shell: '" .. shell .. "'\n") os.exit() end os.exit() return end self.is_shell_open = true if Device:isAndroid() then -- feed the following commands to the running shell self:transmit("export TERM=vt52\n") self:transmit("stty cols " .. cols .. " rows " .. rows .."\n") end self.input_widget:resize(rows, cols) self.input_widget:interpretAnsiSeq(self:receive()) logger.info("Terminal: spawn done") end function Terminal:receive() local last_result = "" repeat C.tcdrain(self.ptmx) local count = tonumber(C.read(self.ptmx, self.chunk, self.chunk_size)) if count > 0 then last_result = last_result .. string.sub(ffi.string(self.chunk), 1, count) end until count <= 0 or #last_result >= self.chunk_size - 1 return last_result end function Terminal:refresh(reset) if reset then self.refresh_time = 1/32 UIManager:unschedule(Terminal.refresh) end local next_text = self:receive() if next_text ~= "" then self.input_widget:interpretAnsiSeq(next_text) self.input_widget:trimBuffer(self.buffer_size) if self.is_shell_open then UIManager:tickAfterNext(function() UIManager:scheduleIn(self.refresh_time, Terminal.refresh, self) end) end else if self.is_shell_open then if self.refresh_time > 5 then self.refresh_time = self.refresh_time elseif self.refresh_time > 1 then self.refresh_time = self.refresh_time * 1.1 else self.refresh_time = self.refresh_time * 2 end UIManager:scheduleIn(self.refresh_time, Terminal.refresh, self) end end end function Terminal:transmit(chars) C.write(self.ptmx, chars, #chars) self:refresh(true) end --- kills a running shell -- @param ask if true ask if a shell is running, don't kill -- @return pid if shell is running, -1 otherwise function Terminal:killShell(ask) UIManager:unschedule(Terminal.refresh) local pid_file = io.open("terminal.pid", "r") if not pid_file then return -1 end local pid = tonumber(pid_file:read("*a")) pid_file:close() if ask then return pid else local terminate = "\03\n\nexit\n" self:transmit(terminate) -- do other things before killing first self.is_shell_open = false self.history = "" os.remove("terminal.pid") C.close(self.ptmx) C.kill(pid, C.SIGTERM) local status = ffi.new('int[1]') -- status = tonumber(status[0]) -- If still running: ret = 0 , status = 0 -- If exited: ret = pid , status = 0 or 9 if killed -- If no more running: ret = -1 , status = 0 C.waitpid(pid, status, 0) -- wait until shell is terminated return -1 end end function Terminal:getCharSize() local tmp = TextWidget:new{ text = " ", face = self.input_face, } return tmp:getSize().w end function Terminal:generateInputDialog() return InputDialog:new{ title = _("Terminal emulator"), input = self.history, input_face = self.input_face, para_direction_rtl = false, input_type = "string", allow_newline = false, cursor_at_end = true, fullscreen = true, inputtext_class = TermInputText, buttons = {{ { text = "↹", -- tabulator "⇤" and "⇥" callback = function() self:transmit("\009") end, }, { text = "/", -- slash callback = function() self:transmit("/") end, }, { text = _("Esc"), -- @translators This is the ESC-key on the keyboard. callback = function() self:transmit("\027") end, }, { text = _("Ctrl"), -- @translators This is the CTRL-key on the keyboard. callback = function() self.ctrl = true end, }, { text = _("Ctrl-C"), -- @translators This is the CTRL-C key combination. callback = function() self:transmit("\003") -- consume and drop everything C.tcflush(self.ptmx, C.TCIFLUSH) while self:receive() ~= "" do C.tcflush(self.ptmx, C.TCIFLUSH) end self.input_widget:addChars("\003", true) -- as we flush the queue end, }, { text = "⎚", --clear callback = function() self.history = "" self.input = {} self.input_dialog:setInputText("$ ") end, }, { text = "⇧", callback = function() self.input_widget:upLine() end, hold_callback = function() self.input_widget:scrollUp() end, }, { text = "⇩", callback = function() self.input_widget:downLine() end, hold_callback = function() self.input_widget:scrollDown() end, }, { text = "☰", -- settings menu callback = function () UIManager:close(self.input_widget.keyboard) Aliases:show(self.terminal_data .. "/scripts/aliases", function() UIManager:show(self.input_widget.keyboard) UIManager:setDirty(self.input_dialog, "fast") -- is there a better solution end, self) end, }, { text = "✕", --cancel callback = function() UIManager:show(MultiConfirmBox:new{ text = _("You can close the terminal, but leave the shell open for further commands or quit it now."), choice1_text = _("Close"), choice1_callback = function() self.history = self.input_dialog:getInputText() -- trim trialing spaces and newlines while self.history:sub(#self.history, #self.history) == "\n" or self.history:sub(#self.history, #self.history) == " " do self.history = self.history:sub(1, #self.history - 1) end UIManager:close(self.input_dialog) if self.touchmenu_instance then self.touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, choice2_text = _("Quit"), choice2_callback = function() self.history = "" self:killShell() UIManager:close(self.input_dialog) if self.touchmenu_instance then self.touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, }) end, }, }}, enter_callback = function() self:transmit("\r") end, strike_callback = function(chars) if self.ctrl and #chars == 1 then chars = string.char(chars:upper():byte() - ("A"):byte()+1) self.ctrl = false end if chars == "\n" then chars = "\r\n" end self:transmit(chars) end, } end function Terminal:onClose() self:killShell() end function Terminal:onTerminalStart(touchmenu_instance) self.touchmenu_instance = touchmenu_instance self.input_face = Font:getFace("smallinfont", G_reader_settings:readSetting("terminal_font_size", 14)) self.ctrl = false self.input_dialog = self:generateInputDialog() self.input_widget = self.input_dialog._input_widget local scroll_bar_width = ScrollTextWidget.scroll_bar_width + ScrollTextWidget.text_scroll_span self.maxc = math.floor((self.input_widget.width - scroll_bar_width) / self:getCharSize()) self.maxr = math.floor(self.input_widget.height / self.input_widget:getLineHeight()) self.store_position = 1 logger.dbg("Terminal: resolution= " .. self.maxc .. "x" .. self.maxr) self:spawnShell(self.maxc, self.maxr) UIManager:show(self.input_dialog) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.25, Terminal.refresh, self, true) self.input_dialog:onShowKeyboard(true) end function Terminal:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.terminal = { text = _("Terminal emulator"), -- sorting_hint = "more_tools", keep_menu_open = true, sub_item_table = { { text = _("About terminal emulator"), callback = function() local about_text = _([[Terminal emulator can start a shell (command prompt). There are two environment variables TERMINAL_HOME and TERMINAL_DATA containing the path of the install and the data folders. Commands to be executed on start can be placed in: '$TERMINAL_DATA/scripts/profile.user'. Aliases (shortcuts) to frequently used commands can be placed in: '$TERMINAL_DATA/scripts/aliases'.]]) if not Device:isAndroid() then about_text = about_text .. _("\n\nYou can use 'shfm' as a file manager, '?' shows shfm’s help message.") end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = about_text, }) end, keep_menu_open = true, separator = true, }, { text_func = function() local state = self.is_shell_open and _("running") or _("not running") return T(_("Open terminal session (%1)"), state) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) self:onTerminalStart(touchmenu_instance) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text = _("End terminal session"), enabled_func = function() return self:killShell(true) >= 0 end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) self:killShell() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, keep_menu_open = true, separator = true, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Font size: %1"), G_reader_settings:readSetting("terminal_font_size", 14)) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local cur_size = G_reader_settings:readSetting("terminal_font_size") local size_spin = SpinWidget:new{ value = cur_size, value_min = 10, value_max = 30, value_hold_step = 2, default_value = 14, title_text = _("Terminal emulator font size "), callback = function(spin) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("terminal_font_size", spin.value) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, } UIManager:show(size_spin) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Buffer size: %1 kB"), G_reader_settings:readSetting("terminal_buffer_size", 16)) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local cur_buffer = G_reader_settings:readSetting("terminal_buffer_size") local buffer_spin = SpinWidget:new{ value = cur_buffer, value_min = 10, value_max = 30, value_hold_step = 2, default_value = 16, title_text = _("Terminal emulator buffer size (kB)"), callback = function(spin) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("terminal_buffer_size", spin.value) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, } UIManager:show(buffer_spin) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Shell executable: %1"), G_reader_settings:readSetting("terminal_shell", "sh")) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) self.shell_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Shell to use"), description = _("Here you can select the startup shell.\nDefault: sh"), input = G_reader_settings:readSetting("terminal_shell", "sh"), buttons = {{ { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.shell_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Default"), callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("terminal_shell", "sh") UIManager:close(self.shell_dialog) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, }, { text = _("Save"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local new_shell = self.shell_dialog:getInputText() if new_shell == "" then new_shell = "sh" end G_reader_settings:saveSetting("terminal_shell", new_shell) UIManager:close(self.shell_dialog) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end }, }}} UIManager:show(self.shell_dialog) self.shell_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end, keep_menu_open = true, }, } } end function Terminal:onDispatcherRegisterActions() Dispatcher:registerAction("terminal", {category = "none", event = "TerminalStart", title = _("Terminal emulator"), device = true}) end return Terminal