local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local Widget = require("ui/widget/widget") local RenderText = require("ui/rendertext") local Screen = require("device").screen local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local util = require("util") local DEBUG = require("dbg") --[[ A TextWidget that handles long text wrapping --]] local TextBoxWidget = Widget:new{ text = nil, face = nil, bold = nil, fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, width = 400, -- in pixels height = nil, first_line = 1, virtual_line = 1, -- used by scroll bar line_height = 0.3, -- in em v_list = nil, _bb = nil, _length = 0, } function TextBoxWidget:init() local v_list if self.height then v_list = self:_getCurrentVerticalList() else v_list = self:_getVerticalList() end self:_render(v_list) self.dimen = Geom:new(self:getSize()) end function TextBoxWidget:_wrapGreedyAlg(h_list) local line_height = (1 + self.line_height) * self.face.size local cur_line_width = 0 local cur_line = {} local v_list = {} for k,w in ipairs(h_list) do w.box = { x = cur_line_width, w = w.width, h = line_height, } cur_line_width = cur_line_width + w.width if w.word == "\n" then if cur_line_width > 0 then -- hard line break table.insert(v_list, cur_line) cur_line = {} cur_line_width = 0 end elseif cur_line_width > self.width then -- wrap to next line table.insert(v_list, cur_line) cur_line = {} cur_line_width = w.width table.insert(cur_line, w) else table.insert(cur_line, w) end end -- handle last line table.insert(v_list, cur_line) return v_list end function TextBoxWidget:_getVerticalList(alg) if self.vertical_list then return self.vertical_list end -- build horizontal list local h_list = {} for line in util.gsplit(self.text, "\n", true) do for words in line:gmatch("[\32-\127\192-\255]+[\128-\191]*") do for word in util.gsplit(words, "%s+", true) do for w in util.gsplit(word, "%p+", true) do local word_box = {} word_box.word = w word_box.width = RenderText:sizeUtf8Text(0, Screen:getWidth(), self.face, w, true, self.bold).x table.insert(h_list, word_box) end end end if line:sub(-1) == "\n" then table.insert(h_list, {word = '\n', width = 0}) end end -- @TODO check alg here 25.04 2012 (houqp) -- @TODO replace greedy algorithm with K&P algorithm 25.04 2012 (houqp) self.vertical_list = self:_wrapGreedyAlg(h_list) return self.vertical_list end function TextBoxWidget:_getCurrentVerticalList() local line_height = (1 + self.line_height) * self.face.size local v_list = self:_getVerticalList() local current_v_list = {} local height = 0 for i = self.first_line, #v_list do if height < self.height - line_height then table.insert(current_v_list, v_list[i]) height = height + line_height else break end end return current_v_list end function TextBoxWidget:_getPreviousVerticalList() local line_height = (1 + self.line_height) * self.face.size local v_list = self:_getVerticalList() local previous_v_list = {} local height = 0 if self.first_line == 1 then return self:_getCurrentVerticalList() end self.virtual_line = self.first_line for i = self.first_line - 1, 1, -1 do if height < self.height - line_height then table.insert(previous_v_list, 1, v_list[i]) height = height + line_height self.virtual_line = self.virtual_line - 1 else break end end for i = self.first_line, #v_list do if height < self.height - line_height then table.insert(previous_v_list, v_list[i]) height = height + line_height else break end end if self.first_line > #previous_v_list then self.first_line = self.first_line - #previous_v_list else self.first_line = 1 end return previous_v_list end function TextBoxWidget:_getNextVerticalList() local line_height = (1 + self.line_height) * self.face.size local v_list = self:_getVerticalList() local current_v_list = self:_getCurrentVerticalList() local next_v_list = {} local height = 0 if self.first_line + #current_v_list > #v_list then return current_v_list end self.virtual_line = self.first_line for i = self.first_line + #current_v_list, #v_list do if height < self.height - line_height then table.insert(next_v_list, v_list[i]) height = height + line_height self.virtual_line = self.virtual_line + 1 else break end end self.first_line = self.first_line + #current_v_list return next_v_list end function TextBoxWidget:_render(v_list) self.rendering_vlist = v_list local font_height = self.face.size local line_height_px = self.line_height * font_height local h = (font_height + line_height_px) * #v_list self._bb = Blitbuffer.new(self.width, h) self._bb:fill(Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE) local y = font_height local pen_x for _,l in ipairs(v_list) do if self.alignment == "center" then local line_len = 0 for _,w in ipairs(l) do line_len = line_len + w.width end pen_x = (self.width - line_len)/2 else pen_x = 0 end for _,w in ipairs(l) do w.box.y = y - line_height_px - font_height --@TODO Don't use kerning for monospaced fonts. (houqp) -- refert to cb25029dddc42693cc7aaefbe47e9bd3b7e1a750 in master tree RenderText:renderUtf8Text(self._bb, pen_x, y, self.face, w.word, true, self.bold, self.fgcolor) pen_x = pen_x + w.width end y = y + line_height_px + font_height end -- -- if text is shorter than one line, shrink to text's width -- if #v_list == 1 then -- self.width = pen_x -- end end function TextBoxWidget:getVirtualLineNum() return self.virtual_line end function TextBoxWidget:getAllLineCount() local v_list = self:_getVerticalList() return #v_list end function TextBoxWidget:getVisLineCount() local line_height = (1 + self.line_height) * self.face.size return math.floor(self.height / line_height) end function TextBoxWidget:scrollDown() local next_v_list = self:_getNextVerticalList() self:free() self:_render(next_v_list) end function TextBoxWidget:scrollUp() local previous_v_list = self:_getPreviousVerticalList() self:free() self:_render(previous_v_list) end function TextBoxWidget:getSize() if self.width and self.height then return Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self.height} else return Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self._bb:getHeight()} end end function TextBoxWidget:paintTo(bb, x, y) self.dimen.x, self.dimen.y = x, y bb:blitFrom(self._bb, x, y, 0, 0, self.width, self._bb:getHeight()) end function TextBoxWidget:free() if self._bb then self._bb:free() self._bb = nil end end function TextBoxWidget:onHoldWord(callback, ges) local x, y = ges.pos.x - self.dimen.x, ges.pos.y - self.dimen.y for _, l in ipairs(self.rendering_vlist) do for _, w in ipairs(l) do local box = w.box if x > box.x and x < box.x + box.w and y > box.y and y < box.y + box.h then DEBUG("found word", w, "at", x, y) if callback then callback(w.word) end break end end end return true end return TextBoxWidget