--[[ A global LRU cache ]]-- require("MD5") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local function calcFreeMem() local meminfo = io.open("/proc/meminfo", "r") local freemem = 0 if meminfo then for line in meminfo:lines() do local free, buffer, cached, n free, n = line:gsub("^MemFree:%s-(%d+) kB", "%1") if n ~= 0 then freemem = freemem + tonumber(free)*1024 end buffer, n = line:gsub("^Buffers:%s-(%d+) kB", "%1") if n ~= 0 then freemem = freemem + tonumber(buffer)*1024 end cached, n = line:gsub("^Cached:%s-(%d+) kB", "%1") if n ~= 0 then freemem = freemem + tonumber(cached)*1024 end end meminfo:close() end return freemem end local function calcCacheMemSize() local min = DGLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE_MINIMUM local max = DGLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE_MAXIMUM local calc = calcFreeMem()*(DGLOBAL_CACHE_FREE_PROPORTION or 0) return math.min(max, math.max(min, calc)) end local cache_path = lfs.currentdir().."/cache/" --[[ -- return a snapshot of disk cached items for subsequent check --]] function getDiskCache() local cached = {} for key_md5 in lfs.dir(cache_path) do local file = cache_path..key_md5 if lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "file" then cached[key_md5] = file end end return cached end local Cache = { -- cache configuration: max_memsize = calcCacheMemSize(), -- cache state: current_memsize = 0, -- associative cache cache = {}, -- this will hold the LRU order of the cache cache_order = {}, -- disk Cache snapshot cached = getDiskCache(), } function Cache:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Cache:insert(key, object) -- guarantee that we have enough memory in cache if(object.size > self.max_memsize) then -- we're not allowed to claim this much at all error("too much memory claimed") end -- delete objects that least recently used -- (they are at the end of the cache_order array) while self.current_memsize + object.size > self.max_memsize do local removed_key = table.remove(self.cache_order) self.current_memsize = self.current_memsize - self.cache[removed_key].size self.cache[removed_key]:onFree() self.cache[removed_key] = nil end -- insert new object in front of the LRU order table.insert(self.cache_order, 1, key) self.cache[key] = object self.current_memsize = self.current_memsize + object.size end --[[ -- check for cache item for key -- if ItemClass is given, disk cache is also checked. --]] function Cache:check(key, ItemClass) if self.cache[key] then if self.cache_order[1] ~= key then -- put key in front of the LRU list for k, v in ipairs(self.cache_order) do if v == key then table.remove(self.cache_order, k) end end table.insert(self.cache_order, 1, key) end return self.cache[key] elseif ItemClass then local cached = self.cached[md5(key)] if cached then local item = ItemClass:new{} local ok, msg = pcall(item.load, item, cached) if ok then self:insert(key, item) return item else DEBUG("discard cache", msg) end end end end function Cache:willAccept(size) -- we only allow single objects to fill 75% of the cache if size*4 < self.max_memsize*3 then return true end end function Cache:serialize() -- calculate disk cache size local cached_size = 0 local sorted_caches = {} for _,file in pairs(self.cached) do table.insert(sorted_caches, {file=file, time=lfs.attributes(file, "access")}) cached_size = cached_size + (lfs.attributes(file, "size") or 0) end table.sort(sorted_caches, function(v1,v2) return v1.time > v2.time end) -- serialize the most recently used cache local cache_size = 0 for _, key in ipairs(self.cache_order) do if self.cache[key].dump then cache_size = self.cache[key]:dump(cache_path..md5(key)) or 0 if cache_size > 0 then break end end end -- set disk cache the same limit as memory cache while cached_size + cache_size - self.max_memsize > 0 do -- discard the least recently used cache local discarded = table.remove(sorted_caches) cached_size = cached_size - lfs.attributes(discarded.file, "size") os.remove(discarded.file) end -- disk cache may have changes so need to refresh disk cache snapshot self.cached = getDiskCache() end -- blank the cache function Cache:clear() for k, _ in pairs(self.cache) do self.cache[k]:onFree() end self.cache = {} self.cache_order = {} self.current_memsize = 0 end return Cache