local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local ButtonDialogTitle = require("ui/widget/buttondialogtitle") local CheckButton = require("ui/widget/checkbutton") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local Device = require("device") local DeviceListener = require("device/devicelistener") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") local Event = require("ui/event") local FileChooser = require("ui/widget/filechooser") local FileManagerBookInfo = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerbookinfo") local FileManagerCollection = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagercollection") local FileManagerConverter = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerconverter") local FileManagerFileSearcher = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerfilesearcher") local FileManagerHistory = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory") local FileManagerMenu = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu") local FileManagerShortcuts = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagershortcuts") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local LanguageSupport = require("languagesupport") local MultiConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/multiconfirmbox") local PluginLoader = require("pluginloader") local ReadCollection = require("readcollection") local ReaderDeviceStatus = require("apps/reader/modules/readerdevicestatus") local ReaderDictionary = require("apps/reader/modules/readerdictionary") local ReaderWikipedia = require("apps/reader/modules/readerwikipedia") local Screenshoter = require("ui/widget/screenshoter") local TitleBar = require("ui/widget/titlebar") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local filemanagerutil = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerutil") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local BaseUtil = require("ffi/util") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local C_ = _.pgettext local N_ = _.ngettext local Screen = Device.screen local T = BaseUtil.template local FileManager = InputContainer:extend{ title = _("KOReader"), active_widgets = nil, -- array root_path = lfs.currentdir(), clipboard = nil, -- for single file operations selected_files = nil, -- for group file operations mv_bin = Device:isAndroid() and "/system/bin/mv" or "/bin/mv", cp_bin = Device:isAndroid() and "/system/bin/cp" or "/bin/cp", mkdir_bin = Device:isAndroid() and "/system/bin/mkdir" or "/bin/mkdir", } function FileManager:onSetRotationMode(rotation) if rotation ~= nil and rotation ~= Screen:getRotationMode() then Screen:setRotationMode(rotation) if FileManager.instance then self:reinit(self.path, self.focused_file) end end return true end function FileManager:onPhysicalKeyboardConnected() -- So that the key navigation shortcuts apply right away. -- This will also naturally call registerKeyEvents self:reinit(self.path, self.focused_file) end FileManager.onPhysicalKeyboardDisconnected = FileManager.onPhysicalKeyboardConnected function FileManager:setRotationMode() local locked = G_reader_settings:isTrue("lock_rotation") if not locked then local rotation_mode = G_reader_settings:readSetting("fm_rotation_mode") or Screen.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT self:onSetRotationMode(rotation_mode) end end function FileManager:initGesListener() if not Device:isTouchDevice() then return end self:registerTouchZones({ { id = "filemanager_swipe", ges = "swipe", screen_zone = { ratio_x = 0, ratio_y = 0, ratio_w = Screen:getWidth(), ratio_h = Screen:getHeight(), }, handler = function(ges) self:onSwipeFM(ges) end, }, }) end function FileManager:onSetDimensions(dimen) -- update listening according to new screen dimen if Device:isTouchDevice() then self:updateTouchZonesOnScreenResize(dimen) end end function FileManager:setupLayout() self.show_parent = self.show_parent or self self.title_bar = TitleBar:new{ fullscreen = "true", align = "center", title = self.title, title_top_padding = Screen:scaleBySize(6), subtitle = BD.directory(filemanagerutil.abbreviate(self.root_path)), subtitle_truncate_left = true, subtitle_fullwidth = true, button_padding = Screen:scaleBySize(5), left_icon = "home", left_icon_size_ratio = 1, left_icon_tap_callback = function() self:goHome() end, left_icon_hold_callback = false, -- propagate long-press to dispatcher right_icon = "plus", right_icon_size_ratio = 1, right_icon_tap_callback = function() self:onShowPlusMenu() end, right_icon_hold_callback = false, -- propagate long-press to dispatcher } local show_hidden = G_reader_settings:isTrue("show_hidden") or G_defaults:readSetting("DSHOWHIDDENFILES") local show_unsupported = G_reader_settings:isTrue("show_unsupported") local file_chooser = FileChooser:new{ -- remember to adjust the height when new item is added to the group path = self.root_path, focused_path = self.focused_file, collate = G_reader_settings:readSetting("collate") or "strcoll", reverse_collate = G_reader_settings:isTrue("reverse_collate"), show_parent = self.show_parent, show_hidden = show_hidden, width = Screen:getWidth(), height = Screen:getHeight() - self.title_bar:getHeight(), is_popout = false, is_borderless = true, has_close_button = true, show_unsupported = show_unsupported, file_filter = function(filename) if DocumentRegistry:hasProvider(filename) then return true end end, close_callback = function() return self:onClose() end, -- allow left bottom tap gesture, otherwise it is eaten by hidden return button return_arrow_propagation = true, -- allow Menu widget to delegate handling of some gestures to GestureManager filemanager = self, -- let Menu widget merge our title_bar into its own TitleBar's FocusManager layout outer_title_bar = self.title_bar, } self.file_chooser = file_chooser self.focused_file = nil -- use it only once local file_manager = self function file_chooser:onPathChanged(path) -- luacheck: ignore file_manager.title_bar:setSubTitle(BD.directory(filemanagerutil.abbreviate(path))) return true end function file_chooser:onFileSelect(file) -- luacheck: ignore if file_manager.select_mode then if file_manager.selected_files[file] then file_manager.selected_files[file] = nil else file_manager.selected_files[file] = true end self:refreshPath() else local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") ReaderUI:showReader(file) end return true end local copyFile = function(file) self:copyFile(file) end local pasteHere = function(file) self:pasteHere(file) end local cutFile = function(file) self:cutFile(file) end local deleteFile = function(file) self:deleteFile(file) end local renameFile = function(file) self:renameFile(file) end local setHome = function(path) self:setHome(path) end function file_chooser:onFileHold(file) if file_manager.select_mode then file_manager:tapPlus() else self:showFileDialog(file) end end function file_chooser:showFileDialog(file) -- luacheck: ignore local is_file = lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "file" local is_folder = lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "directory" local is_not_parent_folder = BaseUtil.basename(file) ~= ".." local buttons = { { { text = C_("File", "Copy"), enabled = is_not_parent_folder, callback = function() copyFile(file) UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }, { text = C_("File", "Paste"), enabled = file_manager.clipboard and true or false, callback = function() pasteHere(file) UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Select"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) file_manager:onToggleSelectMode(true) -- no full screen refresh if is_file then file_manager.selected_files[file] = true self:refreshPath() end end, }, }, { { text = _("Cut"), enabled = is_not_parent_folder, callback = function() cutFile(file) UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Delete"), enabled = is_not_parent_folder, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = is_file and T(_("Delete file?\n\n%1\n\nIf you delete a file, it is permanently lost."), BD.filepath(file)) or T(_("Delete folder?\n\n%1\n\nIf you delete a folder, its content is permanently lost."), BD.filepath(file)), ok_text = _("Delete"), ok_callback = function() deleteFile(file) require("readhistory"):fileDeleted(file) self:refreshPath() end, }) end, }, { text = _("Rename"), enabled = is_not_parent_folder, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) file_manager.rename_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = is_file and _("Rename file") or _("Rename folder"), input = BaseUtil.basename(file), buttons = {{ { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", enabled = true, callback = function() UIManager:close(file_manager.rename_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Rename"), enabled = true, callback = function() if file_manager.rename_dialog:getInputText() ~= "" then renameFile(file) UIManager:close(file_manager.rename_dialog) end end, }, }}, } UIManager:show(file_manager.rename_dialog) file_manager.rename_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end, } }, -- a little hack to get visual functionality grouping { }, } if is_file and Device:canExecuteScript(file) then -- NOTE: We populate the empty separator, in order not to mess with the button reordering code in CoverMenu table.insert(buttons[3], { -- @translators This is the script's programming language (e.g., shell or python) text = T(_("Execute %1 script"), util.getScriptType(file)), enabled = true, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) local script_is_running_msg = InfoMessage:new{ -- @translators %1 is the script's programming language (e.g., shell or python), %2 is the filename text = T(_("Running %1 script %2…"), util.getScriptType(file), BD.filename(BaseUtil.basename(file))), } UIManager:show(script_is_running_msg) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() local rv if Device:isAndroid() then Device:setIgnoreInput(true) rv = os.execute("sh " .. BaseUtil.realpath(file)) -- run by sh, because sdcard has no execute permissions Device:setIgnoreInput(false) else rv = os.execute(BaseUtil.realpath(file)) end UIManager:close(script_is_running_msg) if rv == 0 then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("The script exited successfully."), }) else --- @note: Lua 5.1 returns the raw return value from the os's system call. Counteract this madness. UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("The script returned a non-zero status code: %1!"), bit.rshift(rv, 8)), icon = "notice-warning", }) end end) end, } ) end if is_file then table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Reset settings"), id = "reset_settings", -- used by covermenu enabled = is_file and DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(BaseUtil.realpath(file)), callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Reset settings for this document?\n\n%1\n\nAny highlights or bookmarks will be permanently lost."), BD.filepath(file)), ok_text = _("Reset"), ok_callback = function() filemanagerutil.purgeSettings(file) require("readhistory"):fileSettingsPurged(file) self:refreshPath() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }) end, }, { text_func = function() if ReadCollection:checkItemExist(file) then return _("Remove from favorites") else return _("Add to favorites") end end, enabled = DocumentRegistry:getProviders(file) ~= nil, callback = function() if ReadCollection:checkItemExist(file) then ReadCollection:removeItem(file) else ReadCollection:addItem(file) end UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }, }) table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Open with…"), enabled = DocumentRegistry:getProviders(file) == nil or #(DocumentRegistry:getProviders(file)) > 1 or file_manager.texteditor, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) local one_time_providers = {} table.insert(one_time_providers, { provider_name = _("Text viewer"), callback = function() file_manager:openTextViewer(file) end, }) if file_manager.texteditor then table.insert(one_time_providers, { provider_name = _("Text editor"), callback = function() file_manager.texteditor:checkEditFile(file) end, }) end self:showSetProviderButtons(file, one_time_providers) end, }, { text = _("Book information"), id = "book_information", -- used by covermenu enabled = FileManagerBookInfo:isSupported(file), callback = function() FileManagerBookInfo:show(file) UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, } }) if FileManagerConverter:isSupported(file) then table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Convert"), enabled = true, callback = function() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) FileManagerConverter:showConvertButtons(file, self) end, } }) end end if is_folder then local realpath = BaseUtil.realpath(file) table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Set as HOME folder"), callback = function() setHome(realpath) UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end } }) end local title if is_folder then title = BD.directory(file:match("([^/]+)$")) else title = BD.filename(file:match("([^/]+)$")) end self.file_dialog = ButtonDialogTitle:new{ title = title, title_align = "center", buttons = buttons, } UIManager:show(self.file_dialog) return true end self.layout = VerticalGroup:new{ self.title_bar, file_chooser, } local fm_ui = FrameContainer:new{ padding = 0, bordersize = 0, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, self.layout, } self[1] = fm_ui self.menu = FileManagerMenu:new{ ui = self } self:registerKeyEvents() end function FileManager:registerKeyEvents() -- NOTE: There's no init vs. runtime distinction here, because we go through reinit at runtime. if Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events.Home = { { "Home" } } -- Override the menu.lua way of handling the back key self.file_chooser.key_events.Back = { { Device.input.group.Back } } if not Device:hasFewKeys() then -- Also remove the handler assigned to the "Back" key by menu.lua self.file_chooser.key_events.Close = nil end else self.key_events.Home = nil self.file_chooser.key_events.Back = nil self.file_chooser.key_events.Close = nil end end function FileManager:registerModule(name, ui_module, always_active) if name then self[name] = ui_module ui_module.name = "filemanager" .. name end table.insert(self, ui_module) if always_active then -- to get events even when hidden table.insert(self.active_widgets, ui_module) end end -- NOTE: The only thing that will *ever* instantiate a new FileManager object is our very own showFiles below! function FileManager:init() self:setupLayout() self.active_widgets = {} self:registerModule("screenshot", Screenshoter:new{ prefix = 'FileManager', ui = self, }, true) self:registerModule("menu", self.menu) self:registerModule("history", FileManagerHistory:new{ ui = self }) self:registerModule("collections", FileManagerCollection:new{ ui = self }) self:registerModule("filesearcher", FileManagerFileSearcher:new{ ui = self }) self:registerModule("folder_shortcuts", FileManagerShortcuts:new{ ui = self }) self:registerModule("languagesupport", LanguageSupport:new{ ui = self }) self:registerModule("dictionary", ReaderDictionary:new{ ui = self }) self:registerModule("wikipedia", ReaderWikipedia:new{ ui = self }) self:registerModule("devicestatus", ReaderDeviceStatus:new{ ui = self }) self:registerModule("devicelistener", DeviceListener:new{ ui = self }) -- koreader plugins for _, plugin_module in ipairs(PluginLoader:loadPlugins()) do if not plugin_module.is_doc_only then local ok, plugin_or_err = PluginLoader:createPluginInstance( plugin_module, { ui = self, }) -- Keep references to the modules which do not register into menu. if ok then self:registerModule(plugin_module.name, plugin_or_err) logger.dbg("FM loaded plugin", plugin_module.name, "at", plugin_module.path) end end end if Device:hasWifiToggle() then local NetworkListener = require("ui/network/networklistener") table.insert(self, NetworkListener:new{ ui = self }) end self:initGesListener() self:handleEvent(Event:new("SetDimensions", self.dimen)) -- NOTE: ReaderUI has a _getRunningInstance method for this, because it used to store the instance reference in a private module variable. if FileManager.instance == nil then logger.dbg("Spinning up new FileManager instance", tostring(self)) else -- Should never happen, given what we did in showFiles... logger.err("FileManager instance mismatch! Opened", tostring(self), "while we still have an existing instance:", tostring(FileManager.instance), debug.traceback()) end FileManager.instance = self end function FileChooser:onBack() local back_to_exit = G_reader_settings:readSetting("back_to_exit", "prompt") local back_in_filemanager = G_reader_settings:readSetting("back_in_filemanager", "default") if back_in_filemanager == "default" then if back_to_exit == "always" then return self:onClose() elseif back_to_exit == "disable" then return true elseif back_to_exit == "prompt" then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Exit KOReader?"), ok_text = _("Exit"), ok_callback = function() self:onClose() end }) return true end elseif back_in_filemanager == "parent_folder" then self:changeToPath(string.format("%s/..", self.path)) return true end end function FileManager:onSwipeFM(ges) local direction = BD.flipDirectionIfMirroredUILayout(ges.direction) if direction == "west" then self.file_chooser:onNextPage() elseif direction == "east" then self.file_chooser:onPrevPage() end return true end function FileManager:onShowPlusMenu() self:tapPlus() return true end function FileManager:onToggleSelectMode(no_refresh) logger.dbg("toggle select mode") self.select_mode = not self.select_mode self.selected_files = self.select_mode and {} or nil self.title_bar:setRightIcon(self.select_mode and "check" or "plus") if not no_refresh then self:onRefresh() end end function FileManager:tapPlus() local title, buttons if self.select_mode then local select_count = util.tableSize(self.selected_files) local actions_enabled = select_count > 0 title = actions_enabled and T(N_("1 file selected", "%1 files selected", select_count), select_count) or _("No files selected") buttons = { { { text = _("Select all files in folder"), callback = function() self.file_chooser:selectAllFilesInFolder() self:onRefresh() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Copy"), enabled = actions_enabled, callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Copy selected files to the current folder?"), ok_text = _("Copy"), ok_callback = function() self.cutfile = false for file in pairs(self.selected_files) do self.clipboard = file self:pasteHere(self.file_chooser.path) end self:onToggleSelectMode() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }) end }, }, { { text = _("Deselect all"), enabled = actions_enabled, callback = function() self.selected_files = {} self:onRefresh() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Move"), enabled = actions_enabled, callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Move selected files to the current folder?"), ok_text = _("Move"), ok_callback = function() self.cutfile = true for file in pairs(self.selected_files) do self.clipboard = file self:pasteHere(self.file_chooser.path) end self:onToggleSelectMode() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }) end }, }, { { text = _("Exit select mode"), callback = function() self:onToggleSelectMode() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Delete"), enabled = actions_enabled, callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Delete selected files?\nIf you delete a file, it is permanently lost."), ok_text = _("Delete"), ok_callback = function() local readhistory = require("readhistory") for file in pairs(self.selected_files) do self:deleteFile(file) readhistory:fileDeleted(file) end self:onToggleSelectMode() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }) end }, }, {}, { { text = _("New folder"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) self:createFolder() end, }, { text = _("Folder shortcuts"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) self:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowFolderShortcutsDialog")) end }, }, } else title = BD.dirpath(filemanagerutil.abbreviate(self.file_chooser.path)) buttons = { { { text = _("Select files"), callback = function() self:onToggleSelectMode(true) -- no full screen refresh UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }, }, { { text = _("New folder"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) self:createFolder() end, }, }, { { text = _("Paste"), enabled = self.clipboard and true or false, callback = function() self:pasteHere(self.file_chooser.path) self:onRefresh() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end, }, }, { { text = _("Set as HOME folder"), callback = function() self:setHome(self.file_chooser.path) UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end } }, { { text = _("Go to HOME folder"), callback = function() self:goHome() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end } }, { { text = _("Open random document"), callback = function() self:openRandomFile(self.file_chooser.path) UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end } }, { { text = _("Folder shortcuts"), callback = function() self:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowFolderShortcutsDialog")) UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) end } } } if Device:canImportFiles() then table.insert(buttons, 4, { { text = _("Import files here"), enabled = Device:isValidPath(self.file_chooser.path), callback = function() local current_dir = self.file_chooser.path UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) Device.importFile(current_dir) end, }, }) end if Device:hasExternalSD() then table.insert(buttons, 5, { { text_func = function() if Device:isValidPath(self.file_chooser.path) then return _("Switch to SDCard") else return _("Switch to internal storage") end end, callback = function() if Device:isValidPath(self.file_chooser.path) then local ok, sd_path = Device:hasExternalSD() UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) if ok then self.file_chooser:changeToPath(sd_path) end else UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) self.file_chooser:changeToPath(Device.home_dir) end end, }, }) end end self.file_dialog = ButtonDialogTitle:new{ title = title, title_align = "center", buttons = buttons, select_mode = self.select_mode, -- for coverbrowser } UIManager:show(self.file_dialog) end function FileManager:reinit(path, focused_file) UIManager:flushSettings() self.dimen = Screen:getSize() -- backup the root path and path items self.root_path = path or self.file_chooser.path local path_items_backup = {} for k, v in pairs(self.file_chooser.path_items) do path_items_backup[k] = v end -- reinit filemanager self.focused_file = focused_file self:setupLayout() self:handleEvent(Event:new("SetDimensions", self.dimen)) self.file_chooser.path_items = path_items_backup -- self:init() has already done file_chooser:refreshPath() -- (by virtue of rebuilding file_chooser), so this one -- looks unnecessary (cheap with classic mode, less cheap with -- CoverBrowser plugin's cover image renderings) -- self:onRefresh() if self.select_mode then self.title_bar:setRightIcon("check") end end function FileManager:getCurrentDir() if FileManager.instance then return FileManager.instance.file_chooser.path end end function FileManager:toggleHiddenFiles() self.file_chooser:toggleHiddenFiles() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("show_hidden", self.file_chooser.show_hidden) end function FileManager:toggleUnsupportedFiles() self.file_chooser:toggleUnsupportedFiles() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("show_unsupported", self.file_chooser.show_unsupported) end function FileManager:setCollate(collate) self.file_chooser:setCollate(collate) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("collate", self.file_chooser.collate) end function FileManager:toggleReverseCollate() self.file_chooser:toggleReverseCollate() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("reverse_collate", self.file_chooser.reverse_collate) end function FileManager:onClose() logger.dbg("close filemanager") PluginLoader:finalize() self:handleEvent(Event:new("SaveSettings")) G_reader_settings:flush() UIManager:close(self) return true end function FileManager:onCloseWidget() if FileManager.instance == self then logger.dbg("Tearing down FileManager", tostring(self)) else logger.warn("FileManager instance mismatch! Closed", tostring(self), "while the active one is supposed to be", tostring(FileManager.instance)) end FileManager.instance = nil end function FileManager:onShowingReader() -- Allows us to optimize out a few useless refreshes in various CloseWidgets handlers... self.tearing_down = true -- Clear the dither flag to prevent it from infecting the queue and re-inserting a full-screen refresh... self.dithered = nil self:onClose() end -- Same as above, except we don't close it yet. Useful for plugins that need to close custom Menus before calling showReader. function FileManager:onSetupShowReader() self.tearing_down = true self.dithered = nil end function FileManager:onRefresh() self.file_chooser:refreshPath() return true end function FileManager:goHome() if not self.file_chooser:goHome() then self:setHome() end return true end function FileManager:setHome(path) path = path or self.file_chooser.path UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Set '%1' as HOME folder?"), BD.dirpath(path)), ok_text = _("Set as HOME"), ok_callback = function() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("home_dir", path) end, }) return true end function FileManager:openRandomFile(dir) local random_file = DocumentRegistry:getRandomFile(dir, false) if random_file then UIManager:show(MultiConfirmBox:new { text = T(_("Do you want to open %1?"), BD.filename(BaseUtil.basename(random_file))), choice1_text = _("Open"), choice1_callback = function() local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") ReaderUI:showReader(random_file) end, -- @translators Another file. This is a button on the open random file dialog. It presents a file with the choices Open/Another. choice2_text = _("Another"), choice2_callback = function() self:openRandomFile(dir) end, }) UIManager:close(self.file_dialog) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new { text = _("File not found"), }) end end function FileManager:copyFile(file) self.cutfile = false self.clipboard = file end function FileManager:cutFile(file) self.cutfile = true self.clipboard = file end function FileManager:pasteHere(file) if self.clipboard then file = BaseUtil.realpath(file) local orig_basename = BaseUtil.basename(self.clipboard) local orig = BaseUtil.realpath(self.clipboard) local dest = lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "directory" and file or file:match("(.*/)") local function infoCopyFile() -- if we copy a file, also copy its sidecar directory if DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(orig) then BaseUtil.execute(self.cp_bin, "-r", DocSettings:getSidecarDir(orig), dest) end if BaseUtil.execute(self.cp_bin, "-r", orig, dest) ~= 0 then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new { text = T(_("Failed to copy:\n%1\nto:\n%2"), BD.filepath(orig_basename), BD.dirpath(dest)), icon = "notice-warning", }) end end local function infoMoveFile() -- if we move a file, also move its sidecar directory if DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(orig) then self:moveFile(DocSettings:getSidecarDir(orig), dest) -- dest is always a directory end if self:moveFile(orig, dest) then -- Update history and collections. local dest_file = string.format("%s/%s", dest, BaseUtil.basename(orig)) require("readhistory"):updateItemByPath(orig, dest_file) -- (will update "lastfile" if needed) ReadCollection:updateItemByPath(orig, dest_file) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new { text = T(_("Failed to move:\n%1\nto:\n%2"), BD.filepath(orig_basename), BD.dirpath(dest)), icon = "notice-warning", }) end end local info_file if self.cutfile then info_file = infoMoveFile else info_file = infoCopyFile end local basename = BaseUtil.basename(self.clipboard) local mode = lfs.attributes(string.format("%s/%s", dest, basename), "mode") if mode == "file" or mode == "directory" then local text if mode == "file" then text = T(_("File already exists:\n%1\nOverwrite file?"), BD.filename(basename)) else text = T(_("Folder already exists:\n%1\nOverwrite folder?"), BD.directory(basename)) end UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new { text = text, ok_text = _("Overwrite"), ok_callback = function() info_file() self:onRefresh() self.clipboard = nil end, }) else info_file() self:onRefresh() self.clipboard = nil end end end function FileManager:createFolder() local input_dialog, check_button_enter_folder input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("New folder"), buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(input_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Create"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() local new_folder_name = input_dialog:getInputText() if new_folder_name == "" then return end UIManager:close(input_dialog) local new_folder = string.format("%s/%s", self.file_chooser.path, new_folder_name) if BaseUtil.execute(self.mkdir_bin, new_folder) == 0 then if check_button_enter_folder.checked then self.file_chooser:changeToPath(new_folder) else self.file_chooser:refreshPath() end else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Failed to create folder:\n%1"), BD.directory(new_folder_name)), icon = "notice-warning", }) end end, }, } }, } check_button_enter_folder = CheckButton:new{ text = _("Enter folder after creation"), checked = false, parent = input_dialog, } input_dialog:addWidget(check_button_enter_folder) UIManager:show(input_dialog) input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function FileManager:deleteFile(file) local ok, err, is_dir local file_abs_path = BaseUtil.realpath(file) if file_abs_path == nil then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("File not found:\n%1"), BD.filepath(file)), icon = "notice-warning", }) return end local is_doc = DocumentRegistry:hasProvider(file_abs_path) if lfs.attributes(file_abs_path, "mode") == "file" then ok, err = os.remove(file_abs_path) else ok, err = BaseUtil.purgeDir(file_abs_path) is_dir = true end if ok and not err then if is_doc then local doc_settings = DocSettings:open(file) -- remove cache if any local cache_file_path = doc_settings:readSetting("cache_file_path") if cache_file_path then os.remove(cache_file_path) end doc_settings:purge() end ReadCollection:removeItemByPath(file, is_dir) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Failed to delete:\n%1"), BD.filepath(file)), icon = "notice-warning", }) end end function FileManager:renameFile(file) local basename = self.rename_dialog:getInputText() if BaseUtil.basename(file) ~= basename then local dest = BaseUtil.joinPath(BaseUtil.dirname(file), basename) local function doRenameFile() if self:moveFile(file, dest) then require("readhistory"):updateItemByPath(file, dest) -- (will update "lastfile" if needed) ReadCollection:updateItemByPath(file, dest) if lfs.attributes(dest, "mode") == "file" then local doc = require("docsettings") local move_history = true if lfs.attributes(doc:getHistoryPath(file), "mode") == "file" and not self:moveFile(doc:getHistoryPath(file), doc:getHistoryPath(dest)) then move_history = false end if lfs.attributes(doc:getSidecarDir(file), "mode") == "directory" and not self:moveFile(doc:getSidecarDir(file), doc:getSidecarDir(dest)) then move_history = false end if not move_history then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Renamed file:\n%1\nto:\n%2\n\nFailed to move history data.\nThe reading history may be lost."), BD.filepath(file), BD.filepath(dest)), icon = "notice-warning", }) end end else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Failed to rename:\n%1\nto:\n%2"), BD.filepath(file), BD.filepath(dest)), icon = "notice-warning", }) end end local mode_dest = lfs.attributes(dest, "mode") local mode_file = lfs.attributes(file, "mode") if mode_dest then local text, ok_text if mode_dest ~= mode_file then if mode_file == "file" then text = T(_("Folder already exists:\n%1\nFile cannot be renamed."), BD.directory(basename)) else text = T(_("File already exists:\n%1\nFolder cannot be renamed."), BD.filename(basename)) end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new { text = text, icon = "notice-warning", }) else if mode_file == "file" then text = T(_("File already exists:\n%1\nOverwrite file?"), BD.filename(basename)) ok_text = _("Overwrite") else text = T(_("Folder already exists:\n%1\nMove the folder inside it?"), BD.directory(basename)) ok_text = _("Move") end UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new { text = text, ok_text = ok_text, ok_callback = function() doRenameFile() self:onRefresh() end, }) end else doRenameFile() self:onRefresh() end end end function FileManager:getSortingMenuTable() local fm = self local collates = { strcoll = {_("filename"), _("Sort by filename")}, natural = {_("natural"), _("Sort by filename (natural sorting)")}, strcoll_mixed = {_("name mixed"), _("Sort by name – mixed files and folders")}, access = {_("date read"), _("Sort by last read date")}, change = {_("date added"), _("Sort by date added")}, modification = {_("date modified"), _("Sort by date modified")}, size = {_("size"), _("Sort by size")}, type = {_("type"), _("Sort by type")}, percent_unopened_first = {_("percent – unopened first"), _("Sort by percent – unopened first")}, percent_unopened_last = {_("percent – unopened last"), _("Sort by percent – unopened last")}, } local set_collate_table = function(collate) return { text = collates[collate][2], checked_func = function() return fm.file_chooser.collate == collate end, callback = function() fm:setCollate(collate) end, } end local get_collate_percent = function() local collate_type = G_reader_settings:readSetting("collate") if collate_type == "percent_unopened_first" or collate_type == "percent_unopened_last" then return collates[collate_type][2] else return _("Sort by percent") end end return { text_func = function() return T( _("Sort by: %1"), collates[fm.file_chooser.collate][1] ) end, sub_item_table = { set_collate_table("strcoll"), set_collate_table("natural"), set_collate_table("strcoll_mixed"), set_collate_table("access"), set_collate_table("change"), set_collate_table("modification"), set_collate_table("size"), set_collate_table("type"), { text_func = get_collate_percent, checked_func = function() return fm.file_chooser.collate == "percent_unopened_first" or fm.file_chooser.collate == "percent_unopened_last" end, sub_item_table = { set_collate_table("percent_unopened_first"), set_collate_table("percent_unopened_last"), } }, } } end function FileManager:getStartWithMenuTable() local start_with_setting = G_reader_settings:readSetting("start_with") or "filemanager" local start_withs = { filemanager = {_("file browser"), _("Start with file browser")}, history = {_("history"), _("Start with history")}, favorites = {_("favorites"), _("Start with favorites")}, folder_shortcuts = {_("folder shortcuts"), _("Start with folder shortcuts")}, last = {_("last file"), _("Start with last file")}, } local set_sw_table = function(start_with) return { text = start_withs[start_with][2], checked_func = function() return start_with_setting == start_with end, callback = function() start_with_setting = start_with G_reader_settings:saveSetting("start_with", start_with) end, } end return { text_func = function() return T( _("Start with: %1"), start_withs[start_with_setting][1] ) end, sub_item_table = { set_sw_table("filemanager"), set_sw_table("history"), set_sw_table("favorites"), set_sw_table("folder_shortcuts"), set_sw_table("last"), } } end --- @note: This is the *only* safe way to instantiate a new FileManager instance! function FileManager:showFiles(path, focused_file) -- Warn about and close any pre-existing FM instances first... if FileManager.instance then logger.warn("FileManager instance mismatch! Tried to spin up a new instance, while we still have an existing one:", tostring(FileManager.instance)) -- Close the old one first! FileManager.instance:onClose() end path = path or G_reader_settings:readSetting("lastdir") or filemanagerutil.getDefaultDir() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("lastdir", path) self:setRotationMode() local file_manager = FileManager:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), covers_fullscreen = true, -- hint for UIManager:_repaint() root_path = path, focused_file = focused_file, } UIManager:show(file_manager) end function FileManager:openTextViewer(file_path) local function _openTextViewer(filepath) local file = io.open(filepath, "rb") if not file then return end local file_content = file:read("*all") file:close() UIManager:show(require("ui/widget/textviewer"):new{ title = filepath, title_multilines = true, justified = false, text = file_content, }) end local attr = lfs.attributes(file_path) if attr then if attr.size > 400000 then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("This file is %2:\n\n%1\n\nAre you sure you want to open it?\n\nOpening big files may take some time."), BD.filepath(file_path), util.getFriendlySize(attr.size)), ok_text = _("Open"), ok_callback = function() _openTextViewer(file_path) end, }) else _openTextViewer(file_path) end end end --- A shortcut to execute mv. -- @treturn boolean result of mv command function FileManager:moveFile(from, to) return BaseUtil.execute(self.mv_bin, from, to) == 0 end --- A shortcut to execute cp. -- @treturn boolean result of cp command function FileManager:copyFileFromTo(from, to) return BaseUtil.execute(self.cp_bin, from, to) == 0 end --- A shortcut to execute cp recursively. -- @treturn boolean result of cp command function FileManager:copyRecursive(from, to) return BaseUtil.execute(self.cp_bin, "-r", from, to ) == 0 end function FileManager:onHome() return self:goHome() end function FileManager:onRefreshContent() self:onRefresh() end return FileManager