require("commonrequire") local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") local DEBUG = require("dbg") describe("Readertoc module", function() local sample_epub = "spec/front/unit/data/juliet.epub" local readerui = ReaderUI:new{ document = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(sample_epub), } local toc = readerui.toc local toc_max_depth = nil it("should get max toc depth", function() toc_max_depth = toc:getMaxDepth() assert.are.same(2, toc_max_depth) end) it("should get toc title from page", function() local title = toc:getTocTitleByPage(54) --DEBUG("toc", toc.toc) assert(title == "Prologue") local title = toc:getTocTitleByPage(162) assert(title == "SCENE IV. Hall in Capulet's house.") end) describe("getTocTicks API", function() local ticks_level_0 = nil it("should get ticks of level 0", function() ticks_level_0 = toc:getTocTicks(0) --DEBUG("ticks", ticks_level_0) assert.are.same(28, #ticks_level_0) end) local ticks_level_1 = nil it("should get ticks of level 1", function() ticks_level_1 = toc:getTocTicks(1) assert.are.same(7, #ticks_level_1) end) local ticks_level_2 = nil it("should get ticks of level 2", function() ticks_level_2 = toc:getTocTicks(2) assert.are.same(26, #ticks_level_2) end) local ticks_level_m1 = nil it("should get ticks of level -1", function() ticks_level_m1 = toc:getTocTicks(-1) assert.are.same(26, #ticks_level_m1) end) it("should get the same ticks of level -1 and level 2", function() if toc_max_depth == 2 then assert.are.same(ticks_level_2, ticks_level_m1) end end) end) it("should get page of next chapter", function() assert.are.same(23, toc:getNextChapter(10, 0)) assert.are.same(112, toc:getNextChapter(100, 0)) assert.are.same(nil, toc:getNextChapter(200, 0)) end) it("should get page of previous chapter", function() assert.are.same(8, toc:getPreviousChapter(10, 0)) assert.are.same(99, toc:getPreviousChapter(100, 0)) assert.are.same(181, toc:getPreviousChapter(200, 0)) end) it("should get page left of chapter", function() assert.are.same(12, toc:getChapterPagesLeft(10, 0)) assert.are.same(11, toc:getChapterPagesLeft(100, 0)) assert.are.same(nil, toc:getChapterPagesLeft(200, 0)) end) it("should get page done of chapter", function() assert.are.same(2, toc:getChapterPagesDone(10, 0)) assert.are.same(1, toc:getChapterPagesDone(100, 0)) assert.are.same(19, toc:getChapterPagesDone(200, 0)) end) describe("collasible TOC", function() it("should collapse the secondary toc nodes by default", function() toc:onShowToc() assert.are.same(7, #toc.collapsed_toc) end) it("should not expand toc nodes that have no child nodes", function() toc:expandToc(2) assert.are.same(7, #toc.collapsed_toc) end) it("should expand toc nodes that have child nodes", function() toc:expandToc(3) assert.are.same(13, #toc.collapsed_toc) toc:expandToc(18) assert.are.same(18, #toc.collapsed_toc) end) it("should collapse toc nodes that have been expanded", function() toc:collapseToc(3) assert.are.same(12, #toc.collapsed_toc) toc:collapseToc(18) assert.are.same(7, #toc.collapsed_toc) end) end) end)