require("commonrequire") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local HTTPClient = require("httpclient") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local md5 = require("MD5") --DEBUG:turnOn() local service = [[ { "base_url" : "", "name" : "api", "methods" : { "register" : { "path" : "/users/create", "method" : "POST", "required_params" : [ "username", "password", ], "payload" : [ "username", "password", ], "expected_status" : [201, 402] }, "authorize" : { "path" : "/users/auth", "method" : "GET", "expected_status" : [200, 401] }, "update_progress" : { "path" : "/syncs/progress", "method" : "PUT", "required_params" : [ "document", "progress", "percentage", "device", ], "payload" : [ "document", "progress", "percentage", "device", ], "expected_status" : [200, 202, 401] }, "get_progress" : { "path" : "/syncs/progress/:document", "method" : "GET", "required_params" : [ "document", ], "expected_status" : [200, 401] }, } } ]] describe("KOSync modules #notest #nocov", function() local Spore = require("Spore") local client = Spore.new_from_string(service) package.loaded['Spore.Middleware.GinClient'] = {} require('Spore.Middleware.GinClient').call = function(self, req) req.headers['accept'] = "application/vnd.koreader.v1+json" end package.loaded['Spore.Middleware.KOSyncAuth'] = {} require('Spore.Middleware.KOSyncAuth').call = function(args, req) req.headers['x-auth-user'] = args.username req.headers['x-auth-key'] = args.userkey end -- password should be hashed before submitting to server local username, password = "koreader", md5:sum("koreader") -- fake progress data local doc, percentage, progress, device = "41cce710f34e5ec21315e19c99821415", -- fast digest of the document 0.356, -- percentage of the progress "69", -- page number or xpointer "my kpw" -- device name it("should create new user", function() client:reset_middlewares() client:enable('Format.JSON') client:enable("GinClient") local ok, res = pcall(function() return client:register({ username = username, password = password, }) end) if ok then if res.status == 200 then DEBUG("register successful to ", res.body.username) elseif res.status == 402 then DEBUG("register unsuccessful: ", res.body.message) end else DEBUG("Please retry later", res) end end) it("should authorize user", function() client:reset_middlewares() client:enable('Format.JSON') client:enable("GinClient") client:enable("KOSyncAuth", { username = username, userkey = password, }) local ok, res = pcall(function() return client:authorize() end) if ok then if res.status == 200 then assert.are.same("OK", res.body.authorized) else DEBUG(res.body) end else DEBUG("Please retry later", res) end end) it("should update progress", function() client:reset_middlewares() client:enable('Format.JSON') client:enable("GinClient") client:enable("KOSyncAuth", { username = username, userkey = password, }) local ok, res = pcall(function() return client:update_progress({ document = doc, progress = progress, percentage = percentage, device = device, }) end) if ok then if res.status == 200 then local result = res.body assert.are.same(progress, result.progress) assert.are.same(percentage, result.percentage) assert.are.same(device, result.device) else DEBUG(res.body.message) end else DEBUG("Please retry later", res) end end) it("should get progress", function() client:reset_middlewares() client:enable('Format.JSON') client:enable("GinClient") client:enable("KOSyncAuth", { username = username, userkey = password, }) local ok, res = pcall(function() return client:get_progress({ document = doc, }) end) if ok then if res.status == 200 then local result = res.body assert.are.same(progress, result.progress) assert.are.same(percentage, result.percentage) assert.are.same(device, result.device) else DEBUG(res.body.message) end else DEBUG("Please retry later", res) end end) end)