require "ui/geometry" require "ui/device" require "ui/inputevent" require "ui/widget" require "ui/screen" require "settings" -- for DEBUG(), TODO: put DEBUG() somewhere else -- initialize the input handling Input:init() -- there is only one instance of this UIManager = { -- change this to set refresh type for next refresh refresh_type = 1, -- defaults to 1 initially and will be set to 1 after each refresh _running = true, _window_stack = {}, _execution_stack = {}, _dirty = {} } -- register & show a widget function UIManager:show(widget, x, y) -- put widget on top of stack table.insert(self._window_stack, {x = x or 0, y = y or 0, widget = widget}) -- and schedule it to be painted self:setDirty(widget) -- tell the widget that it is shown now widget:handleEvent(Event:new("Show")) end -- unregister a widget function UIManager:close(widget) local dirty = false for i = #self._window_stack, 1, -1 do if self._window_stack[i].widget == widget then table.remove(self._window_stack, i) dirty = true break end end if dirty then -- schedule remaining widgets to be painted for i = 1, #self._window_stack do self:setDirty(self._window_stack[i].widget) end end end -- schedule an execution task function UIManager:schedule(time, action) table.insert(self._execution_stack, { time = time, action = action }) end -- schedule task in a certain amount of seconds (fractions allowed) from now function UIManager:scheduleIn(seconds, action) local when = { util.gettime() } local s = math.floor(seconds) local usecs = (seconds - s) * 1000000 when[1] = when[1] + s when[2] = when[2] + usecs if when[2] > 1000000 then when[1] = when[1] + 1 when[2] = when[2] - 1000000 end self:schedule(when, action) end -- register a widget to be repainted function UIManager:setDirty(widget, refresh_type) if not refresh_type then refresh_type = "full" elseif refresh_type == 0 then refresh_type = "full" elseif refresh_type == 1 then refresh_type = "partial" end self._dirty[widget] = refresh_type end -- signal to quit function UIManager:quit() self._running = false end -- transmit an event to registered widgets function UIManager:sendEvent(event) -- top level widget has first access to the event local consumed = self._window_stack[#self._window_stack].widget:handleEvent(event) -- if the event is not consumed, always-active widgets can access it for _, widget in ipairs(self._window_stack) do if consumed then break end if widget.widget.is_always_active then consumed = widget.widget:handleEvent(event) end end end -- this is the main loop of the UI controller -- it is intended to manage input events and delegate -- them to dialogs function UIManager:run() self._running = true while self._running do local now = { util.gettime() } -- check if we have timed events in our queue and search next one local wait_until = nil local all_tasks_checked repeat all_tasks_checked = true for i = #self._execution_stack, 1, -1 do local task = self._execution_stack[i] if not task.time or task.time[1] < now[1] or task.time[1] == now[1] and task.time[2] < now[2] then -- task is pending to be executed right now. do it. task.action() -- and remove from table table.remove(self._execution_stack, i) -- start loop again, since new tasks might be on the -- queue now all_tasks_checked = false elseif not wait_until or wait_until[1] > task.time[1] or wait_until[1] == task.time[1] and wait_until[2] > task.time[2] then -- task is to be run in the future _and_ is scheduled -- earlier than the tasks we looked at already -- so adjust to the currently examined task instead. wait_until = task.time end end until all_tasks_checked --DEBUG("---------------------------------------------------") --DEBUG("exec stack", self._execution_stack) --DEBUG("window stack", self._window_stack) --DEBUG("dirty stack", self._dirty) --DEBUG("---------------------------------------------------") -- stop when we have no window to show (bug) if #self._window_stack == 0 then error("no dialog left to show, would loop endlessly") end -- repaint dirty widgets local dirty = false local update_area = Geom:new{} for _, widget in ipairs(self._window_stack) do if self._dirty[widget.widget] then widget_dimen = widget.widget:getSize() if widget_dimen then widget_area = Geom:new{ x = widget.x, y = widget.y, w = widget_dimen.w, h = widget_dimen.h} update_area = update_area:combine(widget_area) end widget.widget:paintTo(, widget.x, widget.y) if self._dirty[widget.widget] == "full" then self.refresh_type = 0 end -- and remove from list after painting self._dirty[widget.widget] = nil -- trigger repaint dirty = true end end -- @TODO make use of update_area on refresh 19.06 2012 (houqp) --DEBUG(update_area) if dirty then -- refresh FB Screen.fb:refresh(self.refresh_type) -- TODO: refresh explicitly only repainted area -- reset refresh_type self.refresh_type = 1 end -- wait for next event -- note that we will skip that if in the meantime we have tasks that are ready to run local input_event = nil if not wait_until then -- no pending task, wait endlessly input_event = Input:waitEvent() elseif wait_until[1] > now[1] or wait_until[1] == now[1] and wait_until[2] > now[2] then local wait_for = { s = wait_until[1] - now[1], us = wait_until[2] - now[2] } if < 0 then wait_for.s = wait_for.s - 1 = 1000000 + end -- wait until next task is pending input_event = Input:waitEvent(, wait_for.s) end -- delegate input_event to handler if input_event then self:sendEvent(input_event) end end end