local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local Screen = require("device").screen local Device = require("device") local util = require("ffi/util") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local _ = require("gettext") local ffi = require("ffi") ffi.cdef[[ int strcoll (const char *str1, const char *str2); ]] -- string sort function respecting LC_COLLATE local function strcoll(str1, str2) return ffi.C.strcoll(str1, str2) < 0 end local FileChooser = Menu:extend{ no_title = true, path = lfs.currentdir(), parent = nil, show_hidden = nil, filter = function(filename) return true end, exclude_dirs = {"%.sdr$"}, strcoll = strcoll, collate = "strcoll", -- or collate = "access", reverse_collate = false, path_items = {}, -- store last browsed location(item index) for each path } function FileChooser:init() self.width = Screen:getWidth() -- common dir filter self.dir_filter = function(dirname) for _, pattern in ipairs(self.exclude_dirs) do if dirname:match(pattern) then return end end return true end -- circumvent string collating in Kobo devices. See issue koreader/koreader#686 if Device:isKobo() then self.strcoll = function(a, b) return a < b end end self.item_table = self:genItemTableFromPath(self.path) Menu.init(self) -- call parent's init() end function FileChooser:genItemTableFromPath(path) local dirs = {} local files = {} -- lfs.dir directory without permission will give error local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, self.path) if ok then for f in iter, dir_obj do if self.show_hidden or not string.match(f, "^%.[^.]") then local filename = self.path.."/"..f local attributes = lfs.attributes(filename) if attributes.mode == "directory" and f ~= "." and f~=".." then if self.dir_filter(filename) then table.insert(dirs, {name = f, attr = attributes}) end elseif attributes.mode == "file" then if self.file_filter(filename) then table.insert(files, {name = f, attr = attributes}) end end end end end local sorting = nil local reverse = self.reverse_collate if self.collate == "strcoll" then if DALPHA_SORT_CASE_INSENSITIVE then sorting = function(a, b) return self.strcoll(string.lower(a.name), string.lower(b.name)) == not reverse end else sorting = function(a, b) return self.strcoll(a.name, b.name) == not reverse end end elseif self.collate == "access" then sorting = function(a, b) if reverse then return a.attr.access < b.attr.access else return a.attr.access > b.attr.access end end end table.sort(dirs, sorting) if path ~= "/" then table.insert(dirs, 1, {name = ".."}) end table.sort(files, sorting) local item_table = {} for i, dir in ipairs(dirs) do local path = self.path.."/"..dir.name local items = 0 local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, path) if ok then for f in iter, dir_obj do items = items + 1 end -- exclude "." and ".." items = items - 2 end local istr = util.template( items == 0 and _("0 items") or items == 1 and _("1 item") or _("%1 items"), items) table.insert(item_table, { text = dir.name.."/", mandatory = istr, path = path }) end for _, file in ipairs(files) do local full_path = self.path.."/"..file.name local file_size = lfs.attributes(full_path, "size") or 0 local sstr = "" if file_size > 1024*1024 then sstr = string.format("%4.1f MB", file_size/1024/1024) elseif file_size > 1024 then sstr = string.format("%4.1f KB", file_size/1024) else sstr = string.format("%d B", file_size) end table.insert(item_table, { text = file.name, mandatory = sstr, path = full_path }) end -- lfs.dir iterated node string may be encoded with some weird codepage on Windows -- we need to encode them to utf-8 if ffi.os == "Windows" then for k, v in pairs(item_table) do if v.text then v.text = util.multiByteToUTF8(v.text) or "" end end end return item_table end function FileChooser:updateItems(select_number) Menu.updateItems(self, select_number) -- call parent's updateItems() self.path_items[self.path] = (self.page - 1) * self.perpage + (select_number or 1) end function FileChooser:refreshPath() self:swithItemTable(nil, self:genItemTableFromPath(self.path), self.path_items[self.path]) end function FileChooser:changeToPath(path) path = util.realpath(path) self.path = path self:refreshPath() end function FileChooser:toggleHiddenFiles() self.show_hidden = not self.show_hidden self:refreshPath() end function FileChooser:setCollate(collate) self.collate = collate self:refreshPath() end function FileChooser:toggleReverseCollate() self.reverse_collate = not self.reverse_collate self:refreshPath() end function FileChooser:onMenuSelect(item) -- parent directory of dir without permission get nil mode -- we need to change to parent path in this case if lfs.attributes(item.path, "mode") == "file" then self:onFileSelect(item.path) else self:changeToPath(item.path) end return true end function FileChooser:onMenuHold(item) self:onFileHold(item.path) return true end function FileChooser:onFileSelect(file) UIManager:close(self) return true end function FileChooser:onFileHold(file) return true end return FileChooser